Art Investment: Unique Personal Experience Fingerprints
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 November 2015 at 12:15 AM No comments

Today many people base their works just on photos from Internet, using printing or projections and paint something above. Spoiled by cheap production and so financial success by PR, too many stuck in trivial copy-cutting. Despite of that, in art investment still one the most important positions for estimate is the biography, unique personal experience of an artist.

The differences between artificial combination and integrated synthesis is significant. It is easy to take some resources, then to cut something into pieces, to deform it and then to mix and glue together. Even teens are doing it well. How could it work? By the weak points of human brain and the instinctive rules of domination in monkey`s pack. Broken things, destruction or disorder attract attention on the instinctive level.

Destruction and cansumerism is easy, animal things to do, produced by hormonal-emotional limbic system. Every animal has it. The point is it waste resources. In opposite, it is not easy to make new synthesis creating by neocortex, human part of the brain. It costs a lot of personal energy and takes time, and need not usual personal experience.

Being multi-disciplinary and cross-fields I can make professional cuts for analysis and then to learn powers behind and create new synthesis.

This is one of the Climate Change 2015 seria. It looks classical but it isn`t. First, the method of painting is not usual. Second, it based on the real event when I was stuck far away from the seashore, sitting on warm rock with all of my drawing alboms when the white twilight flows above the sea.

It was the moment when different ideas was melted in my mind. The moment of the very strange season, between rain and storm, with incredibly transparent waters, so silent, so cristal. It was 2 weeks before I found a very strange object around. It was near the darkness when I forced myself to swim back, otherwise it would be very dangerous and nobody knew where I was.

One silent everning betweeb so much activities, planing, mind-mapping, snorkeling with cameras, drawing, projecting. Like an eye of storm that moment gave me a time to pause, to open feelings and leave my mind to finish the general synthesis based on all data and experience I had put into it. The process of brain work is fine and the own brain structure of neo-cortex, the genuine human mind, is more unique as our fingerprints. That`s why those who are printing and copying, especially copy-pasters, show-men and thiefs, they never have that brain structure and never be able to feel how the universe turns around when we, truly creators, suddenly finish the process of understanding. That`s one of the most divine things everyone search and few really have. Enlightment of god`s blessing, that`s true words about it, but this is just words. To try was it real or just imagined we should see the results. Creation causes creation. In the future you will see more results which now have t be hidden to the right time to show.

For today I can show the ActiveBase painting:


Art Investment: New 2015 Art works, protection and proves
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 October 2015 at 09:41 PM No comments

Hello dear friends, eventually my paintings dried and so here it is pictures. NatureIn is my innovation with new art philosophy, part of new art direction I`ve developed. So, here there are first-in-the-world paintings in that direction, technique and style.

In Arts everything depends from the position an artist and art objects occupy in an art direction. First comes innovators; individuals with unique brain structure like Voncent van Gogh. I am the one from that kind of inicial creators, because of my brain atructure and proved skills and experience.

Second, followers come to share the advantages of new stream. That`s why it is so important to make innovations correctly to open new ways for many others in the most effective and efficient ways. It makes benefits for all sides in WIN-WIN strategy, both to artists and investors. That`s what I am working for, because I invented own scheme of localization for different countries. For example, today I am working with Greece, then others countries will join the path.

Third, frequently after the inventor`s pass away, many others who want to share the place on the market come.

That`s the three normal steps how our world develops in cultural and financial fields.

One thing is important about the process. Only true inventor knows how to develop the innovation correctly to benefit all sides. But there are many who wants just to stole the raw idea and sell it for own advantage. Steeling is the feature of monkey-`s part of human brain who is responsible to copy and imitate. That part of the brain calls limbic system and it`s cheap by energy balance, that`s why imitators are so fresh and it`s take a small time to steel, so they make a lot of PR noise and activities to imitate their importance and to hide real inventor far away.

That`s a kind of biological strategy, instinctive, the same as animals do.

So, to prove who is the real author it needs Antifragile approach: in Arts they search the biography and experience to prove was an idea genuinually growth as a synthesis of unique life experience, or it was suddenly appears without previous attempts  which means it was stolen.

That`s a lot of historical examples. Among names was thiefs like Malevich who stole ideas from 30 years before and used his PR possibilities and social situation for own advantages. The difference is, stolen idea make Win-Lose game, and in our informational world it is clear to prove who is the real author, especially in arts by 7 positions of Art estimate.

So, speaking in business language, buying stolen products or ideas an investor take a huge risk. That`s why it needs to be very clear with evidencies who is the real author, inventor, and who is not.

I am writing it to protect my current investors, my future investors, my nearest followers and other sides honestly involved. 

Everything I am doing is proved by many ways and everything can be checked.

That`s Antifragile way I protect future possibilities for many people.

Stay with me, win with me!

Human beings: war between wild biology and genuine human brain
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 October 2015 at 12:03 PM No comments

Today we have the great problem: how to harness climate change and make our path to the better future. The bigger problem behind is how to use brilliant possibilities of human brain instead of wild biological evolution driving by food chains. Human should generate better decisions, but instead biolgical drivers are still the chief.

Biological drivers are simple. Food (money), sex and domination completely describe all of the behaviour in animal world. Unfortunately by the morphology of human brain we have the ancient part we inherited from reptiles, limbic system, which rules by emotionally-hormonal storm and easily penerate our human part of the brain, neocortex. The point is, biological evolution is amoral. It aims to gain just three biological tasks one by one, starts from food (money), sex and domination by any price. Animal brain an`t think about outcomes, just because in biology it is no future for individuals. Actually, no individuals, just hungry bodies for reproduction and domination in a herd. Animal brain is the cheapest part of our human brain and unfortunately it is strong. As our biological evolution took millions of hunger years, noone could stop themselves easily from food, in human world from money. That`s the sadness thing, it`s not enough for animal brain. So, If you see somebody who are steeling, grabbing, taking more and more and never stop, that`s represent the reptile part of the brain rules. What to do to suffer less? Work less is the first biological outcome just to survive. In many companies I saw how bosses was seduced with the idea to squize more and more, even when they are not able to absorb the results, for this reason they press workers with threat to cut salaries. As the result people resist just to save themselves. I see many companies who are going to suicide in business by this approach. That`s unbelievable, but sometimes I witnessed how owners are killing own business with really good position on the market just wishing to press out for more.

Biology is brainless and it put us down easily. The worst part of biological evolution is to gain three aims by all means. For biological, reptile limbic system of human brain it is ok to use others for own interests no matter what. According to scientific researchs of human brain morphology, when people use limbic system it is so cheap and costs just 7-10% of body energy, and it works so quickly for nearest easy decicions. The worst part, with all amoral style, it produces special internal narcotics, endorphines, to support own work. That`s why honest, moral people can`t understand how people could steel or grab, or take advantages, or live from others account. Just think about it in brain terms. Animal brain usage is granted by instincts and internal narcotics.


Genuine Human part of the brain, neocortex , keeps human ideas, moral, true religion, and all choices out of direct biological aims food-sex-domination-no-matter-what-and-no-tomorrow.

Neocortex made us human, not animals. But unfortunately it costs 25% of body`s energy budget so nobody could use it as easy as animal part of the brain. That`s why people are so inert to think about future before bad things increse drastically and animal part of the brain drive in survival situation. It was the same for thousands years of human history, but today it costs us our planet. Nature has no moral. It acts, it kills, it wastes.

That`s why it is not easy to change just stupid habit which is obviously wrong. It is not easy for everyone by our brain properties. It is not easy by nature.

So how to make changes in modern world where we meet the problems to survive?


You shouldn`t touch the problem directly, it is painful. But you can speak in allegoric style, for example use cats to illustrate human ideas. People accept it because it`s less disturbing, more safe and doesn`t costs them too much. That`s why it needs to use smart approachs to turn people to think about tomorrow. It needs to make more attractive symbols and images, and new easy-to-get things just to turn people think in new ways step by step.

Use modern tools to make Antifragile changes for more people. In our world with Internet and social network the best way to make impact is to use simple images with text. I accompany that article with PG Cat`s ready-to-use memes to show you how it works. The same memes could be used for many other articles or other choices, I will show it in the next posts about different subjects.

You can increase your own impact to the world that way and turn animal part of each human brain to work for our truly human future which must be better then biological history. I believe it is possible. That`s why I work to create better tools for everyone.

You can download ready-to-use memes to attract more attention: Chinese-English proverbs , with English texts and new  Ginger-n-Cake seria

Smart approach helps us to gain better future in Antifragile way, as genuine Human.

Use and win!

The Sea Lions – An Allegory
New Ready-to-Use MEMEs to serve your communication
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 22 October 2015 at 01:47 PM No comments

 In modern informational reality cats are delegated to express people`s opinion in many cases.  We`ve invented new format of memes to serve your communication. Here it is new collection of 31 ready-to-use memes about motivation, job, taxes, politics, sex and cats:

For memes templates:    PG Cat`s Imgur and PG meme templates

Previous posts with PG Cat`s memes: Special seria of Memes for your Antifragile impact and Humor rules! Use memes to make you Antifragile impact

The reason to use cats for memes is strong: people need somebody who can express things in which we are too much involved.  Our civilization bases on emotional controle about everything so it needs somebody nice and funny to allow people to say their opinion in safe way and make that opinion shared by many people. That`s important. For example that collection of ready-to-use memes have several memes about politics in general, cost of life and taxes. Not everyone could say this by own name, but when an appropriate cats are saying this, it became much more ready for shares then just words. The fact of modern reality is, people needs somebody to carry their message. Our special memes are serving that need. Use them, express yourselves.

#pgcat #pgmeme #pgcatmemes #humor #cats #meme #memes #readymemes #antifragile #effect #textedmemes

World Culture pro: similarities between China and Greece-7
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 October 2015 at 03:01 PM No comments

Our world became global, with global common interests. That`s why it`s so important to understand our similarities to make people working forward for better future. Antifragility layes in our culture which make us different from animals. Two great ancient cultural centres, China and Greece, looking so different, have the same wisdom in proverbs:



(more China-Greece here )

We are far away from the tradition to be tought by proverbs and storytalles because we developed more effective and efficient formats to transmit information. However when we want Antifragility in the times of changes it requires look to the roots and chech the best tools. Antifragile tools providing by culture is one of the best access to subconsciousness collective. Being one of the chief drivers of our history, that engine of culture can bring us one of the most persuadive language. Wisdom from proverbs has got power of natural law, because it bases on long run statistics. Statistically proverbs are working, so why don`t use that perfect language for our today needs?

夜长梦多  The longer you wait, the more unexpected developments may occur   | 夜长梦多

It means, procrastination in wrong time make circumstances worse, the longer you wait, it became even worse.

Οποιος δεν έχει μυαλό έχει πόδια  - He who has no brains has     legs 

It means on the extra trouble one     incurs when not thinking through his actions beforehand.

This is statistically proved truth. The price of stupidity is high. Much more high then we tend to count. More, for one`s stupidity many others are paying, from own accounts. Today the world became so fast changing, and so drastically, so noone could allow yourself to accept other`s procrastination and pay for other`s mistakes by own.

No resources to waste any more.

No time to recovery.

Price of procrastination and stupid mistakes became incredibly high, and predators are near to check the moment to take advantages. All of then put the world in great danger. That`s the reason to accumulate all of our strength now and to use all available tools to harness the situation. Not for somabody abstract, but for ourselves. That`s why I am developing new effective and efficient tools to support social changes in global scale in Antifragile style.

Small tools make great changes in our world. Post-industrial information works in strange ways more efective and efficient then other tools. That`s why simply sharing the pictures you make waves more then if you try to persuade friends come to Climate meeting. Increase number of people who share Climate motivators, frequently just for fun, of because they love cats,  of because of just boredom, and the information will works above all of expectations. That`s new way of positive changes we can do by ourselves and benefit in global scale. That`s how we can make own future better, because we are all here, on blue pale spot, on our Earth, and there is no planet B or plan B. So let`s do whatever we can.

New tools allow us to save our time and energy making the same effect. Let`s use it!


Climate Change 2015 Project: resource-generating creation
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 October 2015 at 01:57 PM No comments

During my Corfu trip it was a lot of adventures. All of this are included in Climate Change project I am doing now, NatureIn part.

True creation, true new ideas have strong potential to generate resources of many kinds to the whole human society and to generate new ideas for next generations. 

A lot of mistakes and mistifications come from misunderstanding what`s real creation and what`s reproduction.

To create the unique, original content is hard job. (Vice versa, compilation or rebuild/repost/rewrite/reused result  is easy and cheap).Today gift of creation is mixed by new habit to call "creation" any hand work or computer work activity. Reproduction, includes copy-pasting,  base on automatical processes (copypasting, printing), existing example (done by somebody else), or on concrete algorithms (do that, that and that so it will be the result close to the example). That`s reproduction,  sometimes a kind of production, but not creation itself.

Creation can`t be the close result from others, or example. Creation comes from synthesis of so many factors  melted in creator`s brain, changing, deflecting by unique experience and education, them embodiment with skills into a product. That natural law works for art, science and business ideas, which are more close to each others then it seems from the first glance.

Creation is not reproduction, that`s why it needs so much time and mind investment to be done. That core diffrencies means everything, that`s why in science and art everything have names of the person who invented, create the object or an idea. Unfortunately, ideas could be stolen, distorted and became weak by uncorrect popularization. Strong ideas serve society, but weak stolen ideas serve just copy-pasters budget. In our world, full of copy-pasted information, it`s the responsibility of an author to keep ideas safe to increase it`s potential to serve the world.

That`s why it needs to include all of the evidencies and the story of a project to the final product to make it safe from copy-pasters. In science, making PhD for example, you must claim what`s new was done and prove it is different from all others. That protocol has sense, at least it shows the story of each work from the beginning to point it`s roots. In Arts it is special system for investors from 7 positions to check and evaluate the exect art object. All of that means ensurans for interesting sides to make knowledge safe.

NatureIn is the long run project which has been prototyped now, with first five final products.

The idea, the technigue and the result was grown from my experience, personal researchs, science and art background. Innovations forms the matter of the exect paintings, and the environment became the part of each.  It was a lot of search and adventures with video records, so this is just several beautiful shots from Corfu, different parts:

Sustainable Development: Positive changes in Antifragile Way
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 14 October 2015 at 02:13 PM No comments

Density of information make significant changes without struggle. Subconsciousness Collective is changing by images much more then by words, because human are visual creatures. Simply sharing Climate motivators you can make that changes in Antifragile way, so people feel safe in climate actions and life choices. Go green, go solar, go smart.



Matched Wallpapers:


#antifragile #antifragility #strategy  #2030NOW, #carbonfree, 
#climate2014, #ClimateChange, #UN, #UnitedNations,  #Sustainability,
#SustainableDevelopment, #Post2015, #MDG,  #SDG,
#AgeofSustainableDevelopment, #WorldChange, #lowcarbon #economy
#Art, #ABArt, #ABPainting, #Cultura, #impact, #active, #proactive, 
#climateneutrality, #climateaction, #Call4Climate , #unfccc,#CWNYC, 
#PeoplesClimate, #business, #UNFCCC #sustdev,
#takeaction, #artprocess,  #newart, #SustainableArt, #ArtGlobal, #GlobalArt,
#NewGenerationArt,  #Science, #Art&Science, #PoweroofArt, #ArtforEducation,
#CulturaGlobal,  #CulturaMovement, #CultureClimate, #ArtforDevelopment,
#Education,  #GlobalEducation, #SustainableEducation, #NewStyleEducation,
#ArtBusiness,  #ArtGalleryNew, #SocialEducation, #ClimateEducation,
#SustainableEducation,  #NewMovementEducation,
#Calligraphy,  #Painting, #Acrylic, #NewTechniquePainting, #NewArtStyle,
#ArtPlusScience,  #ArtProves, #ArtWitness, #OnlineArt,  #ModernTrendArt,
#SustainableBrainWork, #Effective,  #Efficient, #Lifecycle, #Information,
#Image, #ShapetheWorld, #ArtIsTool,  #IdeasToRelity, #IdeasWork,
#WorldNetwork, #WorldArtNetwork,
#Management,  #ManageChanges, #Leadership, #WorldLeader, #ActualEvent,
#Event,  #GlobalEvent, #EventForEducation, #SustainableDecision,  #InfoArt,
#InfoGraphics #pgcat #activebaseart

How we can make the world a better place by 2030
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 October 2015 at 11:44 AM No comments

We have all of the technologies to make the world better place today. The point is how to pass through ignorance and to turn on human minds, which now stuck in past century habits and life style. You can’t realize what`s your possibilities if you don’t know what they are. Share images and learn about SDG from TED talk

For more  images HERE  

The right decision is near, just make steps forward.

#antifragile #antifragility #strategy  #2030NOW, #carbonfree, 
#climate2014, #ClimateChange, #UN, #UnitedNations,  #Sustainability,
#SustainableDevelopment, #Post2015, #MDG,  #SDG,
#AgeofSustainableDevelopment, #WorldChange, #lowcarbon #economy
#Art, #ABArt, #ABPainting, #Cultura, #impact, #active, #proactive, 
#climateneutrality, #climateaction, #Call4Climate , #unfccc,#CWNYC, 
#PeoplesClimate, #business, #UNFCCC #sustdev,
#takeaction, #artprocess,  #newart, #SustainableArt, #ArtGlobal, #GlobalArt,
#NewGenerationArt,  #Science, #Art&Science, #PoweroofArt, #ArtforEducation,
#CulturaGlobal,  #CulturaMovement, #CultureClimate, #ArtforDevelopment,
#Education,  #GlobalEducation, #SustainableEducation, #NewStyleEducation,
#ArtBusiness,  #ArtGalleryNew, #SocialEducation, #ClimateEducation,
#SustainableEducation,  #NewMovementEducation,
#Calligraphy,  #Painting, #Acrylic, #NewTechniquePainting, #NewArtStyle,
#ArtPlusScience,  #ArtProves, #ArtWitness, #OnlineArt,  #ModernTrendArt,
#SustainableBrainWork, #Effective,  #Efficient, #Lifecycle, #Information,
#Image, #ShapetheWorld, #ArtIsTool,  #IdeasToRelity, #IdeasWork,
#WorldNetwork, #WorldArtNetwork,
#Management,  #ManageChanges, #Leadership, #WorldLeader, #ActualEvent,
#Event,  #GlobalEvent, #EventForEducation, #SustainableDecision,  #InfoArt,
#InfoGraphics #pgcat #activebaseart

Project Catamaran: the base for special seria
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 10 October 2015 at 10:07 PM No comments

Hello dear friends, today the topic is to make some hints to my current work I am doing in parallel with climate activity. You can see big pictures below.

I am from art and science,  charging my power from both by my special brain structure, preborn advantages and my education proved by life experience. The essense of science is to know things around the subject, in multi-disciplinary approach I practice. During my researchs around that project I found something special far away in the sea. For nowI would like to show you some beautiful screenshots of Ionian Sea.

You can read about the beginning of NatureIn here  , here   and here

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