Adizes system: trying to investigate
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 June 2013 at 05:30 PM No comments

Hello everybody, several days I was trying to realize how to paint Mutual Trust and Respect concept, which one Dr.Adizes offer me to paint. Not easy task! Actually it`s a challenge because I have no ideas how  to paint so global complicated, and also so simple and natural thing in one picture.

I used to have an idea how to paint it in 3 pictures, more easy to do about 10, but only… So it`s my today task was given by Dr.Adizes and now I work in collaboration with him.

For such tasks I want to learn and know the essence I have several analysis tools. Now, confessing I don`t know what Mutual Trust and Respect is in one painting, I was trying to imagine another gradations. It`s a good tool, because even if we can`t know something directly, we have possibility to learn than it is not. It`s sad, but I see so many examples for Mistrust and no respect so that opposite idea is well known. So I started to paint it. (Dr.Adizes made several notes about so I have to think how to apply it now.) Also I realized an idea what it could be if we have a little trust, a small respect and may be it seemd mutual, but such system couldn`t work. What it could be if a small mutual trust and respect exists but couldn`t help? It was my second painting. So I have two now. Also I did the third, but it wasn`t the Aim. As you see, I need more time, because so many things crowds in my head and I have to put it into priority line.

New tasks, new ideas, new problems, new work! smile

Hot news: Anna`s “The Ideal Manager (PAEI)” goes to US Adizes Institute
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 June 2013 at 04:57 PM No comments

Hello everybody! The news is my painting for Adizes`s system now goes to Adizes Institute to US. I feel very happy Dr.Ichak Adizes like it and moreover - accept is as the representative of the idea what the Ideal Manager is. You can see Dr.Adizes and me on the picture made on the Moscow Conference 30 of May.

The reason I am so happy for it is the exceptional situation. Being a physicist by my first education I have subtle senses of true system picture of the universe. Physics represents it. That`s why I was so exciting by Dr.Adizes`s system in PAEI codes. The second reason is i have my PhD in Economy and also 8 years of lecturing so the subject was understandable from thet point of view. Than I had 11 years experiance in business so could imagine how the System could help to develope everything to it`s best.

And after all, may be before all - I am the painter who lives in colours and shapes, feels it`s balance more then environment around me. The result is the Ideal Manager painting. You can read about it and how it was born here

Now I will intensify my movements to visualize the Lifecycle curve. Also I have personal task from Dr.Adizes and working on it. I`ll tell about it later, just to notice the subject is my challenge and I feel deep gratitude to Ichak Adizes who tirned me to it.

So the life becames as full as it possible and as you know me it`s the best thing.

Read who Dr.Ichak Adizes here and his Institute here

His System is universal that`s why it could be applied to business, family and personal development life.

Brief news: The Conference of Dr. Adizes in Moscow
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 31 May 2013 at 05:00 AM No comments

Hello everybody, the break news is Dr.Adizes personally invited me to his conference in Moscow. Hot news will be later when I`ll prepare matherials, now I have to run doing business so see you next post! Who is Ichak Adizes see here

  Accept my hello and be ready to something exceptional! smile smile smile

Morning pleasures: Dragonwell tea and secret plot
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 May 2013 at 06:19 AM No comments

Hello everybody, I have to confess my custom to eat, drink and sleep with a project is fruitful but not so healthy. So I am trying to go to sleep ealier (not at 4 AM) and get up ealier too. So I was trying to remember what`s exactly is good in a morning if I have no sea here, and I remembered at least 3 things.

First of all is to paint the base things to an art object just because it`s boring anf better to do in early morning, when my personality hasn`t downloaded at all from god`s iCloud. Ha-ha, it`s the reality! Then I go to my ecology style place in my kitchen to have my tea. Today I get up really ealy, because I helped my friends yesterday all day and was exosted and felt asleep ealier too. So today morning I want the Dragonwell green tea from Shanghai, it better then coffe and has a grass-like test. And today I has black bread and cheese for breakfest. It is the second morning pleasure I forget because last 2 months all of my thoughts was focused on Cyber War project and then in Adizes Project so I had my meals automatically just what eatable it was in my refregirator.

But today… OH my god, it is the real pleasure to have morning tea without any hurry!

I like the fine taste of black bread and white cheese, that`s why I am a lacto-vegetarian.

The DragonWell tea is a really good companion for it!


...And, listening spa music, I observed my Secret Plot which I mind-mapped. Mind-mapping is my favourite game with ideas because it`s natural way to prefent ideas exactly in the way I think about. I have about 50 Mind-maps to my ideas and that year I started to make mind maps to conspect books I read. It`s very helpful especially for scientific books in neuroscience and psychology fields. So my secret plots exists in Mind-mapping and I can observe it being lazy in my first calm early morning in that two months smile



Ab Painting#9: Adizes`s system; The Courtship Stage
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 May 2013 at 09:13 PM No comments

Today I would like to present you the next stage of Lifecycle Curve by Dr.Adizes - in his terms it calls "The Courtship Stage" and actually situated in the first position of the curve. Undoubtfully we all know what`s it means!

In that point a Founder of a organization, or a beginner of a family, or an inventor starts to talk about his/her ideas to attract other people to that activity. Here it is several special moments. First of all after Founder`s Dream we have no clear understanding what exactly it will be in reality. We just feel the Call to realization and have our exiting memory about the Dream as a source of energy.

It`s an Ideal image of course. Covered by mask like geisha`s make up, being uncertain but represents main parts of an Idea… It`s so attractive to the Founder! So it calls to be told about. It calls to be discussed. Even to be the reason to seduce. This is the power of dreams and ideals our subconsciousness needs to keep us moving. And we do it all time.

It is really helpful to share ideas with right people. Because just by talking it becames more real, more detailed, more understandable. We feel it and when our audience becames interested in, such attention brings us the power to create something new. We all need such power, because new things doesn`t comes easily. So we need to make a dream more attractive, think about the best more and more…

...and drop out even a hint to another side of the process. The same way works falling in love. The same being involve in a mission. Well, our world isn`t easy so we need a courage of Ideals to keep moving and do so many things. We need such idealistic view from the beginning, so this is the base of the Courtship stage.

Just think about what exactly we could tell for another person. It is not easy too. Our excitement and emotions drives us and could be transmitted. But also we need right words to create an image of successful result in another`s mind. Advertisment do it scientifically, based on many researches, now even in neuroscience. But it is not available in avarage so in the Courtship stage it is nesessary to provide our assure with right logical construction. If it build good, other people could understand it, keep in their memory and so has own motivation to be involved.

Several spirals on the painting represent successful text construction wich could encourage people to participate the future process. Oh yes, this is the power of motivation! Why it based on words? I have read a big scientific research by prof. Porshnev, about 800 pages of researches I have to read several times before understand it. So the result shows how our brain works and what words means to us. Human have special brain structures to be literary hypnotized by words. We all have possibility to make another`s words as our own brain construction and so tranfmitt it into internal reality.

So words could really turn the world. And do it.

Words is at the start.

Sometimes we can`t understand the core of a project. Also details could be more attractive then the main product. So the Ideal Image on the Courtship stage has jewelry, gold pendants or something like that. When I learn the Japanese Geisha institute i payed my attention on such details - pendants, hair pins etc. It really works making image fluctuating as a water surface and so much more attractive because we can`t catch it easily in it`s movements.

The same way works attractive details of a project. We all want jewelry as a part of imagination wich turns the world.

So here it is the result.

The Courtship stage is share of hopes and plans, share emotions and benefits. It keeps energy and made the flow of information from inside to outside. It persuade people and make them involved. And it covers any uncertain cases because we need our dreams in ideal way just to keep moving.

And after all we do real things!

So wish you keep your dreams, discuss it with right people and feel own power to bring something important to the world!

Ab Painting#8: Founder`s Dream
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 May 2013 at 09:06 AM No comments

Ok, hello everybody, I`ve recovered and even made a secret plot during my illness, so now I should turn to the pleasant subject: How Our Dreams Starts. That painting represents zero stage of Dr.Adizes`s Lifecycle curve. Actually that stage is not represented on the curve but it is the base to everything else.

How our dreams comes? From what? To whom? What is the reason one could dreaming and then has a power to build the dream, and anothers just dreaming to whole life? Dream comes when we are relaxible, feeling good, in safe. Our internal screen of mind is empty and ready to mirror something from deepest subconsciousness. Something wants to be born by you will. We all starts from emptiness. Just be prepared to it and keep your mind clear, waiting, feeling, ready to be excited by something so new.

This is no differencies if you are stay at the beginning to be a founder of corporation, or a small company, or a founder of a new family, or a n artist dedicates life to make dreame visible. The same way meditation works. Feel relaxable, be in silence and then your personal Dream, the one brings your energy to overcome every obstacles - started to appear. Feel it. The treasure moment. Great ideas comes that way. Ideas to chenge the world, and ideas to change your life, the Source is the same. You will recognize it from simple dreaming by it`s energy and attractivity just for you. As you will feel it not clear, you feel it relativeness to your soul.

... So such dreaming is peaceful, charming and brings enegry. Try it. Life goes right way while we can dream.

...In my case dreaming comes to reality not one by one, but in a big company. I have to work in full concentration for many hours, see nothing, feel nothing except the Project Line, just having it`s birth right now. That`s why I like to think in a big project terms.

Dr.Ichak Adizes  investigated many laws in Managemens, pointing it as more then just laws for companies, but for  families, groups and many others processes. So we can apply that tool to our benefits in many fields of our life.

Lifecycle curve by Dr.Ichak Adizes contains 17 points, you can see it on his site

Than LIfeCycle turns from Courtship (see it in my next painting). But the real start important to be noticed is Zero point, in which impossible comes to possible, and we are much more then we used to be before.

That point is sucred. That`s why I am not gong to show you how the painting growth step by step. Keep you own dreams the same way - just feel it in several strokes, feel it`s energy, with trust and respect, and then give it chance to be real

This is our human power in the border of divine power which creates future. Dreaming. To allow dreams be. And to ‘be patient to use it`s power.

A minute for have my Pause
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 May 2013 at 10:37 AM No comments

It seems I overuse my body that month and no i am a little bit ill. Cold, less sleaping etc. Self-treatment wasn`t so helpful as I expected so I visited doctor yesterday. She prescribed me some new antibiotic and now I feel much more good. Anyway I must be ok in a couple days, no time to be ill just a minute to have a pause…

a pause in what? World never stops. River of time never be back. Just that time I see al future projects and what to do so clear, so detailed then barely sacrifase such vision just for sleeping.  Yesterday I created a new MindMap to my next project "How the World Turns", a big one, not only in arts. Because we all live in so strange times, in the time if changes and gustiness, and the world needs new possibilities in thinking, making decisions, providing processes. I made last MindMap in order to put in it knowledge I have and will learn from different fields of my education - from physics to management, from data analysis to arts, from meditation to self development and possibilities to recover from processes made us tired or loss.

Many fields of knowledge exists, many of them are so useful to optimize our everyday life, to actualize our desires and possibilities. YOu know, in a system all energy fixed. This is physical law and also Dr. Adizes postulated it for management. We needs all of our energy and then use it for our external growth. We shouldn`t lost our energy for small annoying things (but have a lot every day!). We don`t have to lost our energy making decisions without strong base helps us.  But useful information keeps too much time to organize.

Sometimes we have all knowledge but can`t use it because everything is in mass into our mind. Like Sherloc Holmes, we need to make right order to useful tools and to use it in right sequence in time.  That`s why I did the Mindmap How the World Turnes. Because now I investigete new area - neuroscience, so need to put everything in order to use it, not to store somewhere like cheap things from a sale. Then to organize it into useful model. I do it in collaboration with another professionals - biologist, chemical science, linguistic science. So I am not alone now with it, but as the started have to think clear about project at all. So… 

Ok, the post started from my health and then changed drastically to my work! My god! This is m diagnosis, not such decease. Could I have treatment to it, something new and effective like antibiotics I have? Who knows. I don`t want to stop. Because… Just try to feel it - a galaxy of knowledge flowers in my mind, many threads simultaneously, so beautiful, so exciting.

What thing could be compared with it? I can`t stop actually because I don`t want.

Thank you for being with me!


CyberWar Art Project: Being in and out
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 May 2013 at 09:07 PM No comments

Ok, hello everybody, I am here with you, partly in present  - partly in future. Actually I am doing 2 projects one time, one of them is CyberWar, and the second is about Adizes`s leadership development (see it in my next post)

Both projects are healthy, CyberWar Sections 1-2 now contains 24 art objects from 40. Art about Dr.Adizes`s leadership is in good heaalth too and contains 4 finished painting about life Cycle curve and about 17 in sketches. I friquently think about how it could be good to be an Indian demigod and have additional 4 hands! Because multiprocessor neuronet could calclete and generate several processes simultaneously as I usually do, but just one pair of my hands have to create the final product.

Oh my god, I am tired and want to swim in the sea! But if I did so I had no wish to work. That`s why I have no sea in order to be more effective that time, sucrified my deepest desire to my best duty.

Ok, this is the frament from CyberWar Section 1, I can`t show the result until September but as usual you can see such confidential parts of the painting, being a witness of the process online. Hopes you found it curious!

ABPainting #7: Shalom. In memory of my Grandma
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 May 2013 at 06:09 AM Comments(1)

Today thare is goverment high day, Winning in II World War. Also this is my privat high day, birthday of my late Grandma, Riva Chudnovsky. Born in 1917 she overcame 2 wars, alone raised 2 sons, works hard all life taking care of everyone. She has 2 grand doughters and grandson, and Anna is the elder one.

So that day and that painting I dedicate for her memory, remembering her strength, courage, talent and  fondness, her extra care for me in the days everything was in deficiency or restricted and there was no breath, but she found everything for us, found for me. She found me two extra deficiency things - nuts and books. We both like reading and read together in evernings, each own book, in rest and peace. This is my memory of my Grandma - her golder hands, care and peace.

That past times wasn`t good for people. My family lived in Syberia, it was really deficiency of everything because my parents was just PhD scientists, not workers, so in communists rank of salary it was low. We has no possibility to buy food on market, but in shops it was no good food. One year it was deficiency of bread too. So strange to the country claims it`s ability to plan everything for people, in my memory it was everything against people. My grandma lived in Kiev, it was a kind of European city. My Grandma was talented and made a high career on the cake factory, she raised to  a sub director position. So she had possibility to bring nuts and sent it for us. She worked very hard taking care of everyone of the family, and her mother, my GrandGrandMa was under her care too. I remembered GrandGrandMa Gudel clearly, although I was 7 and she was 92.

When I was in Kiev, in my summer holidays, she made me an exceptional present: made agreement with all on neighbours to give me books from their home libraries. Books was in deficiency, no books available. Really bad times because my mind was in thirst all time. My Grandma feeded and drinked me with books. All books of fairy-tales, myths of different countries, heroes sagas - everything was opened for me as a jewels in rocks. I read Kalevala (Scandinavian epos) and Epos about Gilgamesh (ancient Mesopotamia) , Philippin and African fairy-tales and myths of India.

That was the result of my Grandma`s negotiations because such treasures was unavailable even in libraries.

So I received knowledge from her hands.

...and it was very peaceful place. Living most time in Siberia I hate cold long winter, with 6 months of darkness. In Kiev I was in sun, with big chestnut trees full of chestnuts, in lights of sun. I felt freedom here, being free from music school and everything, being able to read all I wanted. The test of freedom awakened somethind deep inside, I felt myself able to fly literary. (Once I was on flip-flap doing high and felt I can really stay in air so let my hands open. Of course I felt on my back observing flip-flap over me and wondering why I didn`t fly).

It was ended in my 7 because my family was moved  to another city to work in another research institute in Siberia. So my Grandma came to see us, her grand children, to Tumen, and made us packages with nuts.  When we received it, it was like a holiday. Walnuts seemed as a mistery thing because normally we could see it from a distance on farmers market but never try, of course never try.

So my Grandma provides us with treasures.

Later I was told she was a brilliant coock, the best from her family. But we had no products available to cook in Siberia. Nobody knows how she was able to found a fish to cook it, it was a kind of miricle too, so I could remember the test of gefilte fish and farshmak. It was testy. Although her foots was  ill with so pain made her cryed, my GrandMa walked to a long distance to found what`s food products suddenly available in shops (it ended in half an hour) and bought it for us.

When my GrandMa was with us we lived in my room, both reading tonight. It was so peaceful time because nobody restricted me from reading (as it was later). Every week my GrandMa has a habit to clean our big samovar. She did it in early morning, and when we awake it was a beautiful shining metal samovar in the kitchen, so beautiful, and she joked she bought a new one.

The last time I saw my GrandMa was at the end of 80-th. I wasn`t told it was the last time. Nobody told it to me. Because she prepared to move to USA with all family and tryed to persuade my dad to move with them.

I wasn`t told about everything. Just remember my GrandMa asked me what is clothes I wanted and I answered - of course jeans, it was a kind of dream because it wasn`t available. I told her like about a dream, I love dark blue jeans from Texas. (Jeans is my truly beloved clothes up to the present time, so preferencies isn`t changes.) So the dream to have jeans was my second deep secret and I shared it with my GrandMa. (The first deep dream was to have 12, may be 16 felt pens, but even I knew it was impossible So it was buried in my heart and never revealed).

Thet time my GrandMa made me a treasure present. The watch. I had no before - it was too much expensive thing for my parents. But my GrandMa bought it to me. It was the treasure for me and I used it with great care. Actually I had it work now, really, with the original belt in the same condition my GrandMa presented it to me. She did it with the same watch to my cousin Hava, so she bought 2 watches.

The last visit of my GrandMa was just after Chernobil atomic explosion. They lived in Kiev when it happened so radiation made cancer for my GrandMa and her elder son. my uncle David. It was revealed too late when both moved in US, lived in LA, CA. We had no connection with them. I didn`t know about it. I wasn`t able to see my Grandma any more.

But she sent me jeans. Texas jeans in dark blue colour. Nobody told me how because everything was restricted that time. Actually I knew nothing about my GrandMa as if she and a part of family just disappeared in fairy place like Valinor. My parents just gave me jeans. It was my favorite clothes for 3-4 years, weared with great care, once I made it whitewash to make more blue. It was all of my 1-2 course in institute until it broke into parts. And I weared my watch all time, just worry to keep it safe. So it is safe till now.

I had a hard life when I was in school. When I finished it I was so good in mathematics so my parents decided me worth to be a doughter of scientists and let me move to my birth city Gorky (now it calls Nighny Novgorod) to study physics.

I was born in that city in 1971, but when I was 3 my parents moved to Syberia. So I remember nothing about the city. Only one thing was connected with my GrandMa, but really big one. The apartment I lived was built just to my birth, and my GrandMa helped with payment to my parents.

So that apartment was from her to me and I lived in it for 15 years, being able to have my space and develop everything being in safe.

That period was a kind of freedom for me, especially in compare with my bad school times. Because physics and Math is free from social press and I truly loved it. I studed kung fu here. And my deep dream to paint and even to have 16 felt pens came to true here.

The dark part of the story was Gorky city and it`s area was closed city because of many military plants. Atomic submarines plant, and atomic station they tryed to built just in dangerous close distance to my house. Also it was battle-plane factory and many others. Many physics researches was for military and Gorky was the city Academic Sakharov lived.

I had my student practice in academy Institute of Physics researchs and signed papers to have no connections with foreighners.Of course we had no connections because phone call was too much expencive even to call my parents, no Internet of course, so I had no information where my GrandMa lived and how.

Once in June, I remembered it clearly, I was in a bus going to my university. And I literary listened my GrandMa called me and then she screamed. I listened is so clear then I jumped out of the bus trying to found her. No ideas how and what, I listened her calling my name, scriming. Empathy works sometimes that way. I didn`t found her although several days I was watching to old ladies on the streets looked familiar to her on the back.

Later I was told that time she was dying. I was told she dyed only in October. And I didn`t belive in it. Even when I visited her grave in Los Angeles in 1997, even as I cryed for her, even as I cry now remembering it, I know - the best part of my GrandMa is alive.

I was told by my mom, when my GrandMa visited us in Tumen last time she carried several things. It was really heavy crystal dinner sets she carried with great care, being ill. She carried everything to set our family well, to care to us. Also they let my mom to have important things from their Kiev apartment to sent it to Gorky so I have furniture in my apartment to live. Because nothing could be bought, it was still totally deficit and money shortage in my family. So my GrandMa set everything to took her care for me even as she moved far away.

 Also my mom told me, my GrandMa remembered me the old candlestick. I took it with care and have it till now. Actually that candlestick you can see on the photos with my painting. Much more later, being in LA I was told by my aunt Sophia about that candlestick: this is special Shabbat candlestick, one from pare. The second one was remembered to another member of our original family, but that one was inherited by my GrandMa and then legated for me. May be because my GrandMa has the original family surname Chudnovsky, and I have it too. May be for another reason. I remembered GrandMa made a lamp lighting to the birthday of her mom. So I will do it with the candlestick for today, because it is 96 to my GrandMa.

I will light the candle for her for today. Because this is Winner Day. She won her life as perfect as she was able to. She was caring for many people. And she did her duty perfectly. She was the WInner of the life so that day, her birthday and Winner day, is the best to that memory.

The last thing I want to say now. Staying at the beginning of several big projects, having about 12 big projects in my head, preparing to serve human society by all of my strength, knowledge and art, I want my ancestry supports me. Because my talent is their talent. Things I realize and made actual is things they carried on their potencial for thousands years. Although my GrandMa was afraid of my dream to be a painter, because she was afraid all painters are poor, I use my art to make she immortal. Because Arts is immortal. As I win - many people will win with me.

I am not a kind of lonely winner who care just to own ego.

I win and will win with many people, making voice to those who kept silence. I have plan for that and I am going to do it. You will see it.

I am the voice for people who have important, treasure things to say. I am going to help them to say loudly their ideas and thoughts which is important for humanity, for progress, for development, for people in total.

Bodies is mortal. But deeds is immortal.

What`s true people made by their lives is alive.

With thanks and love to my GrandMa, Riva Chudnovsky, in her birthday.

Thank you for being with me.

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