Contemporary General Management Education: A Critique by Dr.Ichak Adizes
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 September 2013 at 03:34 AM No comments

Dr.Ichak Adizes, one of the world’s leading experts on improving the performance of business and government through fundamental change , has published his critique to modern system of business education.
Look at the picture: I illustrated the behevioral result of mixture management education with real human behaviour.


"Contemporary General Management Education: A Critique

The following paper is based on forty years of consulting to corporations world wide, plus experience as a faculty member teaching at business schools at UCLA, Stanford, Columbia, Tel Aviv and Hebrew U, as well as giving visiting lectures in universities where I have been awarded fifteen honorary doctorates.


Based on my experience, it appears to me that management education is failing to train those women and men who are relied upon to integrate all functions of management i.e. general managers.

Management education today is focused almost exclusively on functional disciplines. The integration is left to the business school graduates who have to learn the ropes by themselves, on the firing line. Not easy. Not right either.

Furthermore, our focus in training and developing future leaders is on INDIVIDUALS  and my experience is that such an individual who can perform  all the relevant tasks  does not and can not exist.

Our training is culturally biased  in favor of individualism and competitiveness, rather than collaboration, which is what is needed.

We  are not just failing in the United States and Europe.  We are now spreading this failure worldwide by opening business schools wherever there appears to be a market, causing collateral socio-political damage.

1.0 The Role of Management

Before describing and analyzing where we are failing, let me first define what management  (or leadership) is about, as I see it. ..."

Dr.Adizes described one by one what exectly is wrong in The Role of Management, Decision Making, The Ideal Executive, Management as a complementary team, How we Handle Conflict, Biased Reward System and others important points of modern business strategy comes from the education. Read the complete article here

So modern management focuses on things not so good in long run, focuses on an Ideal figure which doesn`t exists from one hand, and allowes unconsciousness human behaviour leads in too much competitive style from the other hand. That`s why many organization has unharnessed conflicts being unable to extract an essential part of a conflict. The extremal result of such management style illustrates by my triptych "Organization without Trust and Respect" (you can see it full size in my Gallery 2013  ).


I`ve just from seminar about usability of mobile applications
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 September 2013 at 11:21 AM No comments
I`ve just from seminar about usability of mobile applications by USABILITY Lab, the leader usability company in Russia . My reasons was not a direct interest to develop an application for my needs but to be updated about how the process is going on and what is the most modern trends. As a fan of information I enjoyed the seminar especially the second practical part.

Why I attend to different seminars and conferencies? Because things I am doing is completely new and modern so I want to keep in touch with modern technical and social processes to feel how our Time runs and so represents it in my painting. This is one of the tastks of Art to represent the mainstream and undergraund of the time an artist witnesses. Also I strongly remember my first hight education in Physics that`s why I am interesting in fresh science, especially applied to practice and methods of analysis.

At the second part of the seminar I was excited having proves the way I choose in Arts is completely right. It is always pleasant because my intuition rules good and then it proves scientifically.

After the seminar I met most people involved, from the USABILITY Lab professionals to CEO of commercial companies and App Developers. That`s so good to keep in touch because as I learnt from life our Earth is really narrow place so every person I know in fields I interesting in is a good chance to make connections and so keep in touch. People with active life position who allplies their ideas to the world, professionals are the best company to nourish each others with new information and ideas.

So I am glad about everything and will keep in touch with USABILITY Lab.

Corporate LifeCycle by Dr.I.Adizes: Adolescence goes to Divorce
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 September 2013 at 08:50 PM No comments
Hello everybody, today i would like to present you the painting represents how the Adolescence point of the LifeCycle turns to Divorce and then causes Primature Aging. 
From strong connection and interaction in normal Adolescence stage:

  to Divorce 

...To complete break when Adolescence goes to Divorce.

The point was how a child could divorce with a parent and the answer is: first it needs to separate emotionally and then accumulate all legitimate power to support and make Divorce by force.  What is a force here, what is it`s qualities and possibilities? First of all the Rebeller Child needs a support behind, an own group of people interesting in the process and want advantages of the successful result. Such group usually keeps themselves out of active intervention but also they have possibility to force the situation.

In that process a Child feels a kind of satisfaction because of strength and power new and desired, and because the process seems as a new possibility to growth in natiral way being independent.

From the line of the painting that one seems more separated from the Founder and also it shows a new group appeared behind.

A tank is just the symbol of power and active force but we all know such symbols tends to be an active proof in a fighting.

I guess such process in organizations designs to show a kind of peaceful purposes so the Child has the peace pendant on the neck and show it to Founder. Just make force to make peace.

You can see here flame and smoke between the Child and the Founder. It makes accent to the separation process before the situation described by painting. The flame and smoke seems as a sign of outshoot from far distance, so the tank on the picture becames less peaceful.  It is peaceful just on the moment the situation becames under control of the Bureaucracy group behind the Child. It means outshoots took place before, and as the fire is still bright it was in nearest past.
Outshoot`s happened. The time to sign the abdication and say last words. 

That painting has much more small details than previous. IN previous painting an observer could meditate on the situation in total. But that one allows an observer to point mind to important things and identify it in own situation.
Details plays two roles. One to keep an observer more time (because the size of the painting is 60X80 cm, big anough to browse across it). And the second role is to catch the mind and turn it inside, to own experience.
Many details can`t be visible on the photo, it changes in different angles of observation. But several details like white hairs of the Founder and textures on the tank is visible here:

It was my attempt to describe the Adolescence stage at the Divorce point. Next week you will  see Primature Aging of an Organization as the result of that brunch.
Thank you for being with me,

Anna Chudnovsky 

There are no mistakes actually
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 September 2013 at 08:25 PM No comments

We all know that mistakes is not so good things when the time to pay comes. However looking backward we usually make a new mistake, a special one: to judge previous choices by knowledge we get from it.

Such mistake is the one which grabbes our energy, devaluates our seaching experience. Sometimes it is used by society to harness us by artificial perfectionism in order to stop our attempts and control us. This is the subject important to understand because life is changes, changes requires to make attempts and each attempt has own risk.

Should we stop in yesterday-safe or make steps forward?

Should we listen to judges or be the worst judge to ourselves?

This is the dilemma everyone get during life movements. Of course stupid mistakes like being addictive from tabacco or another chemicals still exists. But nobody needs to judge it because it rather simple, common and so non prospective to exploration.

Typically the worst judgement concerns unusual things we just try to handle or to experience. That`s why we need a good philosophy covers our back and made us strong enough to turn any decision, any situation and life experience to good, progressive result.

I made such useful philosophy to myself as a combination of my analytical possibilities, curiosity and my best credo. It is important to have such philosophy tha same way as companies payes huge amounts to developers to invent corporate mission etc. That`s why every active person once stands on the front of that task: to form own strategy to understand what mistakes is and how to live more effective and efficient in short and long run.

New article by Dr.Ichak Adizes " There Are No Mistakes" here  . I love the way he think about and agree with that article.
In addition an interesting concept to enrich understanding how things could be arranged: In Hinduism it`s a concept that God wants people to play some roles in His lila (screenplay of life). Sometimes the best consciousness people only suits for a special role, such as the role of God`s parents. That people usually totally cinsciousness and so don`t want to be involved in such play (usually parents of God have many  troubles and risks). Then God expand his illusion energy and made people forget their consciousness. So they forget troubles and make the decision to play required roles by own will. Sometimes we do the same and the next step after it is to realize what exectly we gain from our game, may be what God wants us to play. This is the good result, every time good.

Also you could found interesting my article about connection between mistakes and life experience "The Fool (Tarot)" with my Ink illustrations here

Thank you for being with me!


Day before New Work Year
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 30 August 2013 at 06:51 AM No comments

Being a lecturer in several institutes for a long time I am used to to measure an year as a two semesters (September-December and January-June) with 2-month gap between. So today I remember about my Corfu "gap" before the New Institute Year starts.

Memory is not simple thing. Billions connections between neurons forms neuronetwork unique to each person. So things deeply toughtful for one could be indifferent to another person because of different associations involved. Artists have a secret tool to play with neuronetworks, own and even observer`s. Just ttry to make an image… appropriate invironment…

Let the image represents something people could compare with own experience…

And let it be.

Hre is my Office Rock, the best place in the world. I am far away from it now and the New semester`s coming, also the winter becames closer with white dead water called snow. It will be sooner as I want it so I have to keep my memory touching green waters by images:

Even jump in cool green emerald!

And see how green waters move, moves, moves.

Corporation LIfeCycle by Dr.Ichak Adizes: Adolescence Stage
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 August 2013 at 08:59 AM No comments
Hello friends,   today i would like to present you the painting represents the Adolescence point of the LifeCycle by Dr.I.Adizes.
That painting has a story. 

When I made my sketches to the subject and showed the result to Dr.Adizes he noticed Adolescence is Love-Hate relationship. So it should include with hight energy circulating between a Founder and a Child (which represents an Organization).
But in my first picture it was less relationship and tension so I suddenly realized that it was not the Adolescence itself. It was the Adolescence turns to Divorce and then to Primature Aging (you will see that paintings in next mails). 
So the real Adolescence should be with strong interaction between sides involved, with attempts to help and collaboration but without integration between them.  Also it should contains something from Go-Go.
Then I made a few steps back,  observed several reviews about adolescence and then catched the point.
Interaction with strong feelings and energy is the base, also mixed feelings represents by the painting.

It should be acts and stop, all in unharmony manner, too late so more stronger, even rude, but with a strong reason to involve.

Tension and losses should be the part of the process because something used to be in harmony,  integrated, worked in resonance now turnes into cacophony.

The Father on the painting looks cruel (I saw such expression on  pictures made by people during psychotherapy ). 
But if you pay attention to the bottom you will see the sharp fragments of something seemes dangerous just near the feet of the Child. Also flames of fire looks dengerous and it seems the Child`s feet has been very close to it when the Founder involved. May be it was unexpectable and unpleasant to both of them.

Reminiscently to Go-Go stage with gold curcles above every member of the "family" connected them with each others by mission and common happiness. In that stage all members looks in common direction even when they made problems with the way choosen. (You can read more about Go-Go here   )

...Here we still have gold curcles here, connecting the Founder and the Child with their hands. Glances direct in a sharp angle but not opposite, also attempts to make Integration still here.  Everything is trembling full of new growth possibilities and tension about it,  new personality just starts to show itself and to try how it could be, and the test of danger is here also.

It was my attempt to describe the Adolescence stage by painting and also to put it in correct order with visual and logical connection with the previous and future stages. Next mail it will be the Deviation of Adolescence which causes the Divorce and Primature Aging of an Organization.
Thank you for being with me,
Anna , just from Greece, ready to new tasks to do

My ProjectWork: use all white surface
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 25 August 2013 at 07:54 PM No comments

Hello everybody, today I would like to present  the hidden part of my projectwork. I increased total amount of projects from 2 in April to 8 now so it`s my special technigue to support all of it carefully.

Now then it`s needs strong support to keep all details, to develop projects because everyone has own stage of develop, different from another. Also it needs to make a special media to keep process of mental planing, experiments, also production and to everything perfectly in right time.

Right time is really important thing. I read how professional gerdeners plan a garden: they seed plants in order every plant has own time to blossom so they put it into garden in right order. When one type of plants blossoms anothers just start to green; later it begins blossom and so on, and so on. So a garden has a perfect changes with blossoms and colours without mass and gaps.

My project work is exectly the same. I seed and plant ideas carefully the same way as gardeners do, because I am a professional thinker good  trained to arrange mental processes. It helps because this is the differencies between gardening and ideas. In gardening they use predictable plants but in mental field many things is flexible, unpredictable in time of seeding and blossoming and fruitage too.

That`s why I invented several special features to support my processes in correct way.

One of the tools is to keep all ideas before my eyes especially in relaxing places, such as kitchen. It was important because usually I do short tea ceremony in my kitchen so… my fridge was the first tool to control how the production process goes on. I started to use it during CyberWar-I, in April 2013.

I still have that marks on the fridge although projects growth quicker and actually this is no free place on the fridge to make more notes. That`s why I put my new small whiteboard in the kitchen the place I can see at every moment from my tea place . Because the system I want to do is a new one, rather complicated, so when I browse around the whiteboard and have an idea I can write it immideately.

One of the tasks about that whiteboard was to make it visible from every point of view, available to make every mark and also very attractive just to browse by eyes about it in order to turn brain work. I gained all purposes. Actually it was a pleasure to decorate it according to Feng Shui principles.

For today the small whiteboard is full of marks and texts so in that picture you can see how it look?? at the beginning. Sometimes I use the table as well using iPod and iPhone to make MindMaps and planing, for reading matherials etc.

When I saw the process of project work goes wery well with such a good tool as whiteboard I bought a bigger one to my cabinet. On the picture you can see it on the first day of use. Now my Big whiteboard is nearly full of marks. It`s an interesting dinamic to see how it contains with notes and marks. So I started to make notes on a big papers and use magnets to put it on the big whiteboard. So I have no needs to clean important things out of it just because of shortage of space.

Well, I love my new surrounding!

It works exellent to support everything I want to do, it allows me to do much more in more short time, effective and efficient in short and long run both. That`s why I am happy to run around my whiteboards doig marks on papers, imagining the future result so clear, it is the real happiness.

This is my pic I did just after my running track yesterday. I had several ideas while I run so went to the Big Whiteboard directly from my run. The picture isn`t clear because the rain drops to my iPhone camera, but it is good, all texts is unclear and I am not going to reveal my secret plans just in pleasure to show you how projectwork goes on.


Wish you to be happy, effective and efficient and so more happy with your work!

Preparing my visit to China
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 August 2013 at 05:57 AM No comments

I love to have a long planing with free positions to fulfill by things important to me. And I gain it! Now I prepare my Chinese adventure in September. Wow-woooow!!! smile

Corporation LIfeCycle by Dr.Ichak Adizes: Go-Go Stage
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 August 2013 at 03:58 AM No comments

Hello friends,

Today I would like to introduce you the forth painting from the LifeCycle line.

From Infancy to Go-Go

"Go-Go" is the stage I stucked for tens years doing everything, realizing completely every single wish comes to me. It was a kind of sweet slavery. I felt good because all attempts was successful but the same time afraid of new possibilities coming so felt a kind of compulsion to make it done.  It seems as view of possibilities comes from somewhere, concentrated by my skills as sunlight concentates by lens and then I was obligated to turn a view into reality.
It tuned me to an idea that wishes to start something new comes not only from a founder but from a company as well. How? Somehow. The one who generate the main evergy could influent the system and vice versa.

The style of that painting is simplified by design to make a pair to previous one. In the forth painting I made several indicators of modern fast developing culture of youth such as specific expression of a child`s face (comes from Japanese modern culture of smiles represent exitments and energy prepared to be expressed). Parent`s figures painted in less modern style to indicate a distance in roles, life experience and living style between developing Go-Go system and a founder.
This is a thin layer of gold covering several parts of the painting especially eyes of the figures. Arrows represents gowth and at the left down corner this is the

So the painting is the code to investigate and understand details of the Go-Go stage.

Thank you for your attention and try to found Go-Go stage in yourself!

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