ActiveBase Painting 2011: “Your Mirror”
ANNAmain • Date: 11 December 2011 at 03:18 PM
Comments(2) •
Everything on the Earth conforms with the order of duality. Left and right, body and soul, two sexes, two sides of a brain, two general styles of energy using, everything seems dual. And we try again and again to find harmony between it. I create "Your Mirror" as a tool to realise internal conflicts and to find new dinamics and understanding from artificial duality to a new state.

The point is we recognize our own reflection in meanings of a life circumstances much more wider or complicated or simpler. If we carry a conflict inside we will see it in every event even if it is not really exist. So our understanding indicates about the internal state. Psychologists suggests Rorschach test but I choose another way to face people with internal reality. I paint "Your mirror" for the best perposes: to create a new dinamics of understanding and then to heal old hurts.
Look to the picture. What do you see? Is it a tied up man and a free woman? Is he angry? Is she happy? Or may be vice versa?..
What`s happened? Was he hooked or may be she was trying to make him free? Are they enemies or friends? What is the story?.. Let it be in your mind. Let it shows itself.
Then you could go deeper, to more symbolical meanings. Is she a dream of a real man? Is he a on the top and she on the bottom? Is he rigid and she - flexible, or he represents a will but she - a kind of connivance? Do them want to fix their positions or it could besomething new in their relationships? Is it an opposition or something else?..
Every your association, every emotion reflects hidden things inside your soul. This is a kind of courage to let it show itself.
Meet it. Check it. Then you could try to turn it into another way… Look to the picture! This is several things important to heal youself.
First of all he is not tied. Althougs his posture looks fixed there is no real cords on his hands. Her hairs gently tought his wrists but doesn`t hold him. May be it unholds him, what do you think?
Now look to the dinamics of the picture. This is not the fixed state but the possible process. He sits on the top of the rock, this is no freedom here, no joy, no more place to growing, and he is alone. His rigidity is not fruitful here. In fact he gained the peak of such possibility and now stay near unvisible border and free to do everything, and the most logical way is to use the cliff as a springboard. A girl shows that such way is safe. We all know that flexibility makes our life better in all sides, from our health and long living to more creative ideas. As you gaze from red man figure to the girl and below you can see a mermaid happily splashes into her native element, into the green-blue waters. We feel sea waters as a healing, that`s why people prefers to have a holidays on a seashore. Green and blue waters also is a symbol of our subconsciousness free from nightmare and dark, full of energy and creation. Do you feel the joy of it?..
And at the last point, could you imagine what is a process to turn your from the first conflict understanding to open feelings in soul and in real life?..
We can change ourselves. We have the power to create better life, more healthy and harmony, for ourselves and our familiars. This is the way to make our world better. And the first step to do it is to recognize a conflict inside and to use it`s energy for the self transformation.
This is "Your Mirror".
P.S. Dear friends! I`ll be very appreciate if you write your thoughts in comments. Feedback is very important and I hope to know your opinion here. Thank you!