Picture the Third
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 January 2012 at 08:42 AM Comments(3)

As I wanted to finish the idea of the 1 and 2 pictures ( annamain.org/site/comments/the_day_before_tomorrow/  ) I started the third at 8 of January. But at 9 of January  I saw the better picture ( annamain.org/site/comments/exception_inside_rules/  ).It was so exciting I didn`t want to finish my own. But then I desided to do it so my interpretation of the Third step is here.

The meaning of mine picture  is to gain  the position of light understanding, peace, grace and tranquility. This place we never actually left but we forget it and need some help to remember it clearly. This is the place we meet our soul-mates and meet ourselves observing life stream being in cosciosness, being creative, being calm, with smile.

You can compare my picture with another:

The main details is the same, sun rayes, it angles, mountings. Strange feeling I like seems as a friend send me a message such way.  

Exception Inside Rules
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 January 2012 at 01:03 PM Comments(4)

After 2 last pictures I prepared to create a new one as the result of the process described by shadows and strokes. Actually I has a strong feeling what it ought to be and how to paint it. But today one friend of mine published a post in her blog recited words i could write and with the picture better then everything else. It was so amazing as if the world answered your question before you ask it, and make it in so gentle manner with so relative mood and also in so different  style. Such amazing feeling it was when I saw it at the end of the post!

So I want to put it here instead of mine to remember myself the essence of that day. 

Happy birthday, Anna, you can relax and feel free! Today somebody takes care about your work!

P.S. Unfortunately I have no information who is the author of the picture, and if I find I would like to pay my respect to him.

The Day Before Tomorrow
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 January 2012 at 04:38 PM Comments(3)

Today I sleep alot and somehow feel myself better, more relaxable and soft. This is the last day of my personal year which will be ended tomorrow. So I wanted to make the next part os yesterday picture.

Shadow grey, steel black and yellow, and turquose, and light green was put together. Started with graphic I abandon it soon and choose more positive movement. If you saw how ancient temples of Malasia and Kamboja was taken up by jungle you could imagine how slow was the process and how fine border between stone`s destruction and growth of roots and trunks destroyed it. This is the Cyrcle of Life, one turnes into another without stop.

As I decide it will be AB painting in future as the yesterday picture I didn`t finished fine work. in order to save the essence of unfinished motion which allow me to see through the paper deeper inside. Ok, this is the time to name it.

Yesterday picture was "Embodiment. Don`t ask for help".

The picture of that day is "Resurrection. Stay and Wait".

Sure I`ll do the third picture tomorrow before I`ll go to pay respect to my parents or after it. Tomorrow, see you tomorrow.

Picture of that day
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 January 2012 at 08:22 PM Comments(4)

Today, 06 of January, the weather is sucks, snow turns to water and cloudy sky was dark all day. I feel myself waste and weak, actually because I have to do foolish paperwork (hate it!). So I allow myself to paint something small in order to have a deep breath of fresh air.

Sensor deprivation and constrained stoppage kills. I want to run away but can`t do it, of course, so the only way is to escape into another worlds painter do with a brush the same way as a wisard could with his magic wand. Such dayes I like to stay in my dining room, having tea (with honey or chokolate). The dining table is big enough to host me, my small painting set and everything for my small unformal tea ceremony. This is the steely teapot with hot water staying on the  special candle, also I collect my tea-tray - small teapot with chinese tea, one from 8-10 another, small cup, a cup of honey, special silver spoon… All things I collect according to my mood. I like to choose a cup for tea by colour, shape, type of surface and size. Also I like to make a small tea ceremony so my mood became a litle bit better and then I could start to paint.

Today it was combination of shadows grey and steel black, with silence and movement, and a little bit coloured at the end. As I hate borders in painting I use both sides of my sketch-book so all images have vertical size much more then horizontal.As I see something ready to appear through the paper I help it stroke by stroke until I could seet it in total.

As I painted it I have a strong feeling how it will be as a AB painting big size. So I feel it will be. This is the movement into depth, partly here - partly stayed on the top. Why the head of Buddha turned to the bottom rocks? Is it the end of his descendent or the movement don`t stop? What was the reason? Knowledge of the meaning is a multy-level thing. I`ll describe it with the future big AB Picture, hopes in nearest future.

Happy New 2012 Year!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 31 December 2011 at 01:50 PM Comments(1)

Happy New 2012 Year! smile

Fun Picture
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 December 2011 at 05:17 PM Comments(10)

Sometimes I send a serious idea into my ‘brain-processor’ and allow it to think. That way is much more productive and allow to make several pojects in the same time. To help the process I frequently make a fun pictures like that: "Two Samurais Walking Tonight".

One of the conditions for such mind mode is to be relaxible but active. So I prefer to draw something simple staying in bed. Oh, how I like it! smile smile smile This picture is about two samurais belongs to Edo period (I hope so), they are a little bit drunk. They are friends supports each other and now they are going home after a party telling each other ghosts just for fun.

But sometimes we speak about something mysterious without having a thought what it will be if mystery comes to our life. May be it somewhere not far away?..

At the end I was liven up with the idea and make a Dragon drunk too. Such a moment! Just imagine how samurais turns back and what thay could see… may be they run away? But it is possible being solidary with the drunk Dagon they’ll invite him to have sake together that night. smile smile smile

Manifestation of a Possible
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 December 2011 at 10:49 AM Comments(5)

Have you ever seen how a possible manifestates itself? It could be an idea or an image barely understandable through your dream. Sometimes our mind tries to tell us something important but we could only once touch it, not catch at all. Several strokes here, a peace of true there…

Such state of our mind is our deep possibility to bring ideas into flash, in our real life. In business or teaching, in common life or in art the way is the same. Step by step we provide a path and make an efforts to realize it. Sometimes we could see more, but in the first steps the idea often seemes strange. It seemes lost of charm, losting it`s misterial veils, but more real. It`s not a pleasant moment because just that time we could understant how many gapes it have and how great job we need to do to complete it. Be careful - this is normal for this step.

Next step we could make a sigh because ou idea becames more exact and more definite. We can feel the life beating inside so it`s a moment of courage.

That time we should be more careful and silent. Some plans shouldn`t be reveal, some ideas shouldn`t be claimed until it will be complet. At that step we ought to drop anxiety and hastiness. Being careful we should to make fine finishing and then make a step back. Let the Idea to take a breath alone. Let it yourself.

After it you could realize the Idea a little bit unfinished. It may be a small thing, one peace of a puzzle, one stroke in a business principle scheme, one detail in a portret. As you feel it - do it. Do it without fear.

You could finish the process that time. But try to finish it in your soul too. We need a time to soak in things we did. Make a step back again and try to feel the result not as the Author. Try to be an Observer, try to be a Witness on something manifestated itself in you presence. Catch a whole picture of your workplace, your battle field, space of your  attempts. Make a sigh, breath  in silence.  It  starts to work that time, to wirk together with you.

So… Well, your are free now. Make your signature and be free: your idea is alive now, and you inherited both internal and external benefits.


ActiveBase Painting 2011:  “Your Mirror”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 December 2011 at 03:18 PM Comments(2)

Everything on the Earth conforms with the order of duality. Left and right, body and soul, two sexes, two sides of a brain, two general styles of energy using, everything seems dual.  And we try again and again to find harmony between it. I create "Your Mirror" as a tool to realise internal conflicts and to find new dinamics and understanding from artificial duality to a new state.

The point is we recognize our own reflection in meanings of a life circumstances much more wider or complicated or simpler.  If we carry a conflict inside we  will see it in  every event even if it is not really   exist. So our understanding indicates about the internal state. Psychologists suggests Rorschach test en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rorshack_test  but I choose another way to face people with internal reality. I paint "Your mirror" for the best perposes: to create a new dinamics of understanding and then to heal old hurts.

Look to the picture. What do you see? Is it a tied up man and a free woman? Is he angry? Is she happy? Or may be vice versa?..

What`s happened? Was he hooked or may be she was trying to make him free? Are they enemies or friends? What is the story?.. Let it be in your mind. Let it shows itself.

Then you could go deeper, to more symbolical meanings. Is she a dream of a real man? Is he a on the top and she on the bottom? Is he rigid and she - flexible, or he represents a will but she - a kind of connivance? Do them want to fix their positions or it could besomething new in their relationships? Is it an opposition or something else?..

Every your association, every emotion reflects hidden things inside your soul. This is a kind of courage to let it show itself.

Meet it. Check it. Then you could try to turn it into another way… Look to the picture! This is several things important to heal youself.

First of all he is not tied. Althougs his posture looks fixed there is no real cords on his hands. Her hairs gently tought his wrists but doesn`t hold him. May be it unholds him, what do you think?

Now look to the dinamics of the picture. This is not the fixed state but the possible process. He sits on the top of the rock, this is no freedom here, no joy, no more place to growing, and he is alone. His rigidity is not fruitful here. In fact he gained the peak of such possibility and now stay near unvisible border and free to do everything, and the most logical way is to use the cliff as a springboard. A girl shows that such way is safe. We all know that flexibility makes our life better in all sides, from our health and long living to  more creative ideas. As you gaze from red man figure to the girl and below you can see a mermaid happily splashes into her native element, into the green-blue waters.  We feel sea waters as a healing, that`s why people prefers to have a holidays on a seashore. Green and blue waters also is a symbol of our subconsciousness free from nightmare and dark, full of energy and creation. Do you feel the joy of it?..

And at the last point, could you imagine what is a process to turn your from the first conflict understanding to open feelings in soul and in real life?..

We can change ourselves. We have the power to create better life, more healthy and harmony, for ourselves and our familiars. This is the way to make our world better. And the first step to do it is to recognize a conflict inside and to use it`s energy for the self transformation.

This is "Your Mirror".

P.S. Dear friends! I`ll be very appreciate if you write your thoughts in comments. Feedback is very important and I hope to know your opinion here. Thank you!




ActiveBase Painting 2011:  “The ChainPrice”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 December 2011 at 11:57 AM Comments(2)

Chains is one of the base things in our life. Chain is the process creates connections between people, it allows to construct more powerful structures both in business and life. The main idea of a chain is to hold link conjuctions strong. But who knows how it proceeds?

What is a chain in our life? Of course neck lace is the most obvious example. But if you see wider you can realize many chains. A book is  the chain of words and ideas.  A technical invention is the result of a chain of experiments and attempts. Evolution is the chain of changes.  Step by step we build the chain  from our past to our future, from the first look to strong and happy relationships. Step by step  our personality growts. We all want to see the next chain-link better then the last. We hope tomorrow will be better then past and this hope helps us to live.

Some people have inclination to think about human past as about lost Golden Age but it`s not true. It was the world of short life, unknowned illnesses and ignorance. Step by step people win back for the better conditions for future generation in every part of our life. Our ancestors formed the links of our human chain, step by step built up our advantages to be more healthy and intelligent. Everyday we do the same. So it turnes me to make a look to the price of chain making. It means how a particular link bears tension, how long it could be and how to insure weak links by own intension.

The essence of a chain is to remain connections between it`s links. If only link is weak - all chain will fall. Everyone know what is it - the boil point when we stand near the fail. When stress comes to supreme point everyone could have a weak thoughts, a one-minute of indulgence, a one-second of sufferance to agressive circumstances. May be once we could feel the weakness of a chain-link before us. And sometimes we can`t hold a hand of a next chain-link, such as our dreams about the best future, our ideals or people more powerful promised to help us. This is the point of real check-up how strong we are deeply inside.

Could we accumulate all of our spiritual power, maintains it with mental control of emotions? Could we don`t allow youselves to fall in desperation? Do we use internal reserves to come hell or high water? Can we remains our own responsability although in that moment others lost it?

The mix of personal courage and patience, fidelity to ideals and strong intension to hold the line - this is the quality of a particular chain-link.

This is the Chain Price.

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