China Adventure: TianTai Buddhist Temple-1
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 September 2013 at 09:10 PM

My visit to China started TianTai mountings, one of the place Chinese Buddhism started. The first day of our visit we spent in the temple.

TianTai Temple is the beautiful complex with several buildings, from plases to rituals to places to pray and meditate, also it includes place monks live and garden. All buildings rounds by wall with small river along the front part of it. When we entered into the temple it was a big old tree here.

Now I feel how it is difficult to describe such places. It needs to be felt by human senses more then by words or pictures… but how could I present it for you without it? Just try to imagine how clear the air is, with so small number of people around… with trees more then 100 years old devoted to Buddha.

HEre you can see a monk trying to take care of oblational place. There was a lot of ash from aroma sticks burned. When the monk started to move the ash it was so much smoke so I worried about my camera`s lenses and made steps back.

That place people made candles to prove their vowes and support their prayes. Long threads of molten wax made me feel hot even staying far from it.

This is the figure of Heaven Defender in the temple. It origined from Lokapalas, the Heaven Guards in Hinduism, adopted by Chinese mythology and incorporated in Buddhists temples.

I did a lot of pictures of the Temple and mountings. Also I spent my time shooting raw matherials to my future films so it was a kind of work, physically hard, but spiritually enlighting.

It will be films in nearest future, I hope!

Next post I will show next seria of pics of the Temple, so see you soon!





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