InkSketch: Move and Act
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 February 2013 at 02:45 PM No comments

The border between class study and real life is natural. Sometimes pupil the best inside class fail to keep their position in real life. And vice versa.

This is not something so hard to perform but something we should understand how to and perform our best that way. What is the main thing made differencies between a classroom and the life field? This is targeting. In classrooms a teacher make aims and algorithms how to gain it. Of course such aims are simplified but it`s not the main difference. The main is the process itself: teacher is somebody else and as he/she made us the target it`s not our target but something a little bit artificial. That way we could lost something important such as connection between living achievement and it`s simple models.

Several times when I practiced archery I was told how important is to feel the hand, to make a bow like a part of your brain and then to catch the target by eyes. And then to feel an attraction from the target. Hands, bow and eyes are the one system then.

Such way a target comes into the mind and become own so this is the real life thing to gain. So we are dial with the skill of a classroom and skill needs to gain in reality. But it is not the last point, because in class we have a static situation, but in real life it is not so. IN reality everything changing, new things appears, old disappears, you could just to finish your strategy and then realize it`s not actual.

So we need a new skill - to be flexible enough to catch how situation changes and to be one step before it.

All equipment must be very good selected and fits to your hand, mind etc. Also you should keep in touch with a partner before the mission will start. So you gain mutual trust and understanding to hold your target independently in changing world. Not just to react but to predict it.

...and you will win that way!

Writing that notes I realized my bow stuck behind the door, forgotten, and I remember my intention to make a shooting-range here at home because I have no time to go to an archery club. But being under the pressure of another important tasks and plans I could just to notice it in hope to do it in right time. smile

InkSketch: First try then develop
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 26 February 2013 at 08:22 AM No comments

That picture continues previous about Heart Desire. What happens if you found a way to develop your dream?

Are you ready to it? Becuse many people just want to touch their dream and then jump back, to the calm well known routine. Becausr it is the risk to develop your dream. Like Bilbo Baggins ("The Hobbit" ) have just one step ot the road and then the Adventure started, like you could overcome your natural habits and limits just trying to realize a dream. Sometimes people use dreams as a moon in a window - a thing pleasant to have sometwhere far away, but who wants Moon dropped to your bed? But anothers people realized the driving force, huge motivation power to actualize themselves when they make staps towards realization. And that times this is important to find somebody else.

Dream-develop partner is the bless bacause such way you will be less destructive and more sure in things doing and how it will be growth in natural way.

Just try it! Abandon worries, scratches, miss, and how uncomfortable you could feel yourself in new role.

Try it, because this is the best time and perfect place in presence of Universe, being in partnership as it should be.

InkSketch: Try Your Dream
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 February 2013 at 03:58 PM No comments

Everyone knows what is it - a heart desire, sometimes strange, unusual, may be a little bit scaring for a person or for people around… A dream is laying inside until time it arise like first flowers from snow.

Dreams growth not in vacuum but in surrounding, so as you see somebody free, actualizing his/her dreams, it could be the example for you just to try. What qualities should you have to do the same? First is lively interest and curiosity what happens and how it fits to your interests, knowledge and skills. May be you realise your skills about zero but don`t fear about, it will grows as far as you keep your dream.

Driving power of the real example from a person who have the practice of things you dream is so important so you should have your eyes wide open to check who has the same desire here, hopes not far away. Just keep your efforts to have a glance out of narrow world inside - to the wide world outside things you accustom.

Feel free to be active but also careful, observe what happens as attentively as you can. May be you once realize a key thing and then it will make your efforts more brave.

Trying inside your world be careful, because typically dreams are much more wide then the born place so something could be broken. But this is the price of the chance to try your dream and growth more, more that strange, blessed way.

Less of Armours
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 February 2013 at 10:15 AM No comments

Since Wilhelm Reich psychologists know how internal and external problems form the muscles shield over the body and also internal protection too. Such armours keeps a person from stress and helps to handle pains but the more effective armours is the less lively human could be.

While a person support own armours he/she could be effective in the brunch chosen, but with time efficiency and potency comes down, reactions stabilizes in narrow diapason and then it will be a kind of rigid to the body and a kind of spiritual death to the soul. Because human have no task to be the effective robot, but to be more and growth possibilities into divine position of knowledge and power.

It means our shields and armours, so effective in the short run, becames our chains in the long run way. So we all need to recognize it existant and then to make a choice how to live. This is only two ways. One is to remain armours ans stop any changes, this is to weak people. But for strong ones, who still are ready to growth and self development, still want to expand their role to the world and still have their potentials this is the second way - to be brave enough to take armours away.

This is not an easy thing and of course needs perfect timing. If you take away your armors in wrong time it will be crash of plans, processes and sometimes even bones. If you take away armours without attention to the order it may be the case you will be totally naked in the main positions and armored in unimportant. So your reactions could be uncorrect. Also as armours still has it`s function it is important to make everything smartly and put armours with honour and respect to a special place. Why not? Who knows, may be it could be a situation required your force so all instruments must be prepared and near.

It`s an interesting question what should be the first and the last in such process. That picture pointed on the case the chief position of the head so the helmet is the last thing to be out.

What is the sign the process is well done and correct? Feeling of freedom without exciting but with a kind of deep joy, like lighting spreads around. So you could see the process is healthy, in right order and perfectly in time.

Healthy, happy and perfectly in time then!

Divine Adviser power: Queen of Swords (Tarot)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 February 2013 at 08:26 AM Comments(1)

Deep archetypes bases Tarot system is worth to be learnt and understand how to apply it to our life situations. That time I`ll present you the Queen of Swords  .

Queen of Swords is your adviser in situations needs analisys and to divide write and wrong just to make new decision clear. Who is the adviser and who is the recipient? What qualities they have and how the process comes? The first figure here is the Person who could be an adept, an representative of the power or advisory. The first quality of such representative is to keep calm whatever happens around.

There are thousand ways how to keep calm and here I show the meditation style. Breath and diafragma control, keeping hands in mudra, fingers together just to prevent youself from active moving could deform the situation or turn people involved in wrong way. Long dress of the Advisor remaind her stability and even transmitt it to her surrounding.

Queen of Swords has the freedom of her thought and her active intellect, thet`s why she is such a fairy flyes above the head of the Person represents the power.

She is familiar with sorrow because people wants an advise typically in hard situations, sometimes beinb the reason of it. So Queen of Sword may understand this way being with a kind of sad but don`t allow sadness to rule, so this is important to keep calm with cold head and understand another`s feelings the same time. Everything in one.

Of course representative have to know symbols and attributes of the Power he/she represents. She also have her sword  before her, perhaps as a warning, a self-protection or a test for another.




My Diary
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 February 2013 at 05:44 AM No comments

That year i realized the best tool to make my owt style diary. This is a big peper roll which allows me to cut the paper to the size I want and also it seems unlimited (being about 25m long). So plenty of resourses made me exciting so i started to draw everything what happens, from Tarot cards I learned that day to my real events.

That time I painted my own variant of 10 of Pentacles Tarot (I learn it from 78 Doors seria). The original card represents the final scene - children in house on the tree, and it was the final of a happy story.

I was curious how it could be just at the first time children entered to the tree so focused on the beginning. The tree seems hight so I came to the idea it should be helpful hand to make a step. Then, after the Hero person, I paint the hand.

That time I was lazy to shoot it step by step so here is the result. It shows how it could start at the edge of past situation and the future.

Now i have about 50 drawings in that style and I like such Diary both to create and to read, because through the picture I could see much more about situations passed then the period it happened.

#3 AB Painting 2013, LifeHack Seria: Past-in-Future in Now
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 February 2013 at 10:23 AM No comments

Time is the line with transperecy in Future and past and ideally with a golden point (from Taoists terminology) in which Perfect Human actualises  him/ herself. This is the perfect balance between parts of our past and future just to make a kind of balance to the central Here-and-Now point in which we actually live.

Although many books and wise people and commercial coachs too advices to live Here-n-Now style it`s really hard to achieve because of the difficulties to gain the perfect balance between time line points influents us. First of all, according to Art of War (one of my favourite books) a person needs to know himself and to know an enemy and so to win. How many people interesting to learn ust about themselves?.. So a huge part of influence of their Past could be hidden and so be more powerful to change lifepath.

With knowledge about own Future is the same - it consists from parts not very good designed to neighbour each others. So one part could be opposite to another, some plans could be unreal - anothers hardly to be real because it costs too much.

During our life we realize part by part, bit by bit, step by step that we are not alone in our body and sometimes strange shadows take the rule.

Sometimes we learn it from joy, but more friquently by suffer. We realize shadows of Past when we make a choice based of previous mistakes but not on the actual sitation.

Sometimes we realize how our picture of Future made us exhausted when we try to catch illusions, for example to gain glamoure magazines lifestyle.

So the moment we learn about ourselves that true who and how influent our reality and change it all time, this is the first step for the Here-and-Now Gold Point life, to be healthy, happy and free.

#2 AB Painting 2013, LifeHack Seria: Start to Awakening
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 10 February 2013 at 10:05 PM No comments

#1 AB Painting of that year named "Too Long Waiting" and the second represents the next stage of the process - start to awakening.

Such points is not an opposite ones as it seems from the first glance. Sometimes waiting is so important then we have no right to indulg own anxiety, tiredness or boredom, even to pain in asleep muscles. Such waiting have to finish just in time make internal processes completed. So the next stage could be after the previous becomes old and so gently loss of energy then next step literary explodes out it.

What is the main characters of the Awakening stage just at the point it begins? Probably it`s an explosion of relief and strong feeling of fresh energy. Old shells broked and it`s peaces fuzzes out.

But the feelings of loss, sometimes painful, comes simultaneously. Old borders covers so many things - habits, chains of smallest things, connections with surrounding, also readiness to stress. Losing that border, being open to something new flowering right now, we partly lost our immunity to pains of life. Our skin of events now is so thick then every scretch feels as a wound.

That way we confirm our price to be attended to the next evolutionary step - to be involved in something flowing in the best, as we hope, future. Pain and pleasure, statics and dinamics are the borders of Awakening.

Then, learning different state, we accept it, agree with it`s strange conditions, partly in joy - partly in pain, dinamically changing, but with one foot in solid past…

Just at the start we feel ready to sacrifice our blood to next day.

This is Start to Awakening.


Trying to Give Birth before Tomorrow
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 February 2013 at 10:25 AM No comments

I am trying to finish 4 new AB paintings before tomorrow LUnar New Year. Of course it impossible, but i did a titanic attempt and made two of it close to finish that night.

So it`s the reasul of very nervous December-2012 and part of January I allow myself to be lazy so this is the time to work over night and to do. It`s not so hard because as I started I know what and how, just feel a little bit strange with the poor sleeping and sometimes I can`t work because of hands trembling. It`s OK, it seems everything of that night will be finished for tomorrow, and a couple another paintings (waiting my attention from NOvember!) must be finished until Wednesday, I promise, I promise, I promise!

Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr….. 8-)

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