Chosen Time to Project Work
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 August 2013 at 09:50 PM No comments

Sometimes I am wondering how it`s impotant to choose the right time and right instruments for the special work. My project work is special so I choose a notebook and other instruments with care.

It was intuitive but very symbolically to choose the notebook with WATER on the cover among more then 50 different notebooks I have at home. So my choice is really good. It works because the best

I can`t stop my desire
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 31 July 2013 at 02:16 PM No comments

I can`t stop to desire to be in presence of that waters, like a living emerald, precious liquid which never stops shining…

My Office Rock is my paradise. I can just starring to that water and be out of mind, then I started to feel a project in totality, with many details simultaneously. It needs just to change my mind-channel from presence-zero thoughts into another state. For example to make

Green-green sea in everning shadows
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 30 July 2013 at 07:41 PM No comments

Hello everybody, I`ve just finished the book about microtrends and take a pause to think about several things I learned from it. Drawing is the best process to accompany thinking so… the everning time water changed colours from green to shadowed blue and steel. I made drawings till it was dark, trying to catch the direction of waves and how colours of sky reflected by sea surface. This

How to Work in According with Nature
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 26 July 2013 at 10:59 AM No comments

Hello everybody, the subject for today is how to work in according with nature. I guess it is important at any time because nature gives us joy and relaxation so it seems good to frame up to it doing things.

I arrived to Corfu with desire to have my happy rest. On the other hand I brought with me so long list things to do so it  frightened even me. I wanted to read several important books:

The Office Rock works!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 22 July 2013 at 10:30 AM Comments(2)

One of the most important things in project wok is to organize own mind processes correctly. What`s the term "correct mind process" means is unclear and seems different to different people. I can tell you about my own.

It`s more easy for me to work with several pojects simultaneously, because it is normal state of human mind and needs just to be well organized. Our brain network is more

Ascendant, Descendant
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 July 2013 at 09:16 AM No comments

Hello everybody, while I am working on my new Holland Project I also enjoy the Corfu life with my dear friends Rob, Babette (Hollands), Anila ( Turkey living here, at Corfu) and many local Greeks. The sea becames calm and sweet, and so…

This is my Office Rock! Next post it will be project pictues I did being here, but for today I am so happy and full of joy so it seems ascendant to the heaven

Hello from Corfu and from my Office-rock!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 July 2013 at 08:33 PM Comments(1)

Hello everybody, eventually I gained Corfu and frrl like at paradise. Las day I even didn`t touch my laptop! Today it`s the Greek`s night so loud music everywhere and I spend my time to post something here.

Yesterday I was out and wanted to sleep only. Today it`s much more better, because everything here (except loud music) is so nice so I feel relaxation and peace. The weather is warm as

Preparing to my 5-th Corfu holidays
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 July 2013 at 06:44 AM No comments

Hello everybody, I`ve painted 44 big paintings in last 3 months, it`s twice I do in an year. Good job! Two paintings (on the top of Lifecycle of Adizes system) haven`t finished yet because I  am  tired too much and need to refresh my mind. So I am preparing to my Corfu holidays.

The month I spend in Greece is the best of the year because I so like the sea being able to swim for hours,

How to build a Project in Total using every minute of unique presence
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 14 July 2013 at 01:51 PM No comments

How to use every minute? The best example was the Conference of Dr.Adizes I was invited in 30 of May 2013. My aim was to catch an essential information not only about methodology itself (as we have books for it) but about something personal, essential part of individual presence, diamonds of personal experience of the lecturers wich available only here by own eyes.

(On the picture you can see

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