Uk, Birmingham, Adam`s
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 January 2015 at 10:18 PM

Hello everybody, I am in Uk now and today I was invited to Michelin star restaurant for lunch.

How to descrime things from one sense like taste into a text? It should be some special terms to describe it, like "bright taste", of "soft taste", just it can`t be really useful to point out things. That`s why pictures is so important.

I stop myself from using flash of the camera so pictures is a little bit dark. But you can see beautiful shapes of the dishes which made it a kind of art objects. It was pity to deconstruct it for eating, really.

We had 9-dishes manue to try everything. But before it  we was requested to taste some additional things. The first was a kind of coocky with sold taste.

It has a juice of beet-root to have the colour and gentle taste. The white layer is a kind of soft cheese.

Another starter was soft cheese with cream and a mussel.

Here it is the mussel.

The point is, it needs a special spirit to becalm, to make mind clear and to feel the atmosphre of the reatourant and the gentle taste of the dishes.

We was offered with third starters. I can`t explain what it was. really. The taste was a misture with something special, but not particular.

The bread was amazing. In that case I was glad I still eat bred! Amazing!

This is the first dishes from our manue. That dish was made from crayfish, butternut, chervil, all products from Casa di Sierra, Umani Ronchi, Marche, Italy.

Mine was cooked from trompettes, potatoes, nasturturtium. Several tiny leafs in the dish loocked so toughtful and lively so I ate it carefully to prolong the pleasure of watching. All products from Casa di Sierra, Umani Ronchi, Marche, Italy.

Ok, that`s a lot of pictures for the one post, I will publish more next day.

See you and have a great appetite!





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