Climate Change 2014 Project: How to manage Sustainable Growth
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 August 2014 at 09:41 PM No comments

Sustainability means balanced chain of changes based on scientific planing with really good management. That way many things which normally thought to be impossible became possible and more, possible with minimum charges and zero waste. Sustainable development means effective and efficient actions in short and long run. All of this are applied into my project work.

Let me to start with an example about our feelings, expectations and the result we have from all of it. When you see a ready product, a movie for example, you can feel different emotions about. It depends of many factors, sometimes a movie is good but one of the actors doesn`t feet your expectations. Sometimes a movie is not exciting but the music is. Sometimes everything good but you have a headache so can`t evaluate what`s happens. Many reasons could influent our feelings just because feelings, emotions are produced by one of the most ancient part of our brain.

Is it a kind of sustainable evaluation? Some doubts about it. This is just an opinion based on a moment.

How we could evaluate something in sustainable way?

When we have access to information how something was designed, how it grown, changes step by step, ideas to implement, we became educated in many different ways. We became enriched just being an observer. So we could make another, better product started from the example. Or we could gain new insights for ourselves. Anyway, the hidden information how things growth, designed, developed, what`s the basic meanings, what and why - such information is voluable by itself and more, it could create another changes making new values.

Following the example about a movie, some matherials about how it was shoot, interviews with actors, director, screenwriter; access to the raw matherials, especially CGI - this is the most amazing story. Sometimes much more voluable then the movie.

That`s why I make MindMaps, shoot the process and in future wil publish descriptions for all painting I do. Because the art object itself is the result, a product which has different functions. One of them is education and possibility to start chain of changes for the sake of observers. So, this is several pictures how the process is going on right now.

For the painting with work name "Climate Change: Tornado and Storms" I needed some preparations. Although in the final image it will not be the same, I tryed several sketches right in the project book.

When you are doing a project which needs a creative approach, you should use your intuition to help you make better decisions. Intuition is the network of more then 100 billions neurones (obviously more then 4 billions we normally use). You can`t manage such mighty computer by common methods but you can manage it by soft steady nudge. Sketching is one of the most powerful tool for it useful in many fields, from business to self-development. That`s why it is good to have a project book with good size (this is up to your feelings, I have different for different project work).

It is important also to make yourself free of rules while you are working with it.

After you finish sketching it should be a kind of self-check: are you internal neuronetwork needs more time or it is ready. If you are a novice in such work you may need time, from an hour to several days, to continue.

If you are trained, especially with switching styles of brain activities, you can start immideately. (My ambidexterity  helps me to do it quickly, just change the hand and move forward).

The point is to make all boring preparations in advance. On the picture below you can see the ready place with prepared colors in nesessary concentrations, ready to work.

One of the most important things about sustainable work is the Rule of the Middle Stages. Ok, this is my own name for the process when you started and make about 30% of work and found yourself deeply disappointed and confused.

This is NORMAL stage of any development. Don`t feel worry about it, it is naturally unbalanced stage and noone could avoid it.

Why? Because of the matter of development.

When a project is on planing stage it could seems ready, but it is still on paper. This is an ideal world. If you are a good project manager, at that stage you can see the future of your idea, brilliant and shining.

Such feelings are stable for a while, the same way as honey-moon effect. Enjoy it.

Be sure it will finish. This is my Buddhist`s note as well as it is the truth.

Why such honey-moon will finish?

Because it is not a honey-year or honey-centure. Such things doesn`t really exists although we all desire it. We even have a biological stopper which turns out hormones of happiness until you became exhausted by it.

So, when a honey-moon finish, you should be prepared for changes. Otherwise disappointment could severly affect you and so make things more difficult. Obvoulsly noone want it. This is not sustainaable also.

So, what should we do with such forecast?

Accept it.

At the middle stage you could lost some parts of you vision. The reality are not completed, all is in disorder, chaotic, ans doesn`t fits to your bright vision.

For example, when I was a writer, when I did my PhD and other researchs, when I was doing my business, studied kung fu and massage, also in others activities includes art work, when the project-honey-moon had finished it was a strong feeling of unharmony and partly lost of the vision. At 30% ready stage all projects seems strange, believe me.

As it is the normal stage of work, let it be.  Just see that picture. Chaos, OMG!

Now you are awared and so, I hope, protected from disappointment and ready to continue sustainable work.

That moment it is important to make a pause. Until you make a mistake trying to return your vision.

Several recommndations for it: Get hands out of work. Get yourself out of directing the process for a while.

Let the situation be. Have a walk.

In my case, typically I have no so luxury as walking because of the time pressure. So I have several another projects, or parts of the same project, to work with.

For example, in Climate Change project different parts is different paintins, so it is easy to separate different stages. If you think I have a project-life-long honey-moon you are not so far from the reality. That`s why I so love project work and typically work with different projects simuptaneously. Not a honey-moon at all but much more sustainable and productive. I can`t advice you to do the same because it is a kind of hard life not everyone like. But partly it is useful because

the base principles of sustainable growth is the same: check the position of your work on LifeCycle and make steps according to the scientific forecast.

That way you will be effective and efficient in short and long run which means sustainable growth.

I hope that part of the story will be useful for you.

 I am going to continue with the biggest painting while "Tornado" is in the dock, far away from my eyes.

Thank you for being with me! Night hugs for all who read the post to the end!



United Nations: Climate 2014 New York conference
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 22 August 2014 at 10:28 AM No comments

That`s why I am working so hard: this is a significant moment in whole human history I am mirroring, and all of my endeavours is for future.

"We have to keep our focus on 2014 as the year when most of the work needs to be done…"

As education is one of the pillars of sustainable development I have it in mind during all of my project work. Public attention to the chain of changes which grow human beings into today sage of development, this is important to keep it in mind. Development costs. We all pay for it, our anchestors did it, and for better future we should think in smart way to understand how to pay less and how to avoid waste of vital resourses. Noone from our anchestors thinked that way. We are pioneers who must do it, because we can do it.

One more quot:

"The United Nations is casting a wide net to find dozens of people from around the world who feel passionately about the impact of climate change, have translated that passion into action and would like to attend next month’s Climate Summit at the UN." from

Let`s move forward, no time to have a rest.

Climate Change project: next 2 painting`ve started
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 August 2014 at 09:20 PM No comments

I’ve finished the 1st stage (contours) for next two painting with work names "Drought" and "Tornado". It is a lot of challenges here, especially because I am trying to film everything. Sometimes it is a strange feeling.

In my nearest past I just had felt the impuls and then painted whatever I wanted, without any worry about time or position, or details. Everything came in natural way so it was a kind of relaxation being in strong stream of ideas which penetrated from ethernity having me as a gate and an editor. It was pure meditation.

Last year, during my "Corporate LifeCycle" project in collaboration with Dr.I.Adizes I decided to make documentary film about the painting process, then to use it as a part of educational film about LifeCycle changes. Because education is so important so it comes number one among my aims.

I made the decision to change my art process right at the moment I painted "Prime" position on the LifeCycle (you can see all paintings and stories in my 2013 Gallery ). As it was significant and fited with the Prime meaning, I felt my duty to implement it.

It was the border between my natural life when I used just one photo camera, to my today acts with 3 camcorders, GoPro, 2 photo cameras and old good iPhone in addition.

Today I have many things to handle and they are bothering me every moment. For me this is the best trening of Integration, the main function of management in our time of changes. I have to integrate in one result so many things so I feel myself advanced after each task completed. Then new challenges appears. The same as in our life, isn`t it?


It is impossible to place the chief camera in one position to catch everything. Because the canvas is big and sometimes I can be in the footage while I avoid it. Only my hands should be filmed. But from one direction, being in static position, camera can`t shoot the exect process of painting - lines. brush… only the whole common view which is not interesting sometimes. First I desided to shoot it by 2 cameras. So I jumped between two tripods trying not to fall all of this to the wet painting, trying to care what part of my body now in the frame, and also chengin the position and angle of the second camera. What a hell!

Several week ago I bought GoPro Hero 3. It helps me a lot with underwater and seashore filming. I guessed it will be the easy solution for painting too. I tryed to use head band mounting for GoPro. It was unconvenient for several reasons. First of all, I never be sure about the place GoPro focused. If something goes wrong it is impossible to repeat the process of painting.

I realized, GoPro needs a laser aim.

You know, time is the treasure, and not it costs much more then usual.

No laser aims in nearest shops, also in anothers. I remembered two laser pointers I`d bought to point Milky Way and constellations projection on my ceiling. It was about 3 years ago, although it should be somewhere in my home I failed to found it.

Then I tryed to buy another one but the trick was it can`t work permanently to make the laser spot on my canvas all the time I paint.

 So it needs to press the button of GoPro, continuously press the button of laser pointer, check the camera`s position, move the camera, try to keep my head steady to focuse to the place I am painting, then to have additional 3 hands for changes of brushes and other painting stuff. So, as I counted, it needs at least 8 hands.

Obviously I have 2 hands only (plus my teeth to carry something useful like another brush)!

I hope it didn`t mirror in the footage otherwise it will be the Guinness record of weird pictures.

So I dropped the idea to use laser until my supplier found me a laser aim or a pointer with permanent light.

Nice! So what should I do as I want to shoot everything?

I have another solution for it: arm mounting for GoPro.

It is amazing although the size is for men so it is large and can`t be tight on my hand. Ok, I can manage it having the hand with fist as you see on the picture. You can imagine how relaxible I feel myself. Just as an irony, more relaxible in compare with previous methods.

So my work consist of several actions; most of which I am doing simultaneously:

1- to catch the idea what to paint

2-to concentrate

3- to put the chief camera on the tripod in right position

4- try not bang or drop it down (in such case I have to use another one)

5- put brushes, cloth for brushes, water, colors in nearest place

6- open colors I will use in next 10 min

7- don`t forget to close colors I don`t use because everything become dry or change concentration

8- put GoPro on my left hand

9- Don`t forget to keep the left hand steady while the right is working

10- If you are still reading the list, it should be the story how to keep additional brush in the teeth and don`t kick the ready to use liquid colors. I wasn`t careful yesterday so my colors was spilt right to my working place, then I was trying to wash several parts of my body and clothes.

In addition I have to paint.


As you remember, in my technigue it is impossible to make corrections. If I do something in contours unperfect it will be like that. No way to change, just to get out the canvas and start new one which is terrible from my point of view.

So during my acrobatics I need to keep my imagination in discipline, make the contours clear and don`t swear in cases I do something wrong.

I am really curious what will be the result of such crazy shooting!

Ok now I should let the two painting dry so go to bed. Tomorrow it will be easy work with the 2nd stage of coloring, easy in compare with today.

Have a nice dreams!



One day of Project work; 500 days by UN call for better future
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 August 2014 at 11:33 PM No comments

All news for today, till current moment 3:33 AM when I am falling asleep right on my painting. The biggest painting is growing healthy from 1 stage:

5 minutes ago I`ve finished the 3d stage, the most part of the black contours, hundreds small and smallest black lines covers all over the 110 X 90 cv painting represents the first Kondratieff wave

The preiod right before the steam engine, when ideas was floating around, forming new vision for genious of invention in Holland and England. We know the moment when the first invention formed the 1st Kondratieff wave. We know the moment it started, but before that moment it was the significant period of search, both scientific and intuitive. Hundreds attempts to develop and polish the result. The process of negotiations, gathering right people to work together, new business style.

The result of that process was the invention which turned our world right the way we inherited now.

So, this is not the exect day but the process.

Why I pay so much attention to processes?

Because we are staying at the beginning of serious changes to balance Climate Change and to harmonize our activities. This is not a single decision. This is a process of many steps from many sides, that`s why it is so important to pay attention how big results became an outcome of many efforts.

Enough for today, as I am near to drop my head on my keyboard. Next day I will work with enothers paintings to let that one be dry for the next stage.

See you!

Climate Change Project: the first 5 paintings
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 August 2014 at 10:10 AM No comments

Today I finished in conturs the biggest painting to Climate Change project. This is significant moment, MDG Momentum: UN launches 500 days of action to build a better world. Just yesterday Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon`s marked 500 Days of Action for the MDGs. I am doing it.

At that moment I have 5-6 paintiings have to be ready to the first week of September and additional 6 the first in the world environment paintings a little bit later. After it I will work with more paintings in different subjects concerns UN Millenium Development Goals, post 2015.  Picture about the UN 500 days of action to build a better world yesterday event:

Read more about 500 days by United Nations here

So this is the start of long activity, I guess so. Back to my work:

As I work in different subjects, not so private as previous, I will show the results after everything will be finished officially.

My hope for today it to do everything in time and have some time for myself, for beautiful project about the place I love, and for films. Now everything is in work mode, smell of white-spirit and benzine everywhere, colors, cameras, brushes, and over it beautiful music by Ramin Djawadi which helps me to keep the rhitm for work.

The biggest painting, 120x90 cm, for Climate Change project, has done in contours. That`s the most complicated part of the job. So I should go to celebrate it. Should I? Let’s move forward.

Now I have to allow canvases to dry from the first conturs so I am going for a walk to keep my mind refreshed, then be back for my Nordic walking with weights which keeps my arms strong, then to work, then to have Yoga trening, then work, then….

See you!


Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 August 2014 at 09:27 AM No comments


Ready for the mission
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 August 2014 at 08:18 AM No comments

Many things depend of a specific mood to be done correctly. I`ve done the first after Corfu Nordic walking. 2 km with additional 5 kg weights on my arms and anklets. Feel happy, strong, ready for the mission.

Many things to be handle now is more simple to handle. Feeling the body as the ready mashine for missions, for creation, for implementing thoughts into reality, this is the best from the best. Nothing could compare with such extension, in which ethernal mind-ideas network producing my project work starting to penetrate into reality by efforts, body gesture. You know, my painting style was grown from Chinese calligraphy and Kung Fu style which I used to practice for a long time. Perfect gesture of the brush is the reflection of perfect mind set and perfect intention. Such deep integration comes from Asian philosophy and diferent self-perfection schools for which I belong from my past. Movement of a sword is the same as movement of a brush. Movement of words which play perfect game we call poetry or story telling, deep meditation in movement or in silence, in deep immobility/ Great ideas comes free, naturally, being supported by perfect mind state, being ready to found a way t be implemented. This is the essense. I am going to prepare things for the Sustainable development, Climate Change project.

I am happy. I am going to work.

Modern trend of Business philosophy calls for integrated sustainable practice
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 August 2014 at 06:51 AM No comments

Today I would like to introduce you similarities between modern business philosophy and ancient wisdom which means many of really good proved tools of Buddhism could be applied into business and modern life to gain more effective and efficient life in short and long run. I am very pleased to witness is how the business philosophy becomes wise.

On the picture you can see the classical image of the Weel of Karma -  the curcle of reasons and consequencies, the base concept of Hinduism and Buddhism. From our own experience we know, the more developed and wise a person is, the more he or she know how reasons  create results and make decisions to avoid bad results and produce good. This is also a common sense which links seeds with fruits.

Just one glance: the statement is our previous experience which comes with passion could produce the same results in future.

Let`s see how it is described in today article by Dr.Ichak Adizes: "Two guys visit Paris. One says: "Paris is a terrible place. Prostitutes everywhere. Cheap bars. Dirty streets."

The other guy says:  "Strange. I was in Paris too. I saw no prostitutes and no cheap bars. Only museums and incredible architecture."...

You hear, see, notice, and experience what you are looking for. If you do not look or expect, it will not be there. The reasons behind our (compulsive) search are multiple. ..."

Now have a glance to the quote from 7th sentury BC:

Now as a man is like this or like that,
according as he acts and according as he behaves, so will he be;
a man of good acts will become good, a man of bad acts, bad;
he becomes pure by pure deeds, bad by bad deeds;

And here they say that a person consists of desires,
and as is his desire, so is his will;
and as is his will, so is his deed;
and whatever deed he does, that he will reap.

—Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 7th Century BC

quote from 7th sentury BC:

Now as a man is like this or like that,
according as he acts and according as he behaves, so will he be;
a man of good acts will become good, a man of bad acts, bad;
he becomes pure by pure deeds, bad by bad deeds;

And here they say that a person consists of desires,
and as is his desire, so is his will;
and as is his will, so is his deed;
and whatever deed he does, that he will reap.

—Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 7th Century BC

So, as we see so many common points and recognize it is not by a chance, but because it describes the same thing, we can use the huge experience and approachs existing in Buddhism (not in religious institute but in the pure essence) to correct it.

- See more at:

quote from 7th sentury BC:

Now as a man is like this or like that,
according as he acts and according as he behaves, so will he be;
a man of good acts will become good, a man of bad acts, bad;
he becomes pure by pure deeds, bad by bad deeds;

And here they say that a person consists of desires,
and as is his desire, so is his will;
and as is his will, so is his deed;
and whatever deed he does, that he will reap.

—Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 7th Century BC

So, as we see so many common points and recognize it is not by a chance, but because it describes the same thing, we can use the huge experience and approachs existing in Buddhism (not in religious institute but in the pure essence) to correct it.

- See more at:


So,  just in a couple of quotes, we can see similarities. It is like in the wise story about elephant and three blind men who was trying to learn who an elephant is by touching… at the present moment of business philosophy it seems like such blind men eventually discover the whole elephant and so they have the same description about their experience in their heads,,, it needs just to compare it to realize they all are right so let`s collect different

When we divide the core philosophy and practice of Buddhism from the common religious institutes (which is not the same) we can found:

a lot of tools, proved experience, solutions, structures, descriptions and recommendations are already exists. As Buddhism from the core calls for development, it is the subject of modern Sustainable Development call.

What we need to gain our future while even our planet is changing as the result of our activities? How can mankind survive without understanding the links of reasons and consequencies which produce our today and tomorrow?

 As true religion, true science, true philosophy and true practice are the same being just a different angles of view and apply, it should works together for the best short and long run result. All together should use experiencies of each others to create new solutions.

This is the reason I am working in the inter disciplinary field of business,  philosophy, Sustainable Development being a Buddhist-in-practice. That way I am trying to use all proved experience and put it into modern practice for the best short and long run results because this is nesessity calls by our modern trends.

Let`s put into our practice ideas we already have proved and developed. Let`s touch the core through different words.

Read the full article by Dr.Ichak Adizes here


The Edge of the Dream
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 August 2014 at 01:03 PM No comments

Everyone knows, if a dream is attractive and take all of our attention, it is hard to wake up and hard to remember the dream when you succeded with wake up. The same with my trips. My departure from the hotel was at 06-50 so by the wise advise I didn`t sleep. Because of that reality around becames blur and unclear, as a kind of anesthesia.

I planed to shoot the beautiful picture of Corfu from the airplan but suddenly my GoPro was out of battery. It was just several frames from different points when I was trying to dry the accumulators. After it I fall asleep and at the next glance founded myself in cloudy Moscow.

I was lucky to have all laggage quickly and it was not so many people at the airport so the arrival seems also in blur. I was awakened by the rain.

After about 2 hours of jumping with everything in airexpress train, the subway, hundreds steps up and down, eventually I`ve arrive home.

Strange feeling. I am not sure Corfu exists, although I can see all pictures clearly in my mind. This is the same as with paintings: what I can see is clear but not real yet.

So… a kind of healthy transition is to keep blogging. I have a full list of activities for tomorrow, have to do that and that and to paint quickly, and to visit my mom with presents etc, and who knows what`s more. (I know: more is nordic walking with weights and zero bred).

Strange feeling of double reality is, as I still see the sea with all details just by my forehead, my senses informe me, I am sitting on my office place, my monitor is 3 times bigger then on Corfu laptop, the keyboard is better and Internet incredible fast. The point is to force myself to forget, this is 11 months between me and the sea, so I should restrain myself from the Edge of the Dream and don`t cross it too frequently.

So, I am going for the small tea ceremony and then hope to fall asleep.

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