Doing new things for the sake of new films
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 November 2013 at 12:03 PM

Creation takes energy, creation gives energy more. This is the characteristic if you connect with true natural power forms everything instead of connection with own ego. However for human beings creation has the price.

What is it? How it works?

When you start to raise creation more and more as a scientist or artist it is possible to be separated from people. It is better sometimes. Roses never flowers on roads, fine things needs to be alone to allow intimacy coming.

But when a project comes to the stage to serve human society - the next stage after pure creation and investigation, you can found more energy losses then expected.

It comes to me now. I prepared to open my YOuTube channel, built strategy at least for an year, shoot matherials for 7-10 films and made concept screenplays for it. Now everything I want to paint I start to think how to film it.

It is exciting.

It is exhausting.

It is the future I want to create.

Let`s dream what it could be.

I perfectly know how healing creation could be. My experience to teach people from bank management, another business, students, moms, children - everything prove the method of teaching and method of knowledge is right.

We all can use that power to express our feelings, to resolve problems, to understand what is the place we occupied in the world and how to go ahead. Business problems could be more understandable and so be resolved by scribing. I use scribing more then 15 years and teach people. So this is the information personalized in me and I want to share it with all people need it.

During the process I have to sreate many things for it. I`ve just finished to make new construction for my big lamps and orient light perfectle to the painting. It is the step forward too. So important so I am happy to do it. Now every drawing and every big painting can be shoot good. What was the reason to separate such two processes?

Because drawings I do in special place, my Bamboo cabinet.

Big painting I do in big room I use to watch movie with friends, also for yoga practice. This is completely different styles of perception so I needed to create mobile set of light.

The shoot process directing for 2 cameras simultaneously to make future films more interesting with more details.

Oh! So many things! I feel tired. I want to go to aquapark but have no time for it. Hopes it will be in Friday!

Water is the sourse of relaxation so I have one small pool in my Bamboo cabinet to relax my eyes.

It works so good so I can recommend such practice for those hard workers who desire refresh their minds to keep going.

Thank you for your kind attention! Hopes see you again!





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