Uk, Birmingham, Michelin star`s lunch-2
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 January 2015 at 06:33 PM No comments

About the lunch I would like to mention, it was in degustation mode and this is really great. We was able to enjoy every dish from 9-items list without hurry.

Although I didn`t make better pictures with flash, you can see how complicated is the design of every dish. Sometimes it was a real engineering construction in 3D. It was a pity to deconstruct it so I spent some time to enjoy the view and now enjoy the picture to remember it.

That dish was made from salsity, egg yolk, parsley, all products from Gruner Veltliner, Hopler, Burgenland, Austria.

This one is saffron risotto with curry and roasted couliflower. All products was from Viognier, Yves Cuilleron, Rhone, France. You can see how tiny is the couliflower`s slices. I bet it was a nano-knife to make it. Everything was so miniature and fine designed so I wished to have a good light, macro lenses and may be a magnifier to be able to review every structure of it! May be I should do it next time smile

This is the dish of my partner:

The bread was really great with normal slices so I felt myself reach to take it and to eat it with full simply joy!

Here at the picture you can see the size of the dishes. It is the special portions for degustation. It was so good so we ate the whole lunch during 3 hours without any hurry, having business conversation during it. I like the way how it was. Business conversation becomes smooth between the changes of the dishes and we wasn`t too much busy with eating so invested our time in better way. That restourans is frequently used for business meetings with directors etc right for that reason.

That dish was made from baby artishoke, tomato, garlic and something more I didn`t remember clearly. The products was imported from Spain.

The tiny leafs looks so cute so reminded me mini-aquariums from NASA technology. It was a pity to eat it, but I managed it wit pleasure.

The next one:

My next dish from brassicas, sprout leaves, hazelnut. It is a mistery how it was cooked so no ideas about.

Here it is pearl barley, white onion and baby carrot. The baby carrot was about 4 cm long with 3 cm long leaves. All was cooked somehow to remain the structure of each product, with a souce to enrich the taste. The engeneering constructure of the design reminds me some modern buildings.

This is the first dish from our deserts. Jerusalem artishoke, caramel, peanuts.

The second sweet dish was completely amazing. Milk chokolate, clementine, shiso, lemon forms so mesmerising taste so I wanted a big portion. Very big actually. Incredible big! smile

This is not the end, I have some more pictures for tomorrow.

That moment when I am remembering what was yesterday, sitting in the office, working, is the  great argument to use camera whatever you are.

See you!

Uk, Birmingham, Adam`s
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 January 2015 at 07:18 PM No comments

Hello everybody, I am in Uk now and today I was invited to Michelin star restaurant for lunch.

How to descrime things from one sense like taste into a text? It should be some special terms to describe it, like "bright taste", of "soft taste", just it can`t be really useful to point out things. That`s why pictures is so important.

I stop myself from using flash of the camera so pictures is a little bit dark. But you can see beautiful shapes of the dishes which made it a kind of art objects. It was pity to deconstruct it for eating, really.

We had 9-dishes manue to try everything. But before it  we was requested to taste some additional things. The first was a kind of coocky with sold taste.

It has a juice of beet-root to have the colour and gentle taste. The white layer is a kind of soft cheese.

Another starter was soft cheese with cream and a mussel.

Here it is the mussel.

The point is, it needs a special spirit to becalm, to make mind clear and to feel the atmosphre of the reatourant and the gentle taste of the dishes.

We was offered with third starters. I can`t explain what it was. really. The taste was a misture with something special, but not particular.

The bread was amazing. In that case I was glad I still eat bred! Amazing!

This is the first dishes from our manue. That dish was made from crayfish, butternut, chervil, all products from Casa di Sierra, Umani Ronchi, Marche, Italy.

Mine was cooked from trompettes, potatoes, nasturturtium. Several tiny leafs in the dish loocked so toughtful and lively so I ate it carefully to prolong the pleasure of watching. All products from Casa di Sierra, Umani Ronchi, Marche, Italy.

Ok, that`s a lot of pictures for the one post, I will publish more next day.

See you and have a great appetite!

Happiness: 3d stage for New Lunar Year of the Goat
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 January 2015 at 11:01 PM No comments

Making the video I want to mix two joyful bright pare of colors: red-orange and red-white. Both designs are important just it needs to mix it in good way and make transitions between them.

One of the most important things for Happy-New-Lunar-Year video was to make all movements smooth. It bases on two reasons.

First, according to Feng Shui, the positive energy flows like a wave, without hurry and sharp angles. It makes the film less active but much more positive. It concerns rithms of human brain also.

The second reason is one of the sounds with congratulations and wishes flows smoothly, sweet and cristal. To make connections between the video and sounds it needed to create very smooth trajectories for every object in the video.

I direct the 3-07 minute video with changes of different frames.

All of it contains good symbols of happiness, prosperity and development.

More development! More revard! smile

And good luck. I like that concept of Feng Shui: to attract the power of the Earth and specific luck.

What would you like to bring into our close curcles? When our relatives and friends are attractive for good, with good energy, we can make own curcle for relaxation, problem solving, and attract more and more good luck for everything in our life.

We are growing in positive energy which keeps us during changes of modern world. Having such lucky umbrella we can catch our chance more quickly and more smoothly. Having spirit of luck we can attract more luck. So, the Spring Festival which is celebrated by more then 1,5 billion people and well known all over the world, is the best moment for such synchronization.

Touch you luck feelings!

Many lively pictures represents all kinds of happines are here.

Now, making sound design witn background sounds, I am trying to synchronize sound track and smooth changes of images. The video will be presented for you next week so you will have time to evaluate it and to use it to synchronize with happiness and good luck and to share it with your friends.

In the everning I will fly to UK for a business trip, making some work for Climate Change project and working on another things. Will post about.

See you!


Happy wishes: the second step
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 22 January 2015 at 07:31 PM No comments

Hello everybody, I am here to continue our case with happiness and upcoming Lunar New year. This is a lot of traditional Asian symbols concern happiness and it`s features. Making my Happy-New-Year video I design it in order to put many symbols inside. This is several reasons for it will be described later. Right now this is several screenshots:

This is God of prosperity, in modern design, really funny. I have several figure in that design, really nice, so I would like to put one into video. That funny god brings you prosperity. It represents by gold ingot, you can see it here, in classical ancient form of boat. Imperials gold ingots of traditional China was poured out in that shape. Then it becomes a traditional symbol of prosperity and also uses in FengShui 

Yes, I practice Feng Shui for myself having some personal proves how it works, will describe it soon. So, while you are looking to the symbols of happiness of any kind, positive feelings and wills impregnate your subconsciousness so you become happiness-oriented. It hepls you to choose better ways in life, that`s why it works that way for good. So it is many symbols of prosperity and happiness in my video.

At the screenshot you can see a fan with fishes (carps) and hieroglyph "Happiness" at the centre of the fan. Carps are one of the most popular symbols of happiness and use in Feng Shui also.

One of the most important part of happiness is good health and longevity. I should say, the modern life requires health and longavity with good mental state to be active all of your life time.Here you can see the Chinese god of health and longevity, old hieroglyphs "Health". Funny goats carrying symbols of happiness (fish and a pot with gold) are flying here and there making the film animated.

Let`s add some more!

Dragon in Asian culture represents the space energy. This is a powerful good creature. That`s why in many old tractates from wide range of subjects: Feng Shui, governance, painting, strategy, authors describe the subject about specific natural energy in terms of dragon. So you can see two dragong here with hieroglyph "Happiness" at the centre.

Here you can see a curcle with fishes and happiness hieroglyph. This is one of the most popular tradiotional Chinese arts: cut paper silhouettes. It can be big and complicated, a real lace, like knitting, with different happiness symbols. Traditionally it is cut by hands without any sketches or marks. Remarcable feeling of balance and hand control, the same as in Kung Fu. I admire it so much.

Another one cut paper with happiness and carps.

The next part of the video represents anothers cultural symbols so it comes in white background. You can see here an ancient stamp with old Happiness hieroglifs around. Everything is going around the God of Health to underline how it is important to gain sustainability towards our own bodies. I am trying to do it now, not to work so much and go for a walk! smile

Now I am at the stage of sond design of the first ready video. It has localization for China, with texts in Chinese. Sound effects I am adding must accompany video right so I have a lot of work here and now to finish it before my Sunday business trip to UK.

all the time I will describe you what exectly happens in video to make congratulations with New Lunar Year more closer to you in order to make you happy with good fortune for the next season, and allow you to share it with your friends.

Invite happiness in your life!

See you!

The way towards Happiness: First report
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 January 2015 at 11:48 AM Comments(1)

Hello everybody, I`ve just finished my struggle with my new soft which tryed to convert and save all the pictures in blue colors. Nobody knows why, but everything seemed as Avatar copy so I spent an hour just to overcome it. This is the period of transition to the next level of work so I take it as it is.

Now I am working on video dedicates to upcoming Lunar New Year. Globalization bring us an amazing chance to touch wisdom and treasures of different culture. European culture adopting a lot of things from Asian and vice versa. You could be surprized to know, powder, paper, even several kinds of collar was adopted from China, the inventor of all of this. Now everyone knows Chinese zodiac, the system of animal symbols for each year, and news about Lunar new year appears in most media. It doesn`t matter everyone believe, but it matters the most part of Earth population share that information. we know from strict scientific research, if about 10% of people strongly believe in some information, the information spreads making bonds more and more. It means we are connected in the most intimate way which means collective subconsciousness. So this is the time to make it work for good.

What is Lunar New Year? It is natural celebration of season changing called "Spring Festival". We all are Earth citizens. We all depends on season changes. This is no planet B so as we are speaking about Lunar New Year we are speaking about stability in vital things. As we are keeping our wishes and our hopes for happiness we are speaking about sustainability in vital things.

Let`s have a glance through my new video screenshots which will be prepared soon to be shared and spreaded widely to celebrate people.

Lunar New Year, also called as Chinese New year are celebrating all over Asian country and more in the world. It makes it global. New Year will start at 19 of Fabruary 2015, however the moment is so important so celebration will starts 1-2 weeks earlier and will take about a month in Asian countries like China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan.

The Animal sign of 2015 year is Goat or Sheep. I am a Capricorn so personally prefer a Goat smile

I have my personal connections here. Having my anchestors from that part of the world I feel my connection with Asian culture. I felt the call from my childhood, searching for smallest drops of information inside Soviet damp system of closed possibilities. I read classical  Asian literature which I`d searched in closed libraries in my 14-teen. I worked in library to have my access to the books. Later, being a student of Physics, I also studied Chinese philosophy, Kung Fu, strategy, satin stitch embroidery, painting and some others. That`s not a study in Europeans meaning.

This is Asian Kung Fu - the hard work for knowledge with polish my character and soul to be ready for growth. I am still on the go. Everything I plan to do is more then I did and requires new approach and strong will to gain my aims. This is just a touch of basics why I am spending my time for it. This is important.

You could be wondered how all of this concerns my current work.

I can assure, everythind I am doing is linked with other tasks. For example, Lunar New year is the tradition to meet new season of growth with wishes of happiness.

Happiness! We all need it. While we are overcoming our obstacles to gain our aims, like an arrow, we want, need and can be happy. Happiness is the light which raises us from barbarian times for development. Our challenges are around, but we all are in the race for happiness.

This is why United Nation issuer World Happiness Report which I studied last year, during my Sustainable development education. Happiness is the base of life, the essense, the media, while our challenges should be our engine.

It brings us the nesessity to structure happiness (this task was started by UN Happiness report) and to have some universal symbols to keep our orientation.

I studied UN Happiness report, Asian culture of symbols and now I am trying put everything together in my film.

Sustainability in vital things is the base of happiness in all of human cultures. That`s why the historical measurement of matherial support, gold, represents everywhere all over the globe. Even our currency has gold equivalence. In Chinese culture it symbolically presented by gold ingots of specific  boat form:

But we live in times of post-industrial values. Information becames a power more then gold.

Our money becames a numbers in computers and cards, and Information, connections, media became the new treasure which is money-generated itself. That`s why I put small funny TV into traditional environment of warm colors, gold, red, deep orange.

 I will make several posts about the meanings of the video before I publush the video itself. I am doing it as a part of education to turn people for best understanding what`s going on, in order to make them oriented for happines with good support from both powers:  traditional symbols and modern scientific researchs.

To finish that post I would like to say, people, human beigs have a strong sourse of power. Both parts of our brain are redy to work to gain our aims and overcome challenges. We are strong in our potantial. And all we need is knowledge how to make it work. Let`s do it together.


New Sustainable Order
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 January 2015 at 01:20 PM No comments

New tasks and new aims require to organize things around in better way. It means, if you have a good organized work space, with new perspectives you need to re-organize it anyway. It is not clear how to reorder things into new order sometimes. On the picture you can see the middle of the process.

This is a kind of strange mind set when you experienced a new clothes, or new food, or new work space the first time. In my case everything looked good but something wasn`t perfect. I spent last day to try it and now is near the result. Just thinking about, this is important thing which is underestimated frequently. To be effective and efficient in short and long run it needs to systematize everything around in perfect way.

So, now I am doing that job to provide me the best work order for that year and more. Still doing it. smile According to my plans, I should finish 2 films about near Chinese New Year that week before I will move to UK. Let`s see, let`s do!

Changes brings funny things
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 January 2015 at 01:50 PM Comments(1)

Hello everybody, that week I am struggling for the new system to work. It is new work place, new equipment and everything is in mess around, waiting for the new order. It remindes me the last day in my Corfu holidays of last summer.

I was trying to pack everything in my laggage. despite of the fact O drop the most part of my things at Corfu to the next summer, it was a challenging moment just to disorder my room and to reorder it. It was the same feelings as I am experiencing now:  between two different orders it is a gap with mess which is open to some funny things.

For example, at Corfu I opened my door and found a red cat and then invoted it to visit my room.

The cat started to sniff and walk, I was trying to prevent it from penetrate into my laggage, then I realized it was good to offer the cat some food.

...and some water too. I love cats so had some food in my room. The red cat accepted my offer:

It was a strange feeling of home among different disorders around, a feeling how something funny coes with own order and brings a kind of rest to my head. It was nice. I guess, this is my advantage to love cats which gives me the rest at any time.

Now I remember that funny ephisode because everything is chenges at my work place, I am trying to catch the moment to try new things quickly, having time to ask questions from my specialist, FreeCat. Also this is the strong feeling of changes. I will visit UK next week and have to prepare things now. I have to make several new movies as quick as it possible before 15 of Febriary to push things ahead. Then I will be free from current fast tasks to continue my paintings which are waiting for so long time.

About associations of funny things… right now a program in my laptop was catched on steeling icons from my work table. Looks like a cat penetrate in my room secretely and do things as cats usually do. Things looks more easy and little bit funny with such an associations, so we`ve resolved the problem right now, making me free 15 min to make this post.

Next week I will start to post descriptions about #ClimateChange  project, each painting, so have to make things organized before it.

Thank you for being with me! smile

Organizing work place: “Cthulhu” cable knots
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 January 2015 at 02:37 PM No comments

Hello dear friends, new year comes with new tasks. If you want to gain new level of aims it neds to change something at work place. The most easy way to do it is to conquer the knot of million cables right under your work table. 

Sometimes it has long history and in my case seemed as "Cthulhu" (a character with many palpuses by G.Lovecraft ). Scaring! No wish to manage it. But…

I was annoyed by ugly cable knot for a long time, having no wish to manage it. It was really big and ugly. Actually I scared to do something wrong. So I was waiting for my IT specialist to control how I will make cables straight, labeled and in right order. It is nesessity for my current filming process. So, the first task of the day for me and my IT was to conquer Ktulhu and make the cables straight and righ. (It is pity I didn`t make the picture of the previous know just to compare it, but I felt no wish even to make a glance.So On the picture you can see the current right order.)

This is several ideas I would like to share with you.

How to control your "Cthulhu" cable knot:

1. A cable knot is the thing everyone experienced. So if you found is scaring it`s OK. It is really scaring. It has a long histiry, sometimes 5 and more years. Especially if your equipment includes different kinds of technology sensitive for voltage etc factors. The poiint is, such cable knot eat your time. Just manage it one time in good way and you will be free.

2. To conquer "Cthulhu" cable knot you should agree to spent about 2 hours and switch off your current work on all of the equipment. First of all, it needs to unplug the cables from UPS and make it straight. No knitwork of chrocheting here!

3. Use velcro and special clips to tie extra length of the cables. Velcro of different colors is great!

4. Mark all the power supplies with permanent marker to what equipment it belongs. I`ve used gold marker and satisfied with the result: everything is clear now, I can plug and unplug everything without losing time to found the right end of the cable.

5. If you have a lot of USB ends in your USB hub, it is good to mark each. It looks so identic with black color so it take extra time to investigate to what equipment a particular USB belongs. It really costs time and nervous just because if yiu replace a wrong USB it could make damage to hard drive, for example. I have 5 hard drives so need to mark every USB cable. Really useful.

6. Resist your natural wish to make some more new cable knots right after you finish the hard work with Ktulhu. I founded myself making new cables twine around my fresh order and stop myself immideately. OMG! Ktulhu is somewhere near!

This is just several notes right on the time I am doing the work. I feel so refreshed now, with all cables clear and well managed, so I get the point: such a simple thing make my thoughts clear and I am sure making fast decisions during work. After all, if you have a cat, it will be much more clean sitting under your work table. It`s good for all! 

Thank you for being with me,

Anna the Conquerer of "Cthulhu" Cable Knot



Happy birthday!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 January 2015 at 05:29 PM No comments

Hello everybody, our temperature becomes normal for winter, about minus 15 degrees C, and this is my birthday.

So I am doing nothing, receive warm happy birthdays from my dear friends and keep my mood colorful! smile

Wish myself the best, especially keep in fit and keep projects going on, hello, hello, where is my birthday cake? smile

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