I love it
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 March 2014 at 04:37 AM No comments

Adizes Corporate LifeCycle, Art Project-2013: The Last Point
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 March 2014 at 07:29 PM No comments

I described each part of Corporate Lifecycle last year except the  last point. The reason is normally people afraid of it, when they should be frightened by previous point, the Beaurocracy. Let`s have a glance why it happens and how.

From Beaurocracy   to the Death 

Nobody likes pain, disfunction, lack of capacity and the vision of the end. But in fact this is the description of the Beaurocracy point annamain.org/site/comments/9_point_of_corporate_lifecycle/

The last point, the death seems as a something so unusual and strange people imagined much more then it really is. Just remember how a hell described in many religions so it becomes a kind of programming. That`s why it is not so easy to pay attention how to make the 9 point (Beaurocracy) shorter and prepare the 10th point (the Death) better way.

The point is how to finish a process better way. As we agree nothing could be immortal and every matherial thing governs by natural laws,to prepare to the end is the same important process as prepare to the beginning. Many common points and links are between that two positions of life. In right way it needs to meet Founders and the Idea together. At the beginning they starts to communicate to provide an Idea from ethernity to the real life. At the last point this is the link too, with another meaning.

To finish something in right way meant to remember how it was done. Sometimes in details, sometimes in general. What was really done?

At the beginning the picture is unclear. The way to implement an Idea in reality is painful sometimes. It takes a lot of energy, a lot of struggle. It can be traitory, anxiety, pleasures, strong emotions, calculations, new people, old people… All in one. Very well mixed coctail of squizzed time from the first glance. If you don`t afraid of it,  you can come closer to the answer.

In many meditative practices it calls "eye of storm".  Among chaos it will be a clear place with full understanding what was the idea in ideal world, what was it`s implementation. Right and wrong decisions reveals that way.

That time for a moment fears passes away. Then you feel freedom. From what? From fears and anxiety. No pain. No hurry. Everything has finished. Right or wrong it has happened.

That kind of freedom is the blessing the same way as clear vision a future project. That two points of the LifeCycle curve is the same.

Furthermore, when you feel such freedom and made everything done, the next visions became more clear.

That`s why good start doesn`t mean the same good result. But the ability to finish things right way, with final report to ourselve, means any future activity will be better then previous.

One glance to the Zero point (description is here annamain.org/site/comments/ab_painting7_founders_dream/ ):

And now to the last point:

Everything happened. Relax. Gather your feelings. Report your result. Make a deep breath…

And be ready to start a new turn.

2014 Art project “Adizes Corporate LifeCycle: energy vision”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 February 2014 at 11:50 AM No comments

Although we all interact as persons, LifeCycle represents by energies. It comes the same way as a season, sometimes it seems to be independent from human will. Sometimes we can change our energy. Anyway, this is the question of business and also of hunam life.

We, human, may be active and passive towards energies. A passive, reactive way is just to use the energy comes without our efforts, and take it by granted.

Thet way people waste, overuse and then try to drop the empty place. This is the way of waste of any resourses so the LifeCycle curve comes. That way a business can stuck in Adolescense or comes to Primature Aging, or to Salem city.

When we are proactive, we can change ourselves and so to be syncronized with energy we prefer to be. Obviously, both for business and for private life we want to be in Prime and Stable. So we should focus our efforts on energies and understand what`s we want to gain and what`s we need to drop or change. So energy vision is the base to gain synchronous with it.

The same way a psychology technigues works, for example affirmations, or to anchor the best physical state in NLP. We feel the prefer state first and then we change our current state towards it.

As the result of the 2014 Art project "Adizes Corporate LifeCycle: energy vision" it will be about 10 paintings in new technigue represents each energy of the main curve of Corporate LifeCycle. So human culture will be enriched by art objects represents our best science and practice of human life.


Changes are coming, future are somewhere near
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 February 2014 at 09:47 AM No comments

We all have strong commitments with our future. Some people can feel it, some not. Some people trying many things to come into conclusion what`s not the true, what`s true. I feel future by several different senses. So it is important to gather all in one.

The way I have my visual diary, such as small funny drawings, is the best instrument to provide knowledge by intuition. From deepest feelings, senses from inside which feed all of my activities and motivate me all time, during years. This is so holographic view so I need to divide it`s streams sometimes.

Human languages have no appropriate words to describe it. May be we should create the special language. Now I use an analogy to describe how it is.

The first sense is Feelings of footprints of future. The same way as a dog can smell a feromons of the right person in crowded place. It is not the best feelings because I can`t see, I can`t decide and everything is unclear. Sometimes I don`t like everything around just keep the sense this is right place to start somehow.

The second is Locate as a dolphin. The same way as a dolphin`s sonar I can try a large curcle around, what`s it.

This is something which have my personal signs. I know one thing strongly, the essense of Sea must be presented in all right directions.

Of course it is a kind of symbolic description, but also the sea itself. Every time I found right way a sea is presented. So this is the core thing I will never forget.

The next feeling is Right Base & Tools.

As others Capricorns I prefer to have a solid base I trust and to have a high place I can observe horizon. While I can stand with right project which allows me to keep Sea Feelings, especially to see a real sea in front of me, I can be persistant, it doesn`t matter what`s going around. I can create from zero without any support, in such situation many people give up but I never do it. Because the choosen direction is proved as right.

Next feeling is Vision of Structures.

It comes simultaneously with the Base and Tools feelings. The best representation of it is Mind Maps.

It is not difficult for me to make a MindMap. It`s easy, because I feel it just above the subject. It covers the subject the same way as information links n Internet. I can see it, I can feel it. The point is how to make it more nerrow to put into real MindMap, so the size doesn`t frightened people.

The next is Right Place and Freedom to creation.

I made several different places at my home to cover all of my needs. No reason to be outside. Sometimes I force myself to go out, that`s why my Greecs Corfu holidays is so important - I will spend all of my time outside, sleep at my balcony and in the sea.

One of the last steps which allows me to be sure what to do is the text. People start from discussions and communications because others steps are unavailable for them. Poor people. That`s why they communicate for hours by words while the core answer is near above words.

I use words in professional way as a writer. Words must be organized in nesessery and sufficient position. Because it`s just the last step. That`s why I don`t like a mass in words. But I have to suffer with it because people generally prefer to communicate by words only. The thing I desire is to educate them to think in more efficient way. I see some attempts now exists, like scribing. It is good, but not enough from my taste.

Anyway, here it is the right words about.

I could speak about how 1 signal system provides an intuition, a holography picture of future, and how 2 signal sustem (words) destroy it, but this is the subject for later.

Just have a glance how the Future is coming, then take a breath and go on.

What are you doing right now?
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 25 February 2014 at 08:23 AM No comments

Hello everybody, it was so busy week so I didn`t write posts. Freecat the Wise, the best in the world IT specialist, spent his time doing upgrade to the blog. As a true cat he demonstrated his result (see previous post). He chose the most terrible cat so people could think I am crazy!..

 I was in shock too seing the roared hungry cat right on the first page of my blog!

Describing my past week I can say it was a tension to put my ideas in framework of future organization we want to create.

Also I was doing my coursera work watching lectures, answering quizes.

This is the first time I take care to make quizes to gain best result.

While spring is near, the weather was changing all the time so my head wanted to be stupid and made a kind of strike.

But I was persistant and did everything! smile

However I forgot to spell the word "quiz" for the picture it have a sense: such "quize" associates with "squeeze" feelings of last week. So let it be a kind of remembrance for the last week of winter.

Seriously, this is the first time I agree to move my painting plans to another month. Because many things call for my attention immideately.

I feel myself dry without painting, not so good but I can`t just do it part time. It should be as a sea, without narrow banks, so I can be far away from here, far away from anxiety, in pure creation.

Although I didn`t make paintings I spent my time planing what it will be that year and now choose the framework and the first project for it.

Now this is the time to be back to my new student life and to learn what is it for the Sustainable Development course, Week 6.

Youtube favorite example clip - Hungry cat swears[Updated 02/25/14]
Author: FreeCat • Date: 22 February 2014 at 10:41 AM No comments

I`ve started preparation to CyberWar-1 film
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 14 February 2014 at 12:14 AM No comments

Too long time passes while I think about CyberWar-1 YouTube film. It`s many anothers activities, also I didn`t understand clearly what and how. Many things seems completely new, many just complicated. Now I am starting.

I don`t know how many time it will take from me. Also Cyberwas-Section I isn`t revealed now. This is my first Social Project dedicates to my active position to help society to overcome several modern problems. I am sure, such project is the first in the world. Not just because I use specially invented technigues to paint. But because I was the witness of several events and investigated it personally in details while I painted it. All of my skills in science, self development and arts was involved in that process.


21 paintings was done in one month, April 2013.

No words more about. I can`t claim an obligation to show the result in particular time. Who knows, may be other important things will divert me. May be new project will come. May be I will do another film first just to try several ideas how to direct the movie better way.


May be I will compose own music. Who knows. Let it to existence.


Right now, standing in front of future Sustainable Development Art projects I realized the CyberWar was the proem to it. That`s why I feel things comes right way in right time. So important it is.


...and now I finished with the pictures and wanna to sleep.

I`ve attended to Sustainable Development course by Prof.Jeffrey Sachs
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 February 2014 at 10:52 AM No comments

Hello everybody, that week I did many additional things to current projects and even more. My work in management and other subjects, business experience, group leadership and others comes together naturally.

So I am going to develop that way.  It is funny to feel myself as a student again. A diferent kind of education I like, just needs to understand internal logic how to learn better in the course framework. I attended to the Fcebook closed group of classmates, everyone is a skillful specialist and we all together develop ourselves. I have several projects to do with the group for the sake of sustainable development and did several efforts in that field. For example once I founded myse;f thinking about the group activities systematically so I did a mind map to the group how to develop it.

So many things. This is snow outdoor. I have to go and start painting just after I finish to make my conspect and my 3d Quizze.

Wind of Changes
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 February 2014 at 06:49 PM No comments

I feel how changes come.

This is the first time of 2014 year I started ink drawings, with so great pleasure so I restricted myself from spend all night with it.

Such things is the method of thinking about things we can`t point directly.

Many of such drawings of the past year tell more then everything I can tell by myself. Looking so light and simple it is a lot of information inside for those who will be able to read it. Also for myself.

How it flows? Preparing everything in Bamboo cabinet, the green place for Ink and meditations.

Then I was starting Ink drawing with one impulse and then allow it to grow, to show itself, to reveal the message.

My brush was dancing. My ink became a powerline from nothing to something.

Curves and lines, ink strokes soft, hard, dry, watered…

Revealing the image, revealing the message.

Than I was able to see it. To read.

It seems changes are coming.

Next time I will compare my previous images with today so it will be obvious.

What is it? Freedom. The top of a rock and full view to the sea and sky, the best position to a Capricorn, isn`t it?

So this is it.

Last night I created new shedle for that year, with full explanation of projects I will do till my Greece holiday.

So this is the new start, again, with new things coming, with fresh vision, vith energy, desire and hope.

Happy new Art year, Anna!


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