Dancing Shadows Time
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 14 August 2012 at 04:51 PM

That season at Corfu I made several detailed sketches I`d never done before. The environment was so harmony organized that I was catched with a beauty of moment and started to draw instead swimming.

That place is the view from my favourite table in Crickete Taverna belongs to our hotel. Sitting here many hours, observing how the road floats down to the seashore, how shadows changes. Suddenly I realized the beauty of dancing performed by the shadows of trees, dancing of light and forms and blue spots.

Afte several hous shadows become dark and deep as if it was tired from movements.

SO beautiful scene turned me to thing I usially avoid: to paint architecture. It was the fist time I did it, and I started to be involved in a process of understanding how natural and humancould be put together to perform living shadow dance.





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