Trying to Give Birth before Tomorrow
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 February 2013 at 02:25 PM

I am trying to finish 4 new AB paintings before tomorrow LUnar New Year. Of course it impossible, but i did a titanic attempt and made two of it close to finish that night.

So it`s the reasul of very nervous December-2012 and part of January I allow myself to be lazy so this is the time to work over night and to do. It`s not so hard because as I started I know what and how, just feel a little bit strange with the poor sleeping and sometimes I can`t work because of hands trembling. It`s OK, it seems everything of that night will be finished for tomorrow, and a couple another paintings (waiting my attention from NOvember!) must be finished until Wednesday, I promise, I promise, I promise!

Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr….. 8-)





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