CYberWar: Process in progress
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 April 2013 at 07:17 PM No comments

What`s a mystery creation is? Right thing in right time, when many small possibilities comes together, I feel the Matrix of possible continuum just ready to be born.

It`s a kind of mind extension people never try if they don`t attend to such feelings: to feel music isn`t sounded, and paintings isn`t painted yet. I saw full seria in one moment, felt how it could be constructed and breath. So I know it as faces of ald friends when I started to create it. So I started several pictures in one time to feel less tension, because at least 26 knocked inside demanding to be born, waiting in line until I do it.

One by one it will be 40 paintings… and one big project after it, and now, today, I started to feel another one about Dr. Adizes methodology… I will do 2 paintins to it next week. So it`s about 50-60 paintings in my head and i feel… I feel myself good. The mission started, all of my skills are prepared and the road ahead is clear so I do it. I will do it at all.

Due to the subject the Cyber War project will be officially presented in May and in that blog you could see the process in progress day by day, step by step.

CyberWar Project: Anna makes Strategy and gains the Great Start!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 April 2013 at 08:29 AM No comments

 I am on my mission now.  I deducate all my strength and passion, all of my resourses, experience, skills and all my soul to that.

Be a witness how it goes on!

The first thing to win is to realize the case and to make strategy, and I gain it.

I`ve made searching and planing well. Now I extend the project from 24 paintings for one exibition to 40 Art objects in my unique style for 2 exibitions in US and UK. Because the subjects is naturally consists from 2 parts it is good to diversify it. So the process started.

What`s a strategy? Some kind of artist works to indulge own ego doing something noone understand what is it, and for what it exists. It seems smart that way.

Hahaha! No needs to seem smart just doing crap!

I won my  Math competitions in my 16. I was at special medical courses reseaching human anatomy in my 17, when all girls and boys dreamed just about a data.

I practiced Martial Arts for 10 years and study Physics at 19. Then at my 23 I was called for business to be a soldier to my family. CEO at 25. And PhD at my 26.

So I know one thing: it is ESSENTIAL to educate people right way. The Right way is simple and clear. And it is effective and efficient in the short and long run.

Right way is understandable way.

So I concentrate all of my possibilities to make piece of Art which will be a true message of the subject, brings people understanding the process and produces a kind of helpful memory, use possibilities of Emotional Intelligence. This is the new way to make hight education and to transmit information - Visual Thinking.

The way our brain naturally uses, successful in business problem resolving, and I practice it more then 15 years in all of my works.

It starts from the empty canvas. Everything is empty and clear and ready to carry the message.


...And then it was indicated!

I create pieces of Art in unique technigue in order to make knowledge for people, make understanding and so help people to be confident at this world of technology. To keep their Humanity and to be well protected, both in one.

Dear friends!

Have you ever think about how starts the treasures of Human history people pays to have just a glance in museums?

It starts like this.

Just one drawing of a painter becomes a voluable thing for collections in future. And in our informational century such future just in several steps from us, because every process comes faster.

During the project I will publish all news and so you could be the witness how the history starts.

I need your support all the time when I put all of my power to that social process, creating that part of HUman history, serving Human Society with all of my soul.

Be my friends on Facebook. Indicate who you are so I could see you and feel your support, know your opinion and found more strength if I would be tired, because the creation process is hard, and the subject is great just for one person.

See you, hopes to know who you are, my friends!


AB Paintings #4-5: Thousands Waves of Corfu
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 April 2013 at 03:21 AM No comments

Here it is the lond waiting result for my painting started in October 2012. It was my rememberence about Corfu, waves and so clear waters, so blue and lively, then I could starring to it for hours. The paintings started independent but then became in a diptych.


I love Liapades bay because it`s stones and rocks along the seashore and I swam along it, and have my rest on rocks, sleeping. So lovely time, so lovely place, and gentle sun plays with shining waters.

Sea is the only thing I love in any state - dark blue, with big waves, with small waves green, and still waters of early morning, all transparent in light blue and emerald.

When sun comes up near the afternoon waves becomes bigger and splashes more, and air become moving.

Then I started to dream on my special Domestic Rock. Oh yes, I have one rock along the bay, white among sand colour rocks, and Greec governmend never know it`s my property. That rock is sutable to lie, because the top is flat with small angle. Sun warms the Domestic Rock and it becomes the best place to have my rest, to sleep or to starring how blue waters plays, and how small fishes swim here and there.

Lovely place to dreams, lovely time to recharge my batteries and I am happy to have it every summer. Summer is closer now smile


So now I finished with early projects and pay my attention to my new big one only, see you!



I am starting new Great Seria of Art which will Win
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 March 2013 at 12:55 PM No comments

Due to my own experience that February and March, I`ve started the great collection of my unical Arts which will be about 20 paintings in my unical style and will form the exibition in US at the end of that year.

I catched the stream of that years and the Cyber war as it called and my unical Art will educate people much more then official documents could, and than after I gain the great social resonanse it will be very expensive as a piece of Arts, describing Unical Period in human history, great problem of that period and even helps to resolve it, being done in my Unical style with my unical Technigue. Each painting will be more then 80 cm size and it will be the sensation.

I was perfect in my beliving in my Ideals and HUman values, so this is the time to reveal everything and Win.

Pictures below is not from the seria, just illustrations for my today mood.

I Am the King of Swords!!!!


I am finishing next pare of Ab Painting
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 March 2013 at 04:16 AM No comments

I am finishing next two AB painting, with so long and snowy winter it was really hard to remember the sea so it was a several month delay with it.

InkSketch: From Obey to Freedom of Active Participation
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 March 2013 at 08:26 AM No comments

WE know what`s it to feel free and actualize yourselve in natural way. But sometimes life itself requires from us abother behaviour, such as to overcome obstacles or obey orders no matter ready we for it or not. Something happens, world turns and then our freedom to do what we feel right seems ruined.

This is the flat understanding for those who know just two marginal positions: an absolute anarchy or dictatorship. Such way we loose the essence of evolution and movement from yesterday to tomorrow, because the process itself not so simple. Just to have a glance to it!

From the beginning everyone wants to live in own world doing just own business or doing nothing. Everyone expect the whole world turns to serve one`s feelings and save in the best way, so it seems as an ideal desired system for living. It seems right…

But actually it is wrong, absolutely wrong!

Because nothing could be stopped. Even if you have the desired world for a long time you became boring even about it`s perfection. So yesterday perfect world became unperfect next day, so changes will come.

Life changes and requests comes unwillingly and friquently seems not in our best time. For example I was ordered to learn violine in 5 years old, it was worse then Paganini has, and actually I didn`t like it, but something in me, inside, was recognized and so life (by hands of my mom and professionals claimed my absolute ears) made me to learn it. I wasn`t ready, but my brain was. So it was 9 years of training every day, train left hand to feel positions, feel memory to remember long concerts, train fingers for quickly punctual movements (because in violin 1 mm in fongers position means different thone), and also train everything works together to make music.

I wasn`t happy tht period just because I desired to paint. Because I feel painting or sculpture shapes in total before I do it, feel integrtive and absolutely free creative  that way. But music wasn`t integrative, it was just sound by sound wrote by somebody else, not me, so I felt myself prisoned to it. Nevetheless I used to be a good violin player being totally depressed the same time. I think it helps because violing is an ideal instrument to crying so it was correct.

Lets be back to think about the process!

After an obey heriod people have more rights and more possibilities and more resourses, so they begin to create desired world. They make home full of plesant things, with all comfort and people they loved. That time seems very close to the first dream about the ideal world, so we could ask why it not so stable, why life wants from us that and that and let us so small time to enjoy our new built paradise?

The answer is clear. When you comes to your stability, the best to feelings, you have a wish to freeze it. But if something not getting better, not changed, it started to get wrong. Like an isolated lake turnes to swamp with small changes in environment. So as we are prepared with our education, life experience, resourses and place for recovery, life starts to invite us to a new tasks.

But such invitation typically isn`t so  hard and fast as the previous time. Because that time life wants us to use our best for a mission with will.

That time we have to make a choice. To turn out of life and make own small busines as usual. That way we started to obey own inertia, also fears and weaknesses. So life could repeat the invitation harder later and so it will be the same obey but to opposite side, wich made us down to the first child position: internal resistance, external obey and so not very effective life.

Another strategy is for such souls which growth adult and could make wise decisions. That way we started to learn more about the new mission life invited us, started to be check our muscles is it ready to new attempts.

That time we needs to be sure in our abilities to act and concentrate to own resourses, making an inspection to reveal who we really are and what we actually have.

That way we could realize our muscles getting weak and needs some training. But with active position it`s not a strict order to obey, but our own will to make more.

Also such time required to put our customs of pleasures into another order. Some of them, being still attractive, should be put into background. That time you could need something else which supports your concentration to the mission.

...And then you will accept everything, being active, being free. That way people gowth to another targets and turnes the world, making changes, being consciously involved.

So you became the co-author of God instead of a lazy, scared person who can be just a slave.

This is the choice everyone make in life, sometimes small choice with small changes; sometimes a big one.

Although our muscles will pain, this is not right criteria to understand what happens. The right is to be vigilant is it turnes constructive changes, or destructive.

So this is pictures narrates the process of changes in life and our decisions how to act or not act with it.

InkSketch: Between Joy and Duty
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 March 2013 at 09:45 PM No comments

Everyone know how  important it is to be involve in joyful play. Everything comes easily that way, consciousness and subconsciousness works together and so unexpectable perfection could gains. But more interesting question is how to work with pleasure the same way, being serious and joyful one time.

Just to have a glance to a play. It comes irregularly, may be with gaps, and it stops when you feel boring or tired or for no reason. If you like to stop you are free to quit a game so feelings of freadom covers the situation itself. That was nature prepares young to increase skills when they have a time. Look to kittens or tiger kids - it will be the same. And everything seems under control of a playing person.

Looks how people playes being totally involved and you can see how their resourses increase all parameters to the game. Resourses comes from nothing and develop every person who have a courage to be involved in the game with all heart desire. That picture I drew why thinking about the differencies between free participation and strictions of a duty, just in one field of activity. (According natal astrology chart I have Mars in his best position in Water, Scorpio, that`s why here it is playful mood and also power to act. Although this is a passion and real swords and ability and will to be in battle, it is not so serious and have no external planing.)

Another picture about the same subject. I realized how it`s important to be informal when I pictured a bannle helmet laying aside.

Now let`s focuse on the differencies being on Duty. The same situation, somebody ready to battle, but everything changes. Clothes, hair, uniform and standard weapon, even a tidy breakfest in the hand - everything turnes playful mood into formal borders. It is obvious here it is a rule which governs every action. So this is not a game.

The question is how to make a kind of living union between our gorgeour resourses of subconsciousness and ligical needs to work in group with planing, also to obey orders and feel no loss power under it.

Such dilemma between two sides of life had never been resolved in total. But in dynamics, in movement it could be a kind of partnership between joy and duty, because in deep base level this is no contrarities in our world. The question is how to found it, then - how to gain, and then how to hold it, being vigilant to situation, being in consciousness, being perfect professional in any field.








InkSketch: How to Gain Strength
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 March 2013 at 03:23 PM No comments

One of the most powerful desire for everyone is to gain strength, and in archetypes of Tarot system we could found that symbol  . This is the final stage of the process of gaining so I would like to have a glance to such process in stages.

First of all, if you meet own strength, or strength of anothers, you could be frightened of it just because this is something you can`t control.Then we need to make next step and to do something by ourselves, to mke an attempt…We ll start from unexpectable things happens…

Then we make a situation clear and understand what resourses we really have just in our hands, in our soul and our personality… That time we couldn`t understand what exectly we seek but we should do our best to keep it moving.

Then once we realize ourselves confident inside such speed, and this is the chance to gain the best result.

This is not one but several attempts and adventures to understand yourselves qualities and what the Strength means. This is a long way in dunes during which we started to know our instruments well, to learn our limits and possibilities and to keep in touch with the Strength. So it wil be a kind of sympathy growthed into friendship and partnership. This is the middle stage to gain Strength.

The last point is to put all things in right sequence. Who is the leader, who is the follower; who could make planing and targeting and who should wait and then to actualize planing. And of course keep a kind op joyful, positive balance between two sides. This is the real Strength with which possibilities growth and future deeds will blossomed. So the final stage is the result of anothers, and we need to recall all of it.


InkScetch: The Fool (Tarot)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 March 2013 at 05:04 PM No comments

In many traditions, religions and symbolic systems exist a character names The Fool. In Tarot system he exists too and that time I would like to pay attention to it.

The Fool is the spirit in search of life experience, trying everything new without an idea abour risks and prise. Sometimes he seems like a child, sometimes as a mad man, and keeps a kind of wisdom too. When we focuse how it is going on our life we can see several possibilities here. First of all The Fool is somebody make mental power aside, al least as a temporary decision.

It means borders of possible becames wider, traditional ways doesn`t govern and hears flutters free in the streams of changes, following the wind.

Traditionally The Fool appears relaxible as a kitten, with playful mood, but it doesn`t cover the situations I want to focus. My Fool is the one who feel the target, unvisible to anothers, and he have spirit of asperetion, trying to make the last impulse to gain the aim.

This is the kind of courage - to make the last impulse and don`t allow yourself to delay. Many people made attemots for a long time but as they feel the target is near they feel a kind of procrastination and then lose the impulse of changes. But the Fool never do it. All of his passion deducate to the target and when he feel it in one step he do his best without any doubts like a sprinter make the last movement to the win.

It is important to crown your atempts with the final result. Despite of tideness, feeling of delay or anxiety to focused all passion and gain it in one powerful movement, and so to make something not only planed but realized.

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