ClimateChange 2014: personalities
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 September 2014 at 10:29 PM No comments

According to

20 women making waves in the climate change debate

They wrote: "...So here’s a list of twenty women making waves in the climate change debate, offered in alphabetical order, and without any men to get in the way. We hope it shows off some of the quiet – and not so quiet – power women do have on this issue, and the diversity of the debate. Gender aside, this list reflects other diversities of the climate debate, with expertise in financial systems, workers’ rights, science, politics,  development, media, diplomacy and more.

It’s only a start though. Who would you add? And who would you like to hear more from?"

So you can see, the problem is not from political field  only. You can see repressentatives from natural and economic science, culture and others fields. From the same source

"Founded in 1931, the International Council for Science  (ICSU) is a non-governmental organization representing a global membership that includes both national scientific bodies (121 National Members representing 141 countries) and International Scientific Unions (30 Members).

Road to Paris is where science, policy and economics meet on our way to the
2015 climate conference in Paris."

Climate Change becomes the caldrone to melt many specialists from different fields from different countries, education and point of view into common activity. I note it just to myself, to pay attention how things are going on, what changes more, and how.

Making notes for the future MDG—->SDG 2015 project, I would like to create a smooth line of visual narrative from Climate Change to the next. Empower women is one of the priorities for MDG. So, the list of 20 women making waves in the climate change debate will be important.


#Climate2014: the rising wave
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 September 2014 at 04:41 PM No comments

The world is moving.

I am ready with the project work. Right now I am finishing with photos and preparing to show my results: 11 art objects in innovative technigue in new style which was done exectly the days significant in human history.

Then it will be official presentations etc, then we will move forward.

Go, be the first in constructive actions, take your future.

Let`s work, let`s do it now!

Climate Change 2014 Project: making the message clear
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 September 2014 at 03:07 PM No comments

Ok, my batteries was partly recharged yesterday so I spent the time finishing the 2nd stage of Climate Change 2014 project.


Although last flavor of the art is just to express own feelings I found it unacceptable. It is too much infant, with so lack of understanding and so poor message so I avoid such a way as it possible.

My way is clear message I understand by my own and so can explain it to other people, in order to educate them in vital things for living and so to improve their life. Yes. playing colors seems self sufficient, especially when you are enjoying your bath and have no needs to think about ideas. I did it just yesterday. Actually I have my color-lights shower for it. Nice. Refreshing. No needs to put it into the art.

As I have the base purpose to make art work for the sake of society, to help people to develop themselves and the environment and so to help them create more happy and productive life, I have to be strict with the messages of my painting. Even if I see, it is OK from visual point of view, it means looks good both for observer and for printing, I don`t stop at that stage. My art needs much more.

That`s why I need to stay away for a while, although sometimes I feel so pity about days I shouldn`t work being under the pressure of time.

When I get the detail which make all work speaking clear, useful for education, I feel happy about it. Happy so much so finish the work in a couple of hours.

For example, that`s "Ocean Acidification-I" which was waiting for about 5 days to be finished.

This is the last strokes for "Carbon Empire: the sunset"

And that one "LifeCycle: Energies" has the long story behind. I`ll tell it later when the whole gallery became officially presented.

Just the fact, it was waiting to the final strokes from November 2013.

I`ve finished it right now.

So, it seems everything have done for today. Anyway I have to make a walk after 2 days at home with all of my chemistry. When I be back, two last paintings wil be examined and may be improved.

Thank you for being with me,


#climate2014, #ClimateChange, #UN, #UnitedNations, #Sustainability,  #SustainableDevelopment, #Post2015, #MDG, #SDG, #AgeofSustainableDevelopment,  #WorldChange,
#Art, #ABArt, #ABPainting, #Cultura, #impact, #active, #proactive,  #takeaction, #artprocess, #newart, #SustainableArt, #ArtGlobal, #GlobalArt,  #NewGenerationArt, #Science, #Art&Science, #PoweroofArt,  #ArtforEducation, #CulturaGlobal, #CulturaMovement, #CultureClimate,  #ArtforDevelopment, #Education, #GlobalEducation, #SustainableEducation,  #NewStyleEducation,
#ArtBusiness, #ArtGalleryNew, #SocialEducation, #ClimateEducation,  #SustainableEducation, #NewMovementEducation,  #IntuitiveEducation,#NewArtDirection,
#Calligraphy, #Painting, #Acrylic, #NewTechniquePainting, #NewArtStyle,  #ArtPlusScience, #ArtProves, #ArtWitness, #OnlineArt, #ModernTrendArt,  #SocialProject,
#SustainableBrainWork, #Effective, #Efficient, #Lifecycle, #Information,  #Image, #ShapetheWorld, #ArtIsTool, #IdeasToRelity, #IdeasWork, #WorldNetwork,  #WorldArtNetwork,
#Management, #ManageChanges, #Leadership, #WorldLeader, #ActualEvent,  #Event, #GlobalEvent, #EventForEducation, #SustainableDecision


Creation is a kind of hard work: battery charge
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 September 2014 at 09:10 PM No comments

Creation is blessing, the powerful stream of playing lights. Creation is a hard work in energy terms. People who make copies just repeat  something which was created from zero. So any creation costs personal energy. Because creators are the gate between ideal world of ideas and solid world of material life.

We are the gate. We are the editors. Many hours of concentration both on idea and on the creating result.

That`s why any creator needs special approach to recharge his or her life batteries.

I wished to be in the sea for recovery. I am trying to avoid the idea this is 11 months between me and the sea.

So. Just fast recharge for my batteries, water and light meditation. I’ll finish the art later…

Tomorrow… Actually…



#Climate2014 : tools to promote sustainable development
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 September 2014 at 07:49 AM No comments

Latest Statements of Secretary General of UN Ban Kee-moon

Apia, Samoa, 31 August 2014 - Secretary-General’s remarks at the opening session of the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States: "...we are developing the tools we need to promote sustainable development across the entire world."

We all face the problem of education which is the base of new solutions. To promote new ways of human development across the world we need a universal language, intuitive clear, with pure ligical line, attractive. That`s why this is a lot of reasons to use new kind of pictures as a language. Also as an intgrative tool for people and the language of human collective subconsciousness as well.

That tasks I am working during that art seria, and the new dedicated to Sustainable development goals.

All logical lines is ready, descriptions, strategy for usage, education line, now it needs just to finish the Climate Change project in time. I am finishing Section II about side effects of anthropogenic influence. The picture above is the part of "Ocean Accidification I" painting I am finishing today.

Let`s go to work.

Real time Projectwork: Carbon Economy and Unsustainable cooking
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 September 2014 at 08:34 PM No comments

Among different stage of my #climatechange project work this is a funny moment which concerns the subject. Today I had my program to finish 2 from 4 new painting. So I put three corns to the pan to boil it and came to work. Any ideas what I founded a little bit later?..

People ask me why I didn`t smell smoke?

First of all, I was working. If an Apocalipse came I didn`t mention it. All I hear is music by Ramin Djawadi and my terrible ringtone (hundry cat voice). This is the way brain concentrates efforts and make selection from thousands of stimuls.

Second,it is smell of benzine, parafin, acryl, fragrances I burn for Buddha, so I  open the window and keep my head out of scent.

In short words, when the black color finished I felt something missed and came to the kitchen to seek something eatable. I founded all kitchen in smoke and a strange black pan I didn`t recognize as my property. The pan is as black as teflon. No ideas how to clean it although it is not the first such a disaster it experienced.

When I opened the cover of the pan it was something with strange colour inside, flying in clouds of smoke.

Ok, said I for myself, the one side of the corns is carbonized. As an irony it perfectly fits the subject of my current work, post effects of Carbon Empire.

So I have my own carbon Empire right in my pan and at my dinner plate.

Although one side of my meal was perfectly carbonized, three siides was cooked.

What do you thing I did with it?

I was hungry! So I ate it trying to avoid black sides.

The taste reminded me how Greeks cook corne on coal. Not so totally burnt but a little, so I had my dinner remembering Corfu. Not bad! smile

When I had put the black pan to wash it I founded the color of it isn`t black. it is a beautiful mixture of deep blue, brown, silver, grey and a little black. It was so beautiful so I made several pictures for it. May be it will be useful for project purposes.

Now I just want to mark this funny case.

Hopes I will be able to wash my pan for tomorrow, it seems I need to be Cinderella for it.

So, symbolically I am deeply inside the subject, carbon economy, carbon cooking, carbon meal, so it`s OK, I am going back to my  work.


?Climate Chenge 2014: Developing logical line
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 September 2014 at 10:35 PM No comments

Hello everybody, my work day isn`t formally closed until I finish that post, so I congratulate you and myself with the first of September, the beginning of the New study year 2014-2015. So many years I was a student, so many teached in different way so the new year in education becomes a tradition.


For today I decided to reinforce my attempts and to do several basic works one by one. It is not something new, a normal kind of work, but the concentration of datas and filming make everything complicated.

Nevertheless the day was succesful, as I`ve realized right now, gathering myself from 4 painting and a lot of cameras and other tools lay everywhere.

As you know, the sequence of chapters in a book is not the real sequence a writer wrote. The same is for art serias includes mine. I started with te biggest painting "Rising Carbon Empire" because it was the most challenging thing in the whole seria both by it`s size and the idea. Then I did that, that and that. Today I invested my time to fulfill several gaps in logical chain. So here it is the first painting in the line.

The first should seems more positive and light, the size is 60x80 cm so it`s ok. However I`ve made a kind of personal record balancing with both hands busy with GoPro camera and a brush full of yellow color. Several times I remember with gratitude my old WingChun Kung Fu training because I was standing with all of my stuff on my tiptoes with busy hands among liquid and semi-liquid colors everywhere around, trying to paint fine lines without mistakes. I was filming it all of the time. In addition I did photos to both additional cameras, filming on one additional steady camera and made pictures for Instagram by my iPhone.

After all of this I can`t understand how I managed the whole program for the day and noone of my liquids was spilt as it happened before.

I guess, this is something new. I increase my skills having deep feear to drop one of the cameras to the wet canvas.

So our challenges help to improve skills.

My friend asked me today if I have  far-sightedness and I confirmed that fact. The reason for the question was too small size for my blog posts. So this is a little bit bigger.

Ok, I did all for today and should go to sleep until I drop my head to the keyboard.

Have a nice night and nice morning while I hope to have a nice 8 hours of sleeping in case nobody call me tomorrow morning to ask how are you and so on.


ClimateChange UN 2014 project: transition to the next stage in Sustainable way
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 31 August 2014 at 08:19 AM No comments

First 4 paintings for ClimateChange project`ve finished. After 2 days of preparation I`ve started the next stage consists from 4-5 paintiings.

Preparing descriptions ans the ready presentations for the whole seria.

Transition from one natural step into another isn`t an easy one. Even when you control everything by yourself having all authority and skills, working in collaboration with the best specialists, it is not easy. This is a natural gap between steps which is the same unpleasant moment as adaptation for new body features we have at 15-16 y.o. The key for success is to understand what`s going on and to have ready proved model to check changes before it comes to so large scale so it cn costs too much.

It needs to develop self control also. When things come into different way you should have a strategy and experience how to react, how to utilize the particular energy in right way for the sake of the project and how to be proactive.

For example, several days I have a strong will to paint something different, beautiful with harmony and gentle colors, just to secure my own mood. But for the project work it needs completely another mood. I am painting unsustainable decisions and side-effects which is obviously opposite to my own wish.

Yesterday I had a kind of depressive feeling, expectable at that stage of the project work because I am investing so many energy in so narrow time boundaries so the body itself use sadness as a signal. That`s why I felt nesessity to correct myself by painting beauty. But with the deadlines to Climate change sammit I have no so luxury conditions for a week out of the project work. So I utilized my yesterday sadness into new 4 paintings which is obviously not so funny subject. My body now feel the same as I paint so I can use my left and right hand and make strokes and lines more informative, carring the message itself, the same way as in Chinese and Japanese calligraphy.

Now I am working with 4 new.

With such a knowledge we can decode our new possibilities and use it into nesessities in the most productive way. This is Sustainability in complicated circumstances, the example how sustainable network works.

#Climate2014: how to make transition to the next stage of development
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 August 2014 at 03:35 AM No comments

Hello friends, yesterday 4 big paintings was finished, I had a breath and formed the line of logical story for it. What is the aim of the project? To mirror the significant event of human history we have now as the main function of art. Also I care about new function to use all art object for educational purposes.

The modern trend is to have proper education which helps us to understand wht`s going on and to make sustainable decisions what to do. When we gain good education we can make forecasts and make aims more clear and more achievable. We can feel our future is in our hands and be prepared to do it in better way, starting from our own life.

Climate Change causing by human influence is one of the side effects of our development. However we still in developing stage. Human race is young. If we use the fine toolof Adizes LifeCycle it is obvious: different countries occupy Infancy, Go-Go and Adolescence positions. This is trajectory still full of challenges and unharmony which we just starting to move to harmony and prosperity. Although Infancy stage seems much more miserable as Adolescense, both had normal, abnormal and pathological problems.

My last year Adizes Corporate Liffecycle project represents the educational purpose of my brunch of art. We all live under the natural law of Lifecycle the same way as we live under the physical law of gravitation. So, having education about how such laws work and how it influence our life we can overcome challenges and make forecasts. Also we can use that knowledge to evaluate what`s happens with others and how it concerns our future.

Just three examples:

  Infancy stage of development

Compare with Go-Go stage

Adolescense :

As our civilization create so mighty potential in technology, this is side effects as challenges of each point of the LifeCycle. People who vote for primitive life are trying to turn LifeCycle back which is impossible. No way to do it. So it needs to check positions our civilization have normal problems of development, check abnormal and pathological problems such as anthropogeny influence to climate and make transition to the next stage of development.

Human race is challenging to move to Prime and Stable stages of Lifecycle.

Millenium development goals by United Nations, and Sustainable Development Goals for post-2015 year is the plan to move. Every position of the plan represents how to resolve abnormal and pathological problems of each stage and conditions to make transition to Prime and Stable.

Just have a glance to Prime

and Stable

The differencies is obvious.

Even the character I created represents one of the MDG - needs to empower weman and gender equality.

I mean, although I did the Corporate LifeCycle project much earlier then Climate Change project both of them are related.

LifeCycle is the best forecast for our orientation. We can explore information about Sustainable Development as our transport to gain next stages, Prime and Stable. We can feel by own experience how it is vital for living beings to growth from developing stages to full blossom. How natural it is tomake so transition. How natural our problems is.

How it is vital to check abnormal and pathological problems such as Climate Change caused by carbon economy.

So, having related projects, I am forming new line of art objects (paintings) for educational purposes.


You can explore what does it means by Infancy stage of development here

About Go-Go stage here

About Adolescense here


and Stable






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