Adizes Corporation LifeCycle: Prime Point
ANNAmain • Date: 11 October 2013 at 06:00 AM
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Dear friends, today I would like to present you the most desired position of Lifecycle. Also we want to gain it and to stay in it in our professional, social, family and private life because It is the greatest relief after Adolescense stresses and the fresh optimistic energy we want to enjoy. From Adolescence:
To Prime 
The most complicated thing was to organize conversion from Adolescense with it`s love-hate relationship tp Prime. I guess the same to organizations.
It`s a complicated process so Prime must have an important signs inherited from Adolescense but develop it with potencial to grow into Stable.
The base conturs was available for me from the beginning.

Then I started to fulfill it with colours. This process includes several layers one above another and sometimes the canvas make own corrections. This is process inside process.

When I`d realized the motion of the painting everything came in their respective places

To growth from Adolescence to Prime without a risk to be Premature Aged needs two conditions:
1 - The core of energy, round curcles, must remains;
2 - the Founder`s group should make step back and let the Child (Organization) growth free.
Adolescence - full of direct emotions and close interaction so everyone seems bounded:

The way to Prime can be a subject of several painting. May be I`ll do it in future if Dr.Adizes describe me ways how organizations develop to Prime.
As I have no intermediate positions to show I did the collage for it.
Full of energy which could be destructive, may be too much streight, with full energy, against circumstances, corrects mistacs, overcomes obstacles,
it finally comes to exist.

This is "Prime".
Golden circles of energy is the same as energy made union between Adolescence Child and the Founder. This is the energy of Creation.
Energy of Integration. It flows in spiral lines as a galaxy.
The Founder`s group stays at the back and take care and admire the Organization they created, but they don`t involve and interrupt directly.
So this is Prime.

While I finished the painting I saw another one. That seria about Lifecycle points dedicates to be an education for an observer.
It`s images simplified and the size is middle 60X80 cm, just to allow observer to have a glance into the window of a painting, have insight with details and then passes on the next painting.
A painting I felt is bigger, the same size and style as "The Ideal Manager" and represents the Prime and Stable together. I will paint it in future because it`s a part of Integration and MT & R culture.
Thank you for being with me.