Fall in love with Green-Green
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 October 2013 at 12:07 AM

Love is feeling associates with people. Butit makes broad minding as a main character so love could be with everything surrounds you. I fall in love with green, green bamboo and jade waters of TianTai mauntains. Such a divine beauty, so elegant, so perfect.

I could spent ages just starring how bamboo growth, how it rustles playing wth winds and how waterfalls caress my eyes with streams comed down making it`s journey.. From mountains to sea it flows, this is the greatest symbol of life itself and about mind and spirit in search.

May be that is the reason I love mauntains with waterfalls and sea? On that picture you can see one of the TianTai buddhist monasteries. If I could to stay here I would do it. But everyone has own duty and place for activity. I dreamed about such places during my childhood and yourth but not I completely accepted my role. I stay in social life and do my best with all of my ossibilities to make progress. May be after all… May be I will be free when I finish it? If I  be lucky it will be.

That time I had no possibilities to stay here for a long time. I was with my idea to shoot a film, fith my camera, doing duty, thinking how to direct the film best and what position I must take for it. Too much for one person so no really free time to feel the plece, divine music so gentle you can`t listen without total silence.

But when I had returned home I realized myself with the desire to feel things I had passed.

Then I started a small magic which can overcome space and time.

I tryed to fix it by simplified laguage.
That sketch I did by memory 12 days after I was in the temple.
I have a vision about seria of paintings I want to do, I want it as fast as it possible but it will be not today, not tomorrow too… one day it will be.





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