China Adventure: TianTai Buddhist Temple-3
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 October 2013 at 06:52 AM No comments

TianTai Buddhist temple was one of the most impressive places I`ve ever seen. So fine shadows of green, gray, and shining of waters! I wished to stay here for a month, without any technical devices, just with my brushes.

That visit I dedicated to work, to shoot film and fotos, so I had no really meditative time being alone. Hopes it will be possible once in future! But I forced my mind to fix all features in strange archivation mood I developed in my past. It allows to suck in information without loosing time to feel it. I developed that style as a tool in dark times when books are forbidden or unawailable, so when I was lucky to borrow one to one night I must read it at all in order return for tomorrow. Not a plrasant thing but a good tool to pack information quickly and unpack it later whereever I want.

So I do it now observing my pictires. Let`s go!

Persons who invented the structure and architecture of Buddhists temples was genious. So fine harmony and balance represents their spirit and balance. Such environment support such feelings in other people who could see it not only by eyes.

Just feel it rhytm.

Sharp: leaves of the trees in it`s motion. Sharp: ends of roofs as silhouettes on clear sky.

Stream of lines goes down: columns slightly scratched by time, tile slightly touched by moss. It`s general lines drain down to the temple`s yard.

Square straight lines of the yard  are softened by bindweeds like a smooth waterfall washes from walls. Round stone seats stands in seeming disorder creates new rhytm, dancing of stable stone shapes and moving shadows of trees. Just try to feel it, stability and constant movement, and when it happens you will feel the rest, true rest in eye of storm.

This is the essence of meditation.

That`s why people comes here from big citis to meditate.

On the top of the complex I founded stone garden. This is no common points with math regularity of Japanese Stone gardens. Everything in TianTai temple looks so natural so seems accidentally dropped stones for untrained eyes. You hardly find a system in it when you try to found similarity. It was done by feeling rhytm.

Look to the picture: round shape of artificial well (it is only 50 cm depth) underlines sharp stones. Horizontal edges of stones accompany vertical shapes. All stones looks a pieces of rocks dragged by snows or waterflood in ancient times. But it was placed here by human hands. This is the high level of feelings being in resonance with vibrations of everything.

Unreal athmosphere of that place produced by games of sun light and how it was filtered by green leaves. So everything drowned in mystic jelly of green light. Rounded shapes of stones and moss on it`s surface, moss on the bottom of walls, and green grass about it. It represents temporary things dancing on the background of Ethernity.

Well, this is just my shadow on the corner of walls, not less and not more.

Thank you for being with me! I will show you more in next posts!

Your power to handle a crisis
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 October 2013 at 06:34 AM No comments

Crisis is not something rare as a comet in the dark ages.  We listen the word "crisis" more frequemtly, also internal crisises accompany us as signs our growth. Sometimes we can feel ourselves snatched with harsh necessity of circumstances without our will or fault.

Our world turns faster, new generations growth with unlimited Internet access and iPhone since they are 8 months old (it is real in Japan).

But not the whole world lives with such speed. So subsystems develops in different speed having different features and we feel it as a stress, crisis etc. We should understand it in order to overcome better way, even to growth to the best. It is possible!

Actually every person do it in own manner.

That post I want to point several features of a crisis and at the end to throw you to the new Ichak Adizes`s article which explain how a Government could raise innovations during crisis and so handle it.

Let`s start from my side.

First thing in crisis is very personal. Even if we speak about nations, it consists from persons, people who make private decisions.

I overcame several big crisises in the country when government abandoned people and cared to own profit as well, sometimes crisises seemed artificial.

Also I was a witness of several crisises in business, from world 2008 to smallest ones. In my personal life I had several big and uncounted amount of middle and small crisises so feel myself experienced in that field.

Every time I founded ways to handle it and then to move to high level of personality, profession, also spiritually and financially too.

It is possible to everyone.

That`s why I start my new education project with YouTube, it will be announced later. Now I would like to show several important things about crisis.

The first thing is feeling of immobility.

Something happened. Yesterday passed away. Tomorrow will never be the same. This is the fact. Start from it.

Unfortunately in common situation we found a crisis being in crisis by ourselvs. The moment of immobility frequently comes covered by chaotic thoughts, movements of surrounding people and information. To found ourselves stuck with  mazement, being uncertain what to do and how to react is important. Because that way we reduce the risk to be cought by panic and wrong information couses wrong movements. The same thing recommends to people in swamp: be calm. don`t  dabble. The same for people who is taking away by reverse sea waves.

The next thing is to overcome feeling of failure, fault and internal dialog. You shoud make a small movements instead being rather immobilized just to have a breath of fresh air.

That`s important - to make that movement in full consciousness. That way our sunconsciousness stops to increase crisis and turns to mobilize our inner resourses to found the way.

You know our intuition is the intergation of smallest parts of our own and total human experience locked in our subconsciousness and collective unconsciousness. When people are cought by panic they come to big losses, even to death. The best example is statistics about sea shipwrecks: 90% of death causes by panic, not by situation itself.

When you starts to be an observer of own internal movements you will found how panic raises and then get away like a sea wave. Then you will found something interesting and new nobody realize being in panic. The turbid wave of death movements get back and you will foung shells, cristals, chests and another unusual things it droped to your seashore. Such things enrich your innovations and turns it to growth.

zyou can use unusual tools to fix your ideas. It is important because new way in crisis is actually like above reasons of crisis. That`s why you will use power of changes to rebuild yourself.

Just to myself I invented new language to work with crisise includes sketching, mind mapping and several special technigues. It works brilliant so I desided to make it public in nearest future because it seems many people are able to use it for the best.

That picture I got my mood in nearly-crisis situation and then came to conclusions.

It represents how to be out of intrusive thoughts about how things comes and clear the new way.

Then it will be the time to invent new things< open new ways, new strategy, also growth with own potential to actual deeds.

This stage is to turn interpreneur spirit works.

It needs free energy and other resourses. If you comes to that  stage after previous two, you will founr everything you need. First it will be just the internal power and will. Then you will feel the way. Then it will be more clear understanding and more resourses. If that crisis is not an internal one, hidden inside, people about starts to feel you direction and support you. Sometimes you can growth a new project more brilliant by crisis then without it, because of new ways and innovations you can develop.

Raise and go!

I would like to finish my post with recite of Dr.Adizes`s fresh article "Crisis, Innovation and Entrepreneurship"

"Crisis comes from the Greek language, and it means-I find this interesting-that it is time to do something different. In Hebrew, the word for crisis is mashber, which comes from the root “something broke up.” Same is true for the meaning of the word in Chinese.

 There is a common denominator here: crisis means that whatever we have had until now does not work anymore, and it is time to do something else, and differently.

 Innovation by definition, means doing something different, something new.

 Therefore, crisis provides a perfect environment for innovation; it offers us a chance to come up with fresh and different ways to satisfy an old or a new need."

Read full article "Crisis, Innovation and Entrepreneurship" by Dr.Ichak Adizes in his blog

China Adventure: TianTai Buddhist Temple-2
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 October 2013 at 07:30 AM No comments

TianTai Buddhist Temple forms a village around it includes hotels, fields and houses. I was told that temple and monastery has a considerable influence to the Chinese society because of it`s history and buddhist`s school. So it is a lot of piligrims in special days.

The picture above shows the central chancel: Buddha in the centre represents by two statues. The big gold represents the Enlighting One in his classical posture of meditation and two devotees guard him. The white small statue represents the Compassion to the world and Buddha`s oath to help every person who needs is. The whole altar group designed the way people could feel both the high will and attention to the particular person.

We was lucky to visit thet place 2 days before the Middle Autumn Festival so we had our space to think and saw in quiet. That seria of pictures show what`s inside the temple. There are several pavilions on the territory of the temlpe rounds by wall. Every pavilion dedicate for different purposes with special environment inside.

You can see statues of Buddha`s students here on the picture. Every figure has an individual features such as posture, hand`s gestures, face expressions. Although all figures has the same sitting position (the same as Buddha) they seems lively and different from each others. All statues is bigger then human size. A big gold-yellow  construction seems the same as China Emperior`s baldachin.

That Boddhisattva sits on a lion and holds a rod with the same fitures (top, angles) as Chinese traditional Wish Fulfilment staff.

Chinese "lions" is one of the most interesting thing in sculptures. They looks so lively and funny, with so unaffected expression on faces so represents a contrast to classical expression of saints. During thet Chinese Adventure period I catched a thought that we, europeans, could have very different understanding of chinese lion`s (also tigers and others predators) expression. May be they represents straight, sometimes aggression (tigers) of they are a guardians. But I stuck with association with pekines,  small funny brave dogs, which has the same faces and same expressions sometimes.

With all respect that one lion represents on the picture in my mind sounds the voice of the Wolf in "Shrek-I" animation.


This is Guan In - the First Buddha Avalokiteshvara feminized in China into beautiful image.

I was lucky to saw monks of thet temple. You can see a high rank buddhists prist with his uniform.

Next post I will publish pictures about environment of the Temple, so peaceful and beautiful.

Thank you for being with me!

What`s a problem to make good decision in our fast times?
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 October 2013 at 05:17 AM No comments

WE all lives in fast time with huge amount of information bombards us from all sides. It seems we can`t make a good decision because of many factors - emotional pressure, unclear situations, too fast changes and more, more, more. Sometimes it seems we lost common sense which is a compass to try what`s right, what`s wrong. That way we are desintegrated, falling apart.

People want ready-made decisions, so many coaches, guru and other commercial advisers growth tremendously. The point is they can`t see a situation of a client clearer because of the same reason as a client unable to do it. But clients desires a simple answers, sometimes a command what to do. Such commands could turns decisions in wrong way because many important details could be lost.

So we have problems but not decisions even if we pay for it.

Dr.Ichak Adizes described that problems in his new article "Too Lazy to Think?":

"The higher the rate of change, the higher are the instabilities and disruptions in our life.

Change impacts multiple subsystems. On the micro level, the personal level (emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical subsystems), on the mezzo level of organizations like corporations and the macro level (economics, social, political institutions). As those system components do not change at the same speed, the situation is becoming increasingly COMPLEX.

That means that making decisions is becoming more stressful. More difficult to process….

When in my work I refuse to give an answer to my clients and suggest they use common sense instead, I find them perplexed and somewhat unfulfilled. They want AN ANSWER. I suggest instead that they THINK.

Apparently, I am asking too much. In the complex world we live, finding common sense is not easy. It might be even very difficult to find.


What is entailed in finding common sense?

Common means that it makes sense to all the stakeholders…."

Finding common sense means civilized exchange of information, and more importantly, exchange of judgment: what makes sense. It means learning from people who do not necessarily agree with you.

Not easy."


What is my opinion as a person who work with different designed  information?

It seems true!

so I have an idea about languages which form common sense.

I`ve learned several science research about how human brain works.

Left-Mind (logical part of human brain) thinks in words. Words forms languages. But human languages historically full of unclear senses, double meanings and associations which is OK in simple situations (in which a language was started). But it could prevents from understanding in complicated situation such as modern world.

So we need to construct a new kind of language the same way as Esperanto was constructed. The special language for business with branches to personal life. That language should be based on both parts of human brain: logical-digital-words-based (left) and right brain, the sourse of intuition which works much more quickly using huge massive of information and more, it was developed by evolution to do it.

I made investigations and invented several  things for that task, have a good experience too. That task is prospective and now needs support of persons and companies interested in

So it may be a project in nearrest future.


Read the full article by Dr.I.Adizes here

China Adventure: TianTai Buddhist Temple-1
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 September 2013 at 05:10 PM No comments

My visit to China started TianTai mountings, one of the place Chinese Buddhism started. The first day of our visit we spent in the temple.

TianTai Temple is the beautiful complex with several buildings, from plases to rituals to places to pray and meditate, also it includes place monks live and garden. All buildings rounds by wall with small river along the front part of it. When we entered into the temple it was a big old tree here.

Now I feel how it is difficult to describe such places. It needs to be felt by human senses more then by words or pictures… but how could I present it for you without it? Just try to imagine how clear the air is, with so small number of people around… with trees more then 100 years old devoted to Buddha.

HEre you can see a monk trying to take care of oblational place. There was a lot of ash from aroma sticks burned. When the monk started to move the ash it was so much smoke so I worried about my camera`s lenses and made steps back.

That place people made candles to prove their vowes and support their prayes. Long threads of molten wax made me feel hot even staying far from it.

This is the figure of Heaven Defender in the temple. It origined from Lokapalas, the Heaven Guards in Hinduism, adopted by Chinese mythology and incorporated in Buddhists temples.

I did a lot of pictures of the Temple and mountings. Also I spent my time shooting raw matherials to my future films so it was a kind of work, physically hard, but spiritually enlighting.

It will be films in nearest future, I hope!

Next post I will show next seria of pics of the Temple, so see you soon!

Shanghai and Middle Autumn Festival
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 September 2013 at 09:48 AM No comments

Good day, friends, after about 10 days of silence I have to reveal what exactly happened in that period. First of all it was the full moon festival traditional for Asian countries names "The Middle-Autumn". It is special cakes for that day.

According to chinese legend Moon Fairy Chan-E lives on Moon with White  Rabbit who cook the Essense of longevity. So beautifully designed images of the rabbit and the fairy decorate many objects from big sculptures to candy boxes.

Chinese supermarkets decorate with big red lantens a week before the celebration:

This is the view of Carenfor, one of the big supermarkets in Shanghai situates just near the place I live. All seems joyful and beautiful inside.

This is the long line of different types of Moon Cakes - special food to Moon festival. The stuffing of the cakes is different so I was able to found several vegetarian moon cakes here:

Tonight I and my friends set on the big balcony and feasted round full moon eating cakes, desired our wishes, listening traditional Chinese Music in harmony and then we went to see an interesting film about anthropology "Incredible Human Journey".

It was the first Moon festival I celebrate here, in China, with friends in taditional asian manner. It was exciting, Moon cakes was tasty and the full moon was so beautiful then I believed all of our wishes stated to come true.

Next post I will tell you about my trip to Tian Tai mountain, one of the eldest centre of Chinese Buddhism and so beautiful place that I hardly believe it is real.

Thank you for being with me, come back to my blog because I am back and will be here for you as usual.

Hello from Shanghai!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 September 2013 at 10:39 AM No comments

Hello friends, I am in Shanghai now, preparing to move to TianTai mountains tomorrow morning. The weather is so sweet then it is pleasant to shoot the film.

I am trying to be good with my camera, keep in mind screenplay of future film and bless my friends help me to be in wonderful places here.

The easiest way to post pictues is Instagram, it could publish it on my Facebook page although Facebook unavaliable in China. If you like to read news and see photos immideately you are welcome to my Facebook page.

See you soon!

To paint Prime point I need to be in Prime by myself
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 September 2013 at 08:54 PM No comments

Dear friends, sometimes it is not so clear how a story of a piece of Art influences it`s impact to the world. When an Art object has a story behind it turns to be more interesting, more attractive and so more powerful if an idea behind concerns circumstances of the artist did it.Such small things is important because our world is information.


My style and the technigue I developed origins from Zen Buddhists (Chinese and Japan) system of self development and expressions which becomes a mirror of reality.Movements of clouds and movements of my brush maintains with the same energy from one source.

This is two essentials in the process. First - nothing could be changed on the paintings. This is no something like oil painting which could be changed as many times as a painter wants.

Second - until a painter has total feeling the subject he or she can`t be perfect so doesn`t allow to paint. This is the base. That`s why I want to learn more. to gain more deep understanding of the subject I paint, investigate it and to paint it as the result of such process. That way paintings becomes the evidence of an Idea and the source to investigate it by meditation of the picture.

In my case understanding, being in presense and painting is the same.

As you know I painted the whole Lifecycle curve…

...except the top points.
The Prime and Stable points in which we all concentrate to gain it and hold as long as it possible.
All positions of the LifeCycle was familiar with me except that two.
This is the reason..
I did "The Ideal Manager (PAEI)" easily because I know God personally and also spent more then 20 years to learn about. It was just a moment of concentration and then the message was placed, because Dr.Adizes system has the same balance then Gods laws of existence. That was the reason I started to learn it.
Also I easily feel adversities because I learned it by own experience, psychological education and by my 5-years practice of volunteer coach.
 In the LIfecycle Curve I perfectly know the right part, from Aristocratic to Beaurocracy because my family and me used to be a victims of Soviet and post-Soviet suppressive system.
The Death point is my old friend.
In left part of the LifeCycle I am good with Zero point and Go-Go.
The Courthip stage and Adolescence was new for me but I have many examples in people and organizations so I learned it.
But I have rather brief feeling of the Prime and the Stable.
 No visible examples outside. No completeness inside me either.
 It was the best insight of July.
Then I started to investigate it and gained the base. I started Prime and painted the first level of strokes.
But I was too much exhousted by my CiberWar project and my health wasn`t good enough to make everything in LIfeCycle more so Mt & R paintings done. After so much paintings in so short time I needed recovery.

Greece, Corfu always gives me recovery.
After my trip I expected to paint Prime immideately, but it wasn`t the pure creativity as I wanted.
That`s why Prime and more so Stable hasn`t finished yet although I know what it will be.
The Prime is started and now is in the middle of the process.
I want Prime and Stable painting to be the next step,  developed, with more possibilities to impact to the world.
So I iniciated several essential changes in project work and in my life also.
Technically I started to make films how painting going. Later I will compose my own music for it and then the films will be placed on my YouTube channel.
It needs good planing also, both to whole channel and to particular project.

Long ago I finished "Movie director, advertisment and PR"  7-months courses. Our teachers was well known Russian film directors, such as Vladimir Motil, the author of the "White sun of Desert" movie. So I have education, base equipment and work experience to realize my idea in short time.

It needs to change many things, from simple one to complicated.
It needs make scenario, envisage many small things, also to change chromokey, to develop new engeneering construction for my camera strictly vertical down and also steady without any risk…
There are no standard decision. Everything needs to be invented, developed, constructed.
Not easy really, a headache sometimes.
But but I did it.
Now technically and intellectually I am ready.
But to be whole I need another thing to do.
On Friday I will go to China, to have my meditation in Tian Tai mountings, the place Chinese Zen Buddhism starts. 
I will greet pagodas and gardens.
I will speak with waterfalls, lakes and rocks.

 I wiil be back being complete.



Then I will finish the painting and open the new stage to LifeCycle being in Prime.

News from China you can read here
Thank you for being with me.




LifeCycle Art Project presents the next stage: Premature Aging Stage
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 10 September 2013 at 11:36 AM No comments
Hello friends, today i would like to present you the painting represents Primature Aging.
From strong connection and interaction in normal Adolescence stage deviations starts to make break when Adolescence goes to Divorce and in the last point of the process it will be Premature Aging.

  then     so

Such process seems easier sometimes. I daresay it is natural for those who afraids of ascention and grow potential, who prefers to let things goes downhill when gravitation does all work. Stagnancy is the natural result of such processes so it`s important to check it before changes becomes irreversible.
When people doesn`t understand their stagnation it`s not bad. That way the nature make such process easier and turns it to real Aging. But in Premature Age it is possible to realize what exactly was lost, what it could be in better way and to feel deep sadness about such deprevation. That`s why the details in the face of the Child-become-Granny is so important.

This is an impulse to act and also impossibility to act in hand`s gestures. The system starts to fall apart just by such small movement. That`s why the Child-becomes-Granny stucks between atempt to move free and needs to supporting the equipment.

Details is important so the technigue of painting and the style is different from the previous.

May be in Premature Age organization tryes to stop changes . But outside it still exists, much more faster then the Organization could handle. That`s why it is strong movement of strokes and colours on the painting. Nothing could be stoped both inside and outside so wind of changes pushes on Child-becomes-Granny to another stage of the LifeCycle.

There are three figures in that painting. The first is the central one represents Prematire Aging Organization.  But it is not enough to meditation on that story, to realize how the process goes on in details.

Two small figures on the left side of the painting are also important. On the bottom you can see bowbacked Founder as the result of Divorce process. This is the power which was lost.
On the left up corner you can see a yang woman runs as quickly as wind with happiness of free movement. This is an ideal image of something the Organization could gain if it growth normally through normal Adolescence period. We feel losses better when we have an example of success. Unfortunately in Premature Aging such example comes too late to be a helpful dream. Now it is just an image causes regret and envy which are not helpful too.
Feeling of regret is familiar to every person so the painting has an additional mission to remind it clearly in meditation before it comes as the result in real life.
That`s why we need to visualize details of the possible bad result in order to use it as information to make decisions and to act consciously for the best future.

Thank you for being with me,


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