Preparing to my 5-th Corfu holidays
ANNAmain • Date: 16 July 2013 at 06:44 AM
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Hello everybody, I`ve painted 44 big paintings in last 3 months, it`s twice I do in an year. Good job! Two paintings (on the top of Lifecycle of Adizes system) haven`t finished yet because I am tired too much and need to refresh my mind. So I am preparing to my Corfu holidays.

The month I spend in Greece is the best of the year because I so like the sea being able to swim for hours, slipping on rocks, jumping to green waters… But 2 days before is a hard period because I desire to bring all of my projects with me, it`s impossible, so I bring half. Transitional day is full of mass, everything is out my trunk and needs to be systematize before I will try to put it inside. What things is important? What`s unimportant? Important but heavy too much?
First of all everything for my painting is important! Ok, not everything. Last year I tryed to bring all to big painting but it was really too much. So I prepare all for watercolour painting, graphics, also painting in Chinese style includes stone for ink and additional brushes… paper too… So crazy Greec to open an art shop for Chinese calligraphy doesn`t exist, so my ink, paper and everything I have to carry by myself.
Let`s look what is the number one category of things for my Corfu trip:
- Flippers for snorkeling, I have one short and one long. Thanks god last year I dropped in Liapades my mask and breathing tube and my Greec friends took care for it so I have less to carry today.
- 2 format sketch-books for water colours and my portable set with brushes etc. Not so portable, I guess, but less then I usually use at home.
- My project book because I have a list tasks to work.
- My technical support which is really heavy! It includes laptop with additional battery, iPhone and iPad mini with all wires and additional batteries too, ebook and wires for it, pleer for swimming and pleer for dancing, with special earphones each, and wires for it, also cell phone… One camera for quick work and one big to make high quality pictures and films…my god I am scaring right now, writing the list! Really too much. Get out big camera. Oh I plan to shoot some films to my future work… ok, get it back. Two HDD is too much so get one out.
Get out embroidery. It`s just about 300 gramm but I should belive to make my life easy getting it out.
Books by Dr.Adizes I have in e-format so everything will be OK.
The book "Far from the Tree" by Andrew Solomon (you can see it on the top of the picture below, with gold field and black baby figure on the cove) is really heavy one. I need it to plane my future project about self identity, and like the book in paper with my marks for work… but it weights so much. I will buy it at AppStore and work with it in e-format.

Then I observe a disaster coused by my trunk. Too much clothes, saree, tops, t-shirts, shorts, too many things! Get it out seems a good decision.
Dresses is too heavy, get it out. Saree is too long, get it out too.
Socks, my pills and some special things is small, but my tea set… Oh my god, the tea set is important. Greecs always louth at me because of my tea. But I don`t drink alchogol, any kind of it, also Coca-cola and the same poison is out of my taste, so what could I drink? Water at Corfu isn`t the best in the world, it has too much minerals and changes the tea taste so I need my tea set and portable filters for it.
I love Chinese tea, tea ceremony made me calm and I love all things about it, from special shape teapot to different tea cups. And the test of tea, especially milk Oolong, is somehow important for me. So I bring everything although all Greecs will have fun about.
Also I prepare my chopsticks. It`s really comfortable to eat and more elegant. Last year Greecs wondered how I cope with eat. That year I take several chopsticks as a present to make suffer those friends who louthed at me too much. 8-)

Audiobooks… Portable dinamics… I scared about my list. Too many things. So I am going to see what I can get out the trunk!
See you tomorrow with my new year Corfu adventure, pics of beautifil sea, the best in the world, and also my projects because I get it with me.
Now I am running to deal with the trunk!