The sunset: Aristocracy point of the LifeCycle
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 December 2013 at 08:03 PM
Hello friends! Several words about next painting! When I started to visualize Lifecycle points in simple style with human figures I had the target to pay attention to the dramatic transitions between life points.

From leadership acting in Prime   to the superior position in Stable     

the transition to Aristocracy is dramatic


Painting energy will be later, it will be correct to the subject and may be more beautiful. But dancing energies has no human feelings.  All energies is equal. This is just the different vibrations.
But for people energies is not equal. Everyone wants to stay in Prime and Stable, noone wants cost to exist. As I understand it, the main target of the System is to help organization to gain Prime/Stable point and to stay here as long as it possible. Obviously Prime and Stable are preferable. So people of every age could feel it naturally observing pictures, being experienced and educated that way.
That is the reason behind the design of each painting.
What is the features of the Aristocracy?
Everything coded here, on the picture.
Long rectangular table with rank seats, rigid look. Who occupies the superior position it doesn`t matter. Everything is put into ceremonial order.

Lively creating power which gained the prosperity now is banished. Something seems like a glass wall separates management from the reality of today and more from future reality.

Reach state of Aristocracy represents by gold ingots used as presser. This is the mark of continuous power and prosperity. It is not a prosperity by actiions.  It`s a prosperity of storage, of ownership. This is "to have" but not "to do".  An expensive peace of art on the wall is the only light spot in the room. Heavy curtains, heavy figures, heavy mood.
So no life here.
Such kind of ownership represents by patriarchal sosieties and religions. Obviously they expect to freeze everything and everyone in order to rule forever.

This is a lot of thin nervous lines in that painting. It represents energies out of control, changes which happens naturally, unchecked failure of important functions.

The figure represents the Organization lost superior position,  obviously forever. She has bleeding wounds on her hands because of her attempts to survive.
No way to communicate about real needs. No possibilities to attract atention because people at the table enjoyed their ownership having gold in their hands.
This is the dark side.
Changes in energy of that point represents by proportions and strokes. It turnes from deformation to degradation. 

Intermissive nature of that black strokes means the process is not so rigid so it could be a hope to turn back to Stable.

I painted that piece of art quickly because I know personally what is the Aristocracy.

Education is power. So that power should be delivered wider in different ways.
Thank your for being with me,





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