I`ve just from seminar about usability of mobile applications
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 September 2013 at 03:21 PM
I`ve just from seminar about usability of mobile applications by USABILITY Lab, the leader usability company in Russia usabilitylab.ru/en/ . My reasons was not a direct interest to develop an application for my needs but to be updated about how the process is going on and what is the most modern trends. As a fan of information I enjoyed the seminar especially the second practical part.

Why I attend to different seminars and conferencies? Because things I am doing is completely new and modern so I want to keep in touch with modern technical and social processes to feel how our Time runs and so represents it in my painting. This is one of the tastks of Art to represent the mainstream and undergraund of the time an artist witnesses. Also I strongly remember my first hight education in Physics that`s why I am interesting in fresh science, especially applied to practice and methods of analysis.

At the second part of the seminar I was excited having proves the way I choose in Arts is completely right. It is always pleasant because my intuition rules good and then it proves scientifically.

After the seminar I met most people involved, from the USABILITY Lab professionals to CEO of commercial companies and App Developers. That`s so good to keep in touch because as I learnt from life our Earth is really narrow place so every person I know in fields I interesting in is a good chance to make connections and so keep in touch. People with active life position who allplies their ideas to the world, professionals are the best company to nourish each others with new information and ideas.

So I am glad about everything and will keep in touch with USABILITY Lab.





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