Chosen Time to Project Work
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 August 2013 at 09:50 PM No comments

Sometimes I am wondering how it`s impotant to choose the right time and right instruments for the special work. My project work is special so I choose a notebook and other instruments with care.

It was intuitive but very symbolically to choose the notebook with WATER on the cover among more then 50 different notebooks I have at home. So my choice is really good. It works because the best moments to develop the pocess starts when I am near the sea or on my Office Rock.

That season sky have clouds, a rare thing in july and august. It is so beautiful in the everning, also at the day time, so clouds is also a kind of water. Now I carry the next project, just created, I can`t say more now but it is the next stage afte CyberWar I-II and the next one. So… I am happy. Everything wil starts the moment I will be back from my holidays, and I have abut 2 weeks before to be happy here, between water and sky.

...Now I am sitting in Cricketer taverna because it was poor internet in my room, several Greecs louthes on my back having their late meal and chatting. I am surrounded by such a lively atmosphere than all math project thoughts disappeared from my head, it`s impossible to think about abstract things while they are so lively in their everning pleasures of communication. It seems Greek`s live language win the competitions with Greek letters of math in the article I was trying to analize.

Also my batteries is near the finish so I will be back to my room and see, did Nocos really fixed the connection or I should go to bed.


I can`t stop my desire
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 31 July 2013 at 02:16 PM No comments

I can`t stop to desire to be in presence of that waters, like a living emerald, precious liquid which never stops shining…

My Office Rock is my paradise. I can just starring to that water and be out of mind, then I started to feel a project in totality, with many details simultaneously. It needs just to change my mind-channel from presence-zero thoughts into another state. For example to make drawinds:

.. or to project work:

Sometimes I listen unwritten, uncomposed music and want to write just several notes so may be in future compose it at all:

...That`s my beloved place.

 That summer I am trying to live more healthy life. It means use sunscreen creams, stay at sun before 12 AM and after 4 PM and even go to bed ealier (i means before 3 AM). It`s annoy me a lot. But I realize it has sense so… I am trying to cut my desire and habit to be in sunlight for 5-6 hurs o my ock, and to dance in night with stars. It is not so easy. If I were not an ambidextous I couldn`t control myself, being in wide channel of colours, knowledge, music, movement… that`s why many artists becomes crazy and even make suicide. I don`t allow myself to indulg so much but also I don`t like to be in contol. What I can do so ?..

 Just try to get up ealier and run to the sea so be a little satisfy with hours together here, in rocks. This is so strange, but also so funny such a Buddhist way to be on the border, ambidextrousity against synaesthesia, half alive, half archivated so…

Here I am in my dreams. Strange feeling how that waters touches a dark sky with night stars, without a usual air space between. I can swim in the sea and swim in the sky. And then be back.

Green-green sea in everning shadows
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 30 July 2013 at 07:41 PM No comments

Hello everybody, I`ve just finished the book about microtrends and take a pause to think about several things I learned from it. Drawing is the best process to accompany thinking so… the everning time water changed colours from green to shadowed blue and steel. I made drawings till it was dark, trying to catch the direction of waves and how colours of sky reflected by sea surface. This is not a prospectful task to paint the sea, anyway the reality much more then I am able to do. But having such meditation I can feel it better, so I do it just for myself.

Then I went to the taverna in hope to have my everyday salad. Geec salad is my sweet everning outine here, at Corfu, and I like it that way.

Here it is my office. Portable lamp with 24 LED lamps is really helpful!

Everything to my work is here:

I am satisfied my new Holland poject generally planed, with details and directions. In fact I know what to do from my side so will be able to stat whan I arrive in Moscow.

So my holidays is poductive and I love it that way!



How to Work in According with Nature
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 26 July 2013 at 10:59 AM No comments

Hello everybody, the subject for today is how to work in according with nature. I guess it is important at any time because nature gives us joy and relaxation so it seems good to frame up to it doing things.

I arrived to Corfu with desire to have my happy rest. On the other hand I brought with me so long list things to do so it  frightened even me. I wanted to read several important books: "Black swan" by N.N.Taleb (I finished it 2 days ago); "Mikrotrends" by M.Penn (currently reading):

...also D.Kanneman "Thinking fast and slow" must be next… and I plan to check several things from Andrew Solomon`s "Far from the Tree", because I wish to do a project based on his book in case he answers me positive.

So I have too many things to read. Also I started a brand new project HollandPro, now generally planed. I love it! After CyberWar I-II and Adizes Project I have a wide choice what to do, because it`s about 5 new developed projects in my pocket so… I feel happy. I love it.

I love such possibilities to have a choice and to grow every idea in natural way, being sure to realize each of it. According with so perfect environment…

...visible just out of my balcony:

I make writing by hands and by laptop so it`s different activities made my mind refreshed.

...many things comes easily that way.

I enjoy every moment and feel myself so  lazy, so slow, so relaxant. I am really wondering how I am able to wok. But in fact books are read, projects are developed and drawings are good to keep myself joyful and train my left hand.

I`ve just want to organize my time to be on my Office Rock till 12 AM, not later, than go to my room and work here, after 4 PM go to the sea, may be to Office Rock, may be to swim to the smallest beach on the left of the Liapades Bay. So the day seems interrupted by several anothers activities instead being 5-6 hours in swimming or on the OfficeRock, I was told it`s unhealthy thing to do so try to change it.

Also I fall in love to have an everning project work or painting on the beach. It needs something to protect papers and notebook from wind…

...and from gests:

The most difficult thing I still unable to support here is yoga. I failed my practice from my first day here and failing it till now. Hopes I will do it… AVRIO as Greeks sayes, it means tomorrow.




The Office Rock works!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 22 July 2013 at 10:30 AM Comments(2)

One of the most important things in project wok is to organize own mind processes correctly. What`s the term "correct mind process" means is unclear and seems different to different people. I can tell you about my own.

It`s more easy for me to work with several pojects simultaneously, because it is normal state of human mind and needs just to be well organized. Our brain network is more powerful then best computers but it has many characteristics to work with. For example it needs to know how to construct input and output mind processes at the beginning, in several middle points and near the end of a work period. When I check a new idea interesting me, I becames vigilant if it starts a new mind mapping or not. As I realize a new mind mapping starts, a project seems to be prospective so I make several key notes ans let it be developed in my neuro netwok in natural way. To support such processes I use painting of something not so important but attractive and curious. So while my mind works inside, my eyes concentrates on outside objects.

On my Office Rock I was interested in it`s surface. Colours, shapes, natural curves. It was not something  specific but something important as a support of current mind mapping and who knows what more. Usually it is much more but it will be understandable later. The time I painted it I just did it.

Once I compared my current experiance with my previous I did last year, you can see my drawing of Corfu-2012 on the top of the picture below. Experience shows my feelings of shapes has changed from more smooth to more sharp, also it is different places with different kind of mountings so… what`s the conclusion about it? May be I will do it later, not now. Now this is just the observation , a new input data to my mind.

Once I realized the colours of the Office Rock is the same as human skin! Can you see it? It was the first insight about it, may be because the rock has obviously different features then human body.

The insight was a good result of that day so I fall asleep here and jumped to the crystal green water, felt it as a liquid emerald.



Ascendant, Descendant
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 July 2013 at 09:16 AM No comments

Hello everybody, while I am working on my new Holland Project I also enjoy the Corfu life with my dear friends Rob, Babette (Hollands), Anila ( Turkey living here, at Corfu) and many local Greeks. The sea becames calm and sweet, and so…

This is my Office Rock! Next post it will be project pictues I did being here, but for today I am so happy and full of joy so it seems ascendant to the heaven or vice versa, because here it is the earth, may be the best place in the world, so real, so close!

Hello from Corfu and from my Office-rock!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 July 2013 at 08:33 PM Comments(1)

Hello everybody, eventually I gained Corfu and frrl like at paradise. Las day I even didn`t touch my laptop! Today it`s the Greek`s night so loud music everywhere and I spend my time to post something here.

Yesterday I was out and wanted to sleep only. Today it`s much more better, because everything here (except loud music) is so nice so I feel relaxation and peace. The weather is warm as usual, +29 C at the daytime, but water a little bit cold because of winds. Cold and very tansparent so today morning I decided to brought my things and swam to my favourite rock.

It`s about 500 m from the seashore, not far away to feel uncomfortable but far enough so nobody bother me.

The reason to found a quiet place is to try something new. Yesterday night I was found myself with a new poject which I call "Holland Project" so I wanted to describe several details using new environment. I brought a notebook A4 format, 2 albums fo drawing, watercolours and aquabrushes, one big paper to poject work, also pleer and camera. And a piece of saree to save myself from the sun.

The point is the "waterpoof" bag actully isn`t waterproof so my notebook and paper was wet with solt water. I tryed to dry it.

Then I cought myself with the pleasure to see my notebook solt by the sea so I drop it in the hole of the rock for a week to make it more experienced in natural water element. Also I dropped here everything nesessary to everyday on the rock - saree, sunblock oil, an ugly hat.

So not my favourite rock becomes my Office rock. I will be here not only for sleeping and jumping into the sea but also for poject work. At least no loud music here smile

Such a nice place, isn`t it?

Preparing to my 5-th Corfu holidays
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 July 2013 at 06:44 AM No comments

Hello everybody, I`ve painted 44 big paintings in last 3 months, it`s twice I do in an year. Good job! Two paintings (on the top of Lifecycle of Adizes system) haven`t finished yet because I  am  tired too much and need to refresh my mind. So I am preparing to my Corfu holidays.

The month I spend in Greece is the best of the year because I so like the sea being able to swim for hours, slipping on rocks, jumping to green waters… But 2 days before is a hard period because I desire to bring all of my projects with me, it`s impossible, so I bring half. Transitional day is full of mass, everything is out my trunk and needs to be systematize before I will try to put it inside. What things is important? What`s unimportant? Important but heavy too much?

First of all everything for my painting is important! Ok, not everything. Last year I tryed to bring all to big painting but it was really too much. So I prepare all for watercolour painting, graphics, also painting in Chinese style includes stone for ink and additional brushes… paper too… So crazy Greec to open an art shop for Chinese calligraphy doesn`t exist, so my ink, paper and everything I have to carry by myself.

Let`s look what is the number one category of things for my Corfu trip:

- Flippers for snorkeling, I have one short and one long. Thanks god last year I dropped in Liapades my mask and breathing  tube and my Greec friends took care for it so I have less to carry today.

- 2 format sketch-books for water colours and my portable set with brushes etc. Not so portable, I guess, but less then I usually use at home.

- My project book because I have a list tasks to work.

- My technical support which is really heavy! It includes laptop with additional battery, iPhone and iPad mini with all wires and additional batteries too, ebook and wires for it, pleer for swimming and pleer for dancing, with special earphones each, and wires for it, also cell phone… One camera for quick work and one big to make high quality pictures and films…my god I am scaring  right now, writing the list! Really too much. Get out big camera. Oh I plan to shoot some films to my future work… ok, get it back. Two HDD is too much so get one out.

Get out embroidery. It`s just about 300 gramm but  I should belive to make my life easy getting it out.

Books by Dr.Adizes I have in e-format so everything will be OK.

The book "Far from the Tree" by Andrew Solomon (you can see it on the top of the picture below, with gold field and black baby figure on the cove) is really heavy one. I need it to plane my future project about self identity, and like the book in paper with my marks for work… but it weights so much. I will buy it at AppStore and work with it in e-format.

Then I observe a disaster coused by my trunk. Too much clothes, saree, tops, t-shirts, shorts, too many things! Get it out seems a good decision.

Dresses is too heavy, get it out. Saree is too long, get it out too.

Socks, my pills and some special things is small, but my tea set… Oh my god, the tea set is important. Greecs always louth at me because of my tea. But I don`t drink alchogol, any kind of it, also Coca-cola and the same poison is out of my taste, so what could I drink? Water at Corfu isn`t the best in the world, it has too much minerals and changes the tea taste so I need  my tea set and portable filters for it.

I love Chinese tea, tea ceremony made me calm and I love all things about it, from special shape teapot to different tea cups. And the test of tea, especially milk Oolong, is somehow important for me. So I bring everything although all Greecs will have fun about.

Also I prepare my chopsticks. It`s really comfortable to eat and more elegant. Last year Greecs wondered how I cope with eat. That year I take several chopsticks as a present to make suffer those friends who louthed at me too much. 8-)

Audiobooks… Portable dinamics… I scared about my list. Too many things. So I am going to see what I can get out the trunk!

See you tomorrow with my new year Corfu adventure, pics of beautifil sea, the best in the world, and also my projects because I get it with me.

Now I am running to deal with the trunk!

How to build a Project in Total using every minute of unique presence
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 14 July 2013 at 01:51 PM No comments

How to use every minute? The best example was the Conference of Dr.Adizes I was invited in 30 of May 2013. My aim was to catch an essential information not only about methodology itself (as we have books for it) but about something personal, essential part of individual presence, diamonds of personal experience of the lecturers wich available only here by own eyes.

(On the picture you can see Dr.Ichak Adizes, Senior Principal Associate  made his explanation about motivation process how it described in his methodology.) Every moment was precious.

 I used both hands to make my conspectus, trying to write every detail. As usual 2 hands wasn`t enough so I did less photos but more writing matherials. Being ambidextrous I can use both hands simultaneously, but writing still more fast by my right hand. The secret is how to make creative style writing (using right brain) by right hand (using left, analysis brain). I prepared everything in advance, my notebook A4 size, colourful stickers and several pens different colours and ink-brushes too (just because I love it so much). While a lecturer made presentation I caught points of attention and composed it in the notebook. You can see how it looks like on the picture.

I used my left hand simultaneusly to make notes on my iPad mini (really good tool for it!) using SimpleMind soft to construct the mindmap described the structure of the lecture by words. Here you can see the result. This is my MIndMap I constructed to 1st and 2nd lecturers of the Adizes Institute`s conference.

This is another example from my writing at the same conference. The reason to do my job that way and not to use recorders is the necessity to catch the unique moments exists just the moment Dr.Adizes and others lecturers explained it. Everything could be the point for more deep understanding: gestures, voice, a sequence of explanation… also my own mind worked to visualize the methodology so I needed to put everything into own structure. (After 5 hours of such work I had a little headache, but everything has own price, it`s ok).

So the process seems familiar with 3D technology uses 2 kind of images and different glasses to make a picture 3D.


...and more…

Mr.Shimon Rojany, Principal Associate of Adizes Institute made a poetic speech about accounting. I`d never heard before so exciting explanation about financial part of a business. As you see, colours works as a good mark for analysis.

 I was a little bit tired at the end of the conference so I used small and funny pictures to refresh mind and to make it work.

As you see, it`s not boring! smile

Thank you for being with me!



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