Antifragile Achievements: Dutch Great Experience
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 June 2015 at 10:54 AM

Holland is the country with deep long history of sucessful struggle with unfavourable conditions and historically smart sustainable decisions. Having lack of land, they develop everything with modern technologies and now are at the edge of  revolutionary solutions.

That`s so impressive when the country with lack land and sun become a lider in clean energy. They are developing new technologies in very smart way which is effective and efficient in short and long run. Viva Dutch! I have a lot of friends from that country and admire their strong spirit, common sense, practical orientation and great sense of humor. They love life. They are ready to make life better. They are acurate counting resources and they sensitive to waste. That`s amazing!

That  Climate wallpaper dedicates for them, and I hope many nations will pay attention for the great experience. Life is going on and on so who will be prepared in front of climate changes? Who will survive as a nation, as individual and lead in business field? Only those who are prepared. No way to argue with the historical process. I am glad we have so good example to understand it and then I wish every nation to found effective and efficient in short and long run solutions. That`s just a common sense: when you see, the better experience exists, you will be able to make better.

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