Joy & Happiness
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 December 2013 at 02:29 PM No comments

I worked hard in Saturday and Sunday, and most part of the night having several great ideas to try. So today I slept about 4 hours, the weather was sucks and I desided to visit a huge spa complex for thermal relaxing. It was so goooood!!!

So drastic contrast between snowy-wety streets, dark sky (actually darkness without sky) and deep blue waters of the spa complex!

A brought my small camera with me to shoot several moments for my future movie. I did it without taking a breath about 1,5 hours untill my micro SD cart was full. Then I realized my bag I droped near the border becomes full of water. My things includes towel was totally wet!

And the oly dry thing was  my camera!

So funny! 8-)))))

OK, now I am relaxant and returne to the project work!

Art Project “Adizes Corporate LifeCycle”: going to the film
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 December 2013 at 02:26 PM No comments

Hello everybody, Anna is here to update her blog! Oh my god, I didn`t make new posts that week! Too many things to do, too much to learn! Now I feel a little bit free finished "Stable Point" painting, the most complicated. So now I put my mind in charge to think about the films I want to make.

I realized many things I want to tell about by movie. A short ones, of course. But I want to make it work for people see it.

So it will be not just a movie about how paintings was done. I desode to put another content inside that task. The same content which allows me to put together the best ideas change the  world, visual thinking and learning process. This is the philosophy behind my activity. Not just a peace of art - but Art and Knowledge which plays roles for the sake of people observe it.

So it takes time. I am sure to create several movies and present it in 2014, in January. So many things to tell about, so many possibilities. So I force myself to think about several projects simultaneously using internal possibilities of human brain to calculate several streams of information in sunconsciousness with controle of the mind. Now several movie projects become more clear. However I have to think about more to cut out unnesassary details and alow important details to be clear.

So now I collect 7 main projects in one book to control the process and to write ideas immideately it comes to me.

Sure it will be soon! Thank you for being with me!


The sunset: Aristocracy point of the LifeCycle
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 December 2013 at 04:03 PM No comments
Hello friends! Several words about next painting! When I started to visualize Lifecycle points in simple style with human figures I had the target to pay attention to the dramatic transitions between life points.

From leadership acting in Prime   to the superior position in Stable     

the transition to Aristocracy is dramatic


Painting energy will be later, it will be correct to the subject and may be more beautiful. But dancing energies has no human feelings.  All energies is equal. This is just the different vibrations.
But for people energies is not equal. Everyone wants to stay in Prime and Stable, noone wants cost to exist. As I understand it, the main target of the System is to help organization to gain Prime/Stable point and to stay here as long as it possible. Obviously Prime and Stable are preferable. So people of every age could feel it naturally observing pictures, being experienced and educated that way.
That is the reason behind the design of each painting.
What is the features of the Aristocracy?
Everything coded here, on the picture.
Long rectangular table with rank seats, rigid look. Who occupies the superior position it doesn`t matter. Everything is put into ceremonial order.

Lively creating power which gained the prosperity now is banished. Something seems like a glass wall separates management from the reality of today and more from future reality.

Reach state of Aristocracy represents by gold ingots used as presser. This is the mark of continuous power and prosperity. It is not a prosperity by actiions.  It`s a prosperity of storage, of ownership. This is "to have" but not "to do".  An expensive peace of art on the wall is the only light spot in the room. Heavy curtains, heavy figures, heavy mood.
So no life here.
Such kind of ownership represents by patriarchal sosieties and religions. Obviously they expect to freeze everything and everyone in order to rule forever.

This is a lot of thin nervous lines in that painting. It represents energies out of control, changes which happens naturally, unchecked failure of important functions.

The figure represents the Organization lost superior position,  obviously forever. She has bleeding wounds on her hands because of her attempts to survive.
No way to communicate about real needs. No possibilities to attract atention because people at the table enjoyed their ownership having gold in their hands.
This is the dark side.
Changes in energy of that point represents by proportions and strokes. It turnes from deformation to degradation. 

Intermissive nature of that black strokes means the process is not so rigid so it could be a hope to turn back to Stable.

I painted that piece of art quickly because I know personally what is the Aristocracy.

Education is power. So that power should be delivered wider in different ways.
Thank your for being with me,

ArtProject “Adizes Corporate Lifecycle”: Stable point has finished!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 November 2013 at 07:02 AM No comments
Dear friends! Today I would like to claim the Stable point has finished! So great relief! smile
Firstly that seria has the purpose to help people to learn more in close assotiations with real life events. 

That`s why pure energies of life represents by human figures and faces in that partucular seria. From Prime point:

  to the Stable:

"Stable point" is one of the most complicated paintings because of my internal work and changes I`ve done in whole production cycle while I was doing the Stable. It was several insights during it causes new understanding of the particular process. Several important things in the life too.
The first question was how to growth from Prime to Stable.
The second: how to let observers feel the Stable as natural point to take care, pay attention and so make Prime and Stable longer in time.
The base archetype for Stable is the most ancient one represents Goddess-mother. From cave period till now people pay respect to Goddess-mother archetype in many religions.
The Goddess Cave Venus is self sufficient so represents   vitality of (P) only so doesn`t fit the project. St.Maria (and all pictures like it) represents completeness of her strict mission (A) so doesn`t fit too.
A model for Stable point should be growth in potential, with realization and perspectives and with long live during chenges.

Mother with 2 children, a girl and a boy, represents completeness of potential. Many people think about 2 different kids as a good stable family.
Here different ages of kids represents how an organization in Stable can create different projects and growths it in different points of their lifecycle.
Also it gives the painting energy of proactive (e)  style more then just a stability*.

Violet and red colours around the main figures represents changes.
Quick movement of changes outside and deep peace inside represents how low level of internal marketing allows to gather internal power to use it for constructive purposes.
Superior position of the figures represents (A) - Administration function of Management in Adizes system.

This is one momen to pay attention. Many people think about family, relationship, stability and growth as a natural things which are taken for granted.
Many people prefer to think everything will growth without their attention like a grass. But it`s wrong. Like in "Alice in Wonderland" it needs work just to stay stable in right position.
So I decided to make figures of kids shadowed by energies with yellow, red and gold colours. It means full potential is potential. It`s probability.
It needs work (P) (Production function of Management in Adizes system) to provide it into reality. 
It needs (I) (Integration function of Management in Adizes system) attention and care.
So the Stable point represents big potential in one step from the reality. It could turn people to ideas what to do to make all of such dreams real.

Round figure on the low part of the painting represents round table and also Earth globe as the field to growth without narrow limits.
Gold splashes of energy around the figures create gold threads. It forms new network around gold nuggets and more new network.  It represents new ideas, new products, new filials of organizations, new projects, new possibilities in changes.
The gold network growth more on the globe and comes to the people around the table. Realization of the potential gives power.
So it can be thought provoking for an observer.

This is the result.
It isn`t just a painting. This is the result of the way of 3 months thinking, attempts, insights, changes in technigue and whole process,  realization of new potential to make movie etc. A lot of everything.
As I have own insights during it, the painting is more personal then others. It`s more detailed. It has own history. Therefore it`s much more valuable then just one trom the seria.


think about it as the important prototype of the Stable. So I`ll paint another one in more simple manner if it`s required.
Thank your for being with me!
How to jump from old level to new one? 2 step
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 26 November 2013 at 12:14 PM No comments

After you lost old stability everything new seems in mass. Such an unpleasant feelings! I experienced it when I started to design a new engineering construction for the big-big lamp!

The worst thing here is uncertain what to do. Because on the new step everything is unclear so it sould be like a cool wind on the back.

But it is possible to make ourselves cool in the mind, make pauses and then construct a new form from many peaces. So I did it. It will be the new possibility to shoot the film in better conditions.



New Leadership is the core thing in our crisis times
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 November 2013 at 09:01 AM No comments

Being in world crisis we realize thet nobody predicted it. Nobody! This is no plan how to manage it and also no prediction. Although we have Nobel Prise scientists and professors of Management in the best institutes it doesn`t help in our situation. It means something goes wrong in the system of Management education itself.

"Why are we unable to predict the future? Because the world has become extremely complex. It is not atomistic anymore. Its different parts are all interconnected and overlapping. Technology advances have sizable social repercussions, which in turn have political and economic repercussions. It is one big bouillabaisse…" Read more in Dr.Ichak Adizes today article here

So… Classical Management study is wrong. We need new Managers who will be open-minded, broad-thinking, system thinking persons who will be learning from surrounding. Also we need to be the best Manager of our life, to make better decision for ourself and to be able to understand what`s going wrong with other`s decisions. I strongly believe people can be the best Managers for themselve having an appropriate knowledge support and good environment to growth themselves among people with the same possibilities.



How to jump from old level to new one? -1 step
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 November 2013 at 08:23 AM No comments

Dear friends, today we meet one of the most important problems on modern world. How to predict new step of development and how to jump to it? That process consists of 3 steps. First of all is to recognize features of the position you have.

Our world develops so fast so we need to predict nearest future before it comes to us. Sometimes it is easy because everything in the life looks unperfect. But when we gain a stable position is is not so easy to realize it will be not so perfect to gain desired future.

My example illustrated what is it.

IN my previous work everything was clear. I have Bamboo Cabinet for ink painting and thinking and Yoga Palace for big painting,  everything was arranged and good for creation and productivity. Just go and do it. It was ready every time I wanted. This is the example of good stable position for today; so good so it really works. It fits to design of my home being aesthetics.

But when I have a glance to nearest future I can see the nesessity to make more then a good product (painting in my case). I need to make films about everything: how my painting growth, what a psychological effect it can support, also to allow people to learn from me things really works for good by many years of coach experience so to use my ink drawings as illustrations. This is the future I want. This is the natural perspective which combines all of my skills from previous experience and allows me growth more.

This is the first step to your future: to realize what`s your background, your feeding idea, your core experience and how to develop it to the next step.
What is the problem doing it?
I see the one problem here: to realize tomorrow comes and brings changes anyway. When you realize it everything comes naturally.
Sometimes people try to broke today stability in order to create future. It is right in case today isn`t good. However in situation today is good quality and brings your energy you should just have a glance how to develop it to more. To growth it naturally and to allow it to blossom. To create possibilities to others people by things you gain now.
This is the first step so if you like the idea you can observe everything around and ask it what is the ready-for-growth potential.
Thank you for being with me!
China Adventure: TianTai Buddhist Temple-4
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 November 2013 at 02:30 PM No comments

Our memory is strange thing. Once it can be as clear as a good film. Another time it`s like a shadow of past. Then it seems like an index in file catalog marked with day and month. The same is with my memory about TianTai.

It was just 2 months ago but so many things happened so I realized the memory drown. It isn`t good because it save important things so I start to observe the best picture which remind me feelings so fresh. This is one of them. I feel it through the screen so it seems correct to write about in present tense.

This is stone garder as I prefer to call it. This is the place full of green trembling in air. It seems as strange jade colour of light rayes fron the stones. Each side of the stones bleeds with green magic, with the same density as green waters of mountings. Each edge of the stones cut that vibrations into sections so the structure of thet plase is moving and stable in one time. So strange, so bright, so alien, so acquainted. I experienced the same feeling when I saw one Japanese movie "Mononoke hime" by H.Miyadzaki.

This time I need to refresh my mind and feelings. Too many dayes I spent thinking about Stable point in LifeCycle curve and how to improve technigues to the film so my feelings becomes  devocalized. The winter`s coming, no sun for many days and my body tryes to sleep more then work. I don`t like it even if it is natural. So I should to renew my internal media to gain things I love, to develop things I plan, to share things I invented. So I wish to awake.

Before painting Stable
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 November 2013 at 07:19 AM No comments

Hello everybody, I was near to paint the Stable point of the LifeCycle curve but stuck with a model. Many people acustom to take Stable for granted. Not so many understand how treasure is it. 

I found no right model among companies but suddenly realize the best model near me.

Code (PAeI) is Mother
Just have a glance how Goddess-Mother represents in many religions. Sometimes it is a basic archetype, sometimes a part of religion`s legend (Maria in Christianity, Mother Yashoda in Krisha religion, many others and the base are the same PAeI



Mother is the sourse, mother keeps kids in her heart and mind whole life whatever it can be, in any ages. Mother provides care which seems as natural as an air so seems not so important sometimes…
This pampkin my mom growth to me and gave me several days ago. 
It was the insight.



investigated what people think about Stable point of an organization. Also I investigated students with their opinions about Resonant manager in cours Emotional Intelligence I take now at
All answers have the same features. It describes what mothers do.
So… it seems people enharited from mothers much more then they usually think. That`s why quiet, unlimited, sincere, modest everyday work of mothers payes less attention then father`s goals which could be financially counted.
I have a look to my mom. In hard soviet times we have nothing and my grandma provides us with additional food. My mom learnt to do everything for us, even clothes she designed, scarfs, hats, socks… everything. Her meals was so testy although we have no good products.

My mom gains all professional honour too.
She is double PhD, started from Mathematics hight education,  and with the president`s medal of destinguished professor at the end of her carrer.
Today, being on pension she still work with students and they love her. She takes care of everyone from the family sometimes forgetting herself. Extremely hard worker, exellent woman, beautiful and still young for me.
This is my mom.
Through all obstacles, with zero matherial base she raise me and my brother, being a column of our family, doctor for our illnesses.
She turned me from physics to Management so my PhD I dedicate to her.
Even if she demanded me to be a violin player which was a hard thing from my 5, she just wanted to actualize my potential that way. She founded an exellent violin for me in back country so I was able to provide pure sounds from honourable instrument. May be it will be more when I start to compose music. Definitely it is from her. It was pure (PA) so painful to my (E) and so important to make the balance.

My mom designed and sewed beautiful clothes for herself and me.  She made embroidery too. Although I learned chinese style embroidery by myself I am sure the base was from her (PAeI).

So I designed clothes too. Without my mom that idea never comes to me.

Also my mom is an author of several management class-book which was officially recomended by Ministry of education. Once I was a co-author to bring a little (E) to official management. Also I am an author of several books. This is not just I am good in different style of writing.
This is because I inherited (PAeI) from my mom.

...and books about crafts too.
How could I do it without havins a live example before my eyes all my childhood? My mom working with concentration for many hours.
All I have in that field flowers from her roots.

This is my private story.
It could seems as something unimportant to the task to complete the seria. But I strongly believe in self development. I want to growth with my project to turn people to feel it and growth too. This is important more then a particular painting. Because the private story of each art object is the part of Art object itself.

So the message is clear.
The energy we are able to found in ourselves, to respect and worship supports us in our life.
People need to feel how our relationship with Stable points of life should be protected with deep knowledge and gratitude. Mothers,  organizations in Stable, even our planet seems to have the same PAeI code so…  it is the way to feel our roots which is frequently unvisible being inside our hearts.
My work is worth to do to have such insight. I want my mom to see my success because she belives in me and put in me so much.
This is my contribution to PAeI as an energy of life.
Thank you for being with me.
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