Nature-In Project in Progress
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 April 2015 at 05:51 PM No comments

Today I`ve finished some experiments with matherials and effects and start the next stage of my Nature-In project. The special feature of Nature-In is it was started exectly the place was painted and contains all elements of the nature around, includes solt water of the sea, surface of the stone and sun which dried my colors right on my brushes.

Look at the picture:

That rock is in about 500 m from the seashore, I swam to it by my own, with all the things I need to paint the project.

But this is the exect challenge. I wanted the nature comes into my painting, and I wanted me to be souled in that nature, to be melted with that place I love.

A lot of experiments with matherials etc, and it still needs to make some tryes. You can read about the beginning here   while I take my efforts to develop the technigue. Innovations costs a lot. 

Let`s see what it will be!


Pre-born Vision: the way how brain works
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 14 April 2015 at 02:48 AM No comments

When I took my lectures about brain work, I realize how it`s important to learn such things in time. Human brain has much more mutability then our bodies. Some people are  born with additional fields of brain, and in fact we have more then 5 senses. We have 19 specialized brain fields for perception, includes gravity, angle, pressure etc. We have much more then shows in everyday life.

It explains all of my struggle for my vision I used to have for the most part of my life. Here it is several of my first art works. I did it in my 14-16, the time I had my first kit of faber pens.

It was a gift among grey dull colors of soviet damn reality. I took it by a chance because it was unable to buy in the country closed for any external connection. Terrible years, a half of life of being blind and mute I`d never want to repeat. Ideas which grew in my mind was so different, even opposit to the reality, so it was a challege just to survive looking close to average. Even libraries was limited that time. I took my time in education - the only free zone I can found. I took my music school in violine for 9 years, 6 days per week, then my formal art school education, rather useless, I finished it in 2 years instead of 4. Then I took medical education, includes anathomy, for a 6 months because I wanted to be a neurosurgerist, actually a neuro scientist. I desired to know the truth.

As you can see on the pictures, I made my drawings with gaps. That is the part of my vision: Universe is full of windows and plates, ideas, movements which are existing simultaneously.

If you put all the pictures of that period which I did before my 17 y.o. together, you can see a new picture in the gaps of previous. This is the vision. All ideas exists in one time just in different fields.

Good people explained me how I was wrong, because no such colors in the world and no different worlds, just look around and enjoy shadows of grey as others did.

No way for me to take that life.  I covered all the pictures and stories behind carefully to hide it. Some of them was stolen later.

It was a half-life full of pressure. Not so easy to resist when you are 16 and everyone around are against. That time I developed the exect style I can tell things: you can see the all signs from the beginning:

And here, even in human-like figures:

And here, in portrets I did 10 years later:


It was the same. Something important was the same, hidden in each work, in each vision.

In medical school I realized it will be no development here, then I was back to natural science and won several math competitions, then became a student of Physics. Radio Physics was the only multy-disciplinary field with wide range of Physics included. My target was the same: to learn the truth, how the universe moves and what exectly my vision means.

I realized it being a Physicist by my first education. It is Power Lines and Fields. Black strokes is the power lines with the same message as magnetic power lines represents magnetic fields :

Fields around represents by colors, living, moving active colors I paint, represents the same message as power fieldsin physics, for example Kirlian

Many people threat Kirlian`s photography as an aura. I don`t tuoch that subject because of so many charlatans around it.

But for my senses, ideas is the same matherial thing, they have power lines, fields, they carry information and message. This is the point. All things in nature is meaningful. Look to that Kirlian`s picture of flower.

If I had that knowledge earlier, I would be a happy person. But I received it much later, so my beginning was miserable and sadness, except my painting. All painting has stories behind because I know exectly what it was.

Melting power, changing fields, gigant pressure as the physical processes inside stars, hot plasma:

That picture was about time. I made several poetry to describe more. Time which ruins all artificial and melts all organic and how it connects with information:

That painting names Meditation. The way for different mind to be stable and carry it`s ideas is to stay in the middle. This is why I am Theravada Buddhist. That`s why I keep my mind stable and antifragile. Staying in the middle we can be a witness how ideas comes and passes, make changes, growth, mutate, changes again, being stable by internal natural power.

That memory about things I overcame, and the root things which is so powerful so feed me all of the time of changes, struggle, search of knowledge, keep differencies which is natural and search for others, brothers and sisters, that memory keeps me going on and on. The new direction I am developing will open new areas and new vision for others who can develop it more. If you feel different, keep it with respect and make your own search for the answers.

You can see more in my Root Gallery which is my attachment to the initial power I belongs for

Thank you for being with me!


World Culture: Antifragile Strategy Wallpaper by PG Cat
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 April 2015 at 01:30 PM No comments

Hello everybody, today I would like to present you the new wallpaper from World Culture seria by PG Cat. It describes one of the most important question in our quick times: how to create our own Antifragile strategy and gain success and good luck. (click the pic)

The original Chinese proverb at the base of that idea is: "Certain bad luck is actually "a blessing in disguise."

The ancient Chinese story behind that proverb tells us about a wise old man who never took the circumstances as it seems at the first look. He never judged what`s going on and what`s will be an outcomes by sthereotypes. And he made his actions optional so was able to catch the essense of good luck in any circumstances when others just count their losses and moaned. This is the best strategy for our times!

In order to pay my respect to this story I would like to retell it once more:

Once upon a time, there lived an old man on the northern frontiers of China. One day, his horse disappeared. His neighbors came to comfort him. But the old man was not at all upset. He said his loss might turn out to be a good thing. And he was right. A few months later, not only did his horse find its way back, it also brought with it another horse,  one that was even better. His neighbors came around again, this time to congratulate him on his gain. But again, the old man viewed the situation differently, and said that this "good luck" might bring about misfortune in the end. Strangely, he was right again. A few days later,  his son fell from the new horse and broke his leg. However, as a result of the accident, his lame son was not conscripted to fight in the war and remained with his family.

Nowadays, people refer to the idiom when comforting someone who has experienced ill fortune. However, although it does imply that bad luck can sometimes transform into good luck, the reverse is also true; good luck can sometimes give rise to bad.

What is our benefits from that story?

Antifragile strategy itself.

We are looking for our chances from all circumstances so our own brain neuronetork is ready for it. We are in search of our best chance being relaxing. This strategy is completely opposit for negative people who moans in any circumstances about weather, small size of perls, politics, food, healt etc and so definitely lost all good chances and made their challenges worse. Such people are loosing and more, they are making troubles for others.

The point is, changes and challenges is a normal part of life. While we are living we are challenging. Make yourself in high stable comfort and your own body will start to slow down methabolism, brain activity, muscles starts to degradate and in fact it meand dying. Train yourself in slow lewel of stress and you became stronger, more flexible, younger, with fresh interest to life and chances, it means you will be able to catch your good luck from everywhere. It needs to be ready, be antifragile, be stable, be sustainable. Being so you can increase your influence in wide range of problems and people will join you. So that way of living is the best. remember, a crysis kills fragile weak things, people, businesses, organizations, nations, ideas. A crysis means you should gather your straight and being Antifragile became better and better through changes and time passes. This is the way I always live.

Click the pic to download the free wallpaper:

More wise inspiring wallpapers from World Culture project by PG Cat download here

With my respect to the book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb "Antifragile: things that gain from Disorder". All I am doing is targeted to gain Antifragile state for everyone. Be successful with the best!


Sustainable Mindset: Antifragile way to support strong thoughts
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 April 2015 at 07:41 PM No comments

Personal sustainability is not just an idea. It is the best way to keep Antifragile life style which is much more productive, healthy, effective and efficient in short and long run and obviously much more pleasant in our fast time changes. To keep it you need to have an optional rest, which means a good choice between public and private high quality life.

I would like to present you one of my best methods of quick deep antifragile relaxation: personal place for a tea ceremony.

Asian treasures like tea ceremony are focused on deep high quality relaxation. Obviously we have no enough time for the whole ceremony on the go, but all of the details of a short ceremony can be customized for your needs and so perfectly work. Here it is my portable office tea set I carefully designed to make myself a private place whatever I am, with full aesthetics and meditative mood. When I am trevelling I easily have it with me. it is light weight and changeble in details so I can make it easier or more complex.

My resently added detail is Chinese folding screens with different designes. I have a small collection of it, with the same size 6-parts folding screen, with different paintings on it. So I could make differencies just choosing a different screen, keeping the whole details of the ceremony the same. This is the feature of sustainability and antifragility: to keep the best, to change details.

As you see on the picture, that tea set consists of two main parts: one for the main scenes and one for using. The main scene includes one folding screen, the mat to stand it, a small fireplace to warm the teapot with hot water and the violet vase with candle inside I use as a insense burner. For trevelling I have a very small insense burner or take it out of the scene. The main scene carry the athmosphere of relaxation, pleasant and cool for my eyes. It make me relaxing and calm in many ways, because I choose all of the details carefully and all is really customized. Even the design of the folding screen: for a quick effective relaxation during my work I need a folding screen with bright active design. It looks exellent in any time, from morning to everning. it keeps me relaxing but not so much soft because after 15-20 minutes I wil be back to my work.

The set for using includes one 150 ml teapot for the tea, one tea cup (here you can see my new one, jade-green with a red fish barelief, a present from my Chinese friend), one teapet (a bull from clay, in the original Chinese tea ceremony they use it to wet it with the rest of the tea making a kind of symbolic offering for the company). In the main details it is enough. But I like to enjoy my tes with honey so you can see here a small glass cup for honey with special silver tea spoon presenting by my mom. All of this are placed on the round bamboo teatray with grass mat from Vietnam.  So, you can see the representatives of the whole Asia in one teaset on my work table.

It is not important how much you relaxing place costs. I prefer to found a way to the less price, just because the high prices doesn`t reflect eny of your personal choice. The challenge is to make everything so customized so nobody can have the same. All of the details should be attached to you best feelings, imagination, memory, to be associated with right people and have very right size to keep your body and soul well belenced.

This is the way to allow your feelings be fresh, and you mind to work better, more optimized. If you are a tea fan as I am, ou can try to collect the same teaset. If you like another beverages, you could try to make something for it. Just keep the idea about Antifragile decisions. New things is fragile, just a flavour of the week. Ols ceremonies and old traditions keep the true essense of Antifragilily, that`s why they can generate the energy while modern things just to waste your attention away.

Keeping you mind Antifragile, you will gain more in the best way.

From my side I will tell your about my own methods, like that teaset, to encourage you to found the very special ways, the best for yourself, like no others. That`s what I always do. For example right now I am after 16-pages document about the global project development and the next stage of mind mapping. After that post I will keep my work being refreshed.

To provide you with the best, I would like to remind you the book which describe things I always do, so let me to keep my work while somebody alse did his job serving you: Nassim Nicholas Taleb "Antifragile: things that gain from Disorder":

Completely Oversnowed
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 April 2015 at 12:52 PM No comments

Yesterday we hoped the spring is here, today we are completely oversnowed again!

Winter become warmer but the total result is unpredictable. It melts and snows, melts and snows. If you see just this picture it could represent January or fabruary.

We have zero  Celsius degree, wind, snow, snow,snow.

It reminds me old Japanese prints with people in kimono and snowed landscapes…

If it is snowing till everning we will have something like this:

Signs of climate change:

Sustainable Development: How to Develop your Perfect Work Place-2
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 30 March 2015 at 11:11 AM No comments

Let`s continue the subject how to make your perfect work place customized. The point is, if you want to do it in a short time, it needs at least 2 pauses in actions to let better ideas appear. That`s why after the first stage it needs a good meal, better outside to refresh mind:

Sustainability in personal and professional life creates sustainability in close and then in wide environment. People attracts by stable mood and places. Energy became recharged in such places. If challenges come, it needs to have a place for recovery, better for active recovery. That`s why so small private case as new design of your work place can be the source of sustainability for you and for others. Small things create new effects for development and so, if you want to make a spurt ahead, it needs to have a strong background before. That`s why such a small cases creates skills to remain own energy whatever it happens, and so to win in short and long run.

Ok, everything was prepared, that`s my special place for Chinese style Ink painting and meditative practice named Bamboo Cabinet. The Inkwork was on the floor according the old  tradition which one I am changing now.  As I wanted the new table very customized for my upcoming project work, I had some ideas to it`s appearahce and size. The height was important because I planed to remain to sit on the floor to keep the feelings of traditions (and because I spent a lot of time sitting on my computer table so it needs to change activities physically). The best height in that case is near the height of normal chair. All living room tables I checked before was less or more that height that`s why I decided to make my own ideally convenient for the painting work.

That`s why I used the foots of the most simple stool for the table:

Screwdriver is important part of painting work smile smile smile

OK the table has done! Simple& Yes. Ideally customized to my purposes and good looking too, with special fragrance of pine-tree pitch.

That phase of work has done and this is the right time for the second pause.

I want to hightlight that moment because it very special and need to be checked, especially if you are a workoholic and want to make everything as fast as it possible ( as I am).

Two pauses is the nesessity to separate phases of a project, of any project, in your own mind. It needs to be attached to the action but make it a little bit aside. To be attached to the process and put it aside means, you shouldn`t interrupt yourself with informational streams such as Internet, because it could flow your mind far away and so it will be a big delay.

That time you allow your internal network to produce better decision in more short time. So it is important to make a 15 minutes relaxation of any way you prefer: gymnastics, yoga etc. In my case I have special conditions for tea ceremonies. As it was the second phase of the project, I allowed myself to surf along the book by Nassim Taleb "Antifragile" accompanied with milk oolong tea which always becalm me.

Ok, let`s move to the last stage of the changes: to organize everything in my new environment.

That stage could be done at any time, and you can experiment with the order in your case. In mine conditions it needed to be put in an ideal order, convenient to use easily all tools, matherials, sources I have. Othervise it could be delays between parts of projects and I don`t  allow it.

The point is, our life time is limited and we are free to choose how to make it reach with right constructive things. It needs a good conditions to keep all interests alive. For example I had Chinese 21-strings  arpa Guzhen for about 7 years, but put poor instrument in very unconvinient place so it was a lack of practice for a long time, although I like it. Now the Guzheng is nezr the table and also could be practiced on the new table, and the environment is much better to keep the mood.

If you have some hobbies which you love, it should be organized to be available in good friendly manner so you could feel the stream of gentle energy towards it. It`s important in our fast time changes just because many things streams us away.

To create oriental environment I put the small tea table with tea heater and a bonsai.

Many things around was reorganized.

The next important thing is to make something to cool your eyes. Even for offices it is a wide line of products like office table waterfalls or water tanks (with poor fishes inside).

In my case as I am working with images for many hours, I made waterpool with flowers, plants, stones, lucky Chinese turtle and a frog from glass. When I need to interrupt myself and meditate, I put into the waterpool floating candle which is safe and make the time counted (floating candle works about an hour).

If you make something like that, very simple, in your working environment you will see home productive your worl will be and how quickly and reach your relaxation became.

Ok, I put the buddha office waterwall at the left and waterpool at the right and several statues of Buddha in the centre because I like it. According you your circumstances you can arrange and design what things you want to attract your eyes for a short time during work:

That`s all about how to create your perfect work place, also a hobby place, also a place for relaxation or whatever.  To make own life effective and efficient in short and long run, and to keep pleasures of life together. it is as interesting as easy to do. Wish you the best and thank you for being with me!


Sustainable Development: How to Develop your Perfect Work Place
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 March 2015 at 10:17 PM No comments

Hello dear friends, today is the fresh subject how to make your own perfect work place. As we all spend a lot of time working (I am spending even more) it is really good idea to organize everything in perfect way. It means to decrease losses and so to increase the positive result in better way.

Now I`ve started a very new area which takes a lot of time. From one hand it needs to learn one terrible soft (still looks terrible) and from the other hand it needs to develop one technique named GongBi - chinese painting with many details. It requires a lot of light and yesterday I started to do it right on my computer table. It has several serious disadvantages which takes my energy away. First was I wasn`t able to do just one thing, painting, and turn onto computer lectures of, as you see, Koread historical drama about Imperor`s court in Choson period. It was pleasant, but I found it unsustainable. The second thing was I felt constantly anxiety about water for painting in dangerous close distance to my external hard drives.

So I decided to make the special place for chinese painting in my Bamboo cabinet. To rethink that idea I decided to go to the very creative space: a construction hypermarket.

If you are not so sure what to do, or feel your idea isn`t baked enough, the best thing is to go in such a place and to start surfing around, catching all of new ideas and association. That`s why I hate glamour trade centres (it forces customer`s mind with  foriner`s ideas) and admire construction hypermarkets which turns my mind to work in gentle manner. Try it, and you can see the differencies.

This is the huge space full of colorful wallpapers. Beautiful, isn`t it? smile

Samples of wallpapers:

Samples of fabric for curtains. I was cought with the idea to make some changes with fabrick, but I already have pretty nice ones so I just enjoyed the reach colors and textures and surf ahead:

According to ancient Chinese practice FengShui, lights, crystals and shining glass attracts positive energy. It really have sense so I enjoyed the beauty:

The same with samples of colors:

Look how it`s different and reach!

That section always made me exciting:

My old drill Makita still works good so I went to the tools section and enjoyed the colorful world of screwdrivers feeling myself as a kind of Doctor Who smile

At the end I came to the section I need. A big panels of natural wood, with fragrance of pitch:

That one, from pine tree, without any processing, so fresh! That one is blessed to became my new working table!

With the pine-tree panel I went to the section of specials for wood to protect it. As I plane to work with water colors it seemed good idea to cover the pine-tree pael with something… I chose the green color reminded me young bamboo in Tian Tai Buddhists monastery, China:

...And among thousands colors it was the one which ended!

I thought to delay the covering for the next week and went home with my new pine-tree panel and bright plans what to do.

I will write the end of the story next post, because I`ve  just finished my new work place and deadly tired.

Just one thing I want to repeat one more time: don`t be afraid of new customized decisions.

Try new things. Try at least to think in different way. You will see how your wasted energy start to return and you will feel new better decision is somewhere around.

This is sustainable way to overgrowth yesterday for better tomorrow. Tank you for being with me,

Tired and happy Anna


World Culture Event: Russian Avant-garde Exhibition`s Fresh Report
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 25 March 2015 at 12:29 AM No comments

Hello everybody, today I was so lucky so received the invitation to the opening of new big cultural event. The exhibition will be opened for visitors tomorrow, and today it was the special day for journalists etc, so I attended to it. Here it is my small art-report. The event was organized in so fine way so everything works in unison. At the entrance it was the small orchestra playing music:

The special feature of that exhibition is it is rare collection of peaces of arts from private owners collected in one place. The collection includs art works of the most well known Jewish artists who contributed the Russian avant-garde, so you can see how international that direction of arts was. Aesthetics is one of the most misterious product of collective subconsciousness, so Russia Avant-garde, the well-known world brand, started to mark exceptional changes in the society. Yes, as a manifestation of collective subconsciousness it is significant.

That piece of art is something with features of sculture and painting. It named ‘Torso’ by. V. Yankelevsky

The text on that painting is "I have a crisis in my work so I am confused and don’t know what to do" . It was the part of old exhibition and I bet, it made some waves around. Seems naive, but just imagine, are you able to put something like this into your CV? No? I hope so. So this is the mark of crazy artists to do such things.

(I guess, the artist made that art object at the end of monday.)

That one was awarsome because It was unexpectable. The real camp-cot with painting on the fabrick which was placed right on the wall.

That one also marked as painting. The idea of the artist was, he wrote about lost part of one exhibition. Although it seems strange, it made waves in cultural community because of the idea: the painting represented the plan of lost paintings. That idea, I bet, stucked minds into a kind of shok, so the result was good.

This is a piece of metal with the text "Iron Curtain". It represents,,, the Iron Curtain. It means a lot for people who knew it by own Soviet experience. I knew it too as a suffocative athmosphere with zero possibilities to breath. To make a contrast, I stretch my hand with my business cards to stress the fact I overcame the Iron Curtain and now make some new curtain in my art.

It was a lot of people on the exhibition so it was difficult to make shots. That one I did at the free space:

Ilia Kabakov is well known avant-garde brand, that painting is anormously big more then 5 metres length and represents something soviet-brave like "Hello Motherland". He did that painting on the wood billboard which I hope was taken from legal place.

Our aesthetics is our own. We can like or dislike a style of a painting by our own reasons. Russian avant-garde was the movement against old world, partly forbidden, which represented the collective mood of the period. That`s why this collection is the part of human histiory, frozen mood of strange times. This is the main methor to estimate a peace of art, to learn is it reflects a collective subconsciousness of the time represented, or not.

So, the exhibition is a kind of time machine. And, after all, it represents brave efforts of the curators and organizers who put so much attention to bring all of that voluable pieces of art from different private collections to that place. I could imagine how challenging it was!

It made the exhibition a rare cultural event.

And for the end of the story one more selfie. The place is not so good but it was the only I could take the full size piicture. Why I did it, I don`t know, just the background was a good illustration to Avant-garde ideas, especially by Ilya Kabakov, so I did it.

With all of my respect for world culture,

sleepy Anna

World Culture Pro: Sustainability, Antifragile, Procrastination
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 March 2015 at 03:06 AM No comments

Hello dear friends, today I would like to present you the next work from PG Cat concerns one of the challenging subject: procrastination. We all know what is that. The World Culture Project by PG Cat presents new wallpaper  (click the pic)

Chinese proverb:  The longer you wait, the more unexpected developments may occur


Our times is so fast so we must make decisions quickly having not so much information, being by pressure of circumstances. Sometimes we are enslaved by habits or tiredness. Sometimes the most difficult obstacle is uncertain feelings. Everyone knows what is it. We all feel a kind of blues about "old good times" which are obviously passed away with dinosaurs. Because our anchestors was forced to make their decisions in the same pressure as we are. I bet, all of them could moan with us about it! So, when we feel ourselves tired of frightened of unsecure we are procrastinating everything. I am doing it right now, typing the post instead of reading one terrible manual about one terrible software! So, this is about me first.

The point is, sustainability, antifragile and procrastination have a number of different connections.

Sustainability means, we have enough knowledge, or models for reaction, or good alghoritms, of experience to make decisions in time without headache. This is an ideal formula because noone hwve such a conditions, nowhere, it will never be. Just dreaming about it, we have this ideal model in mind. Does it possible? Partly, yes. It needs to have a clear picture about priorities of a decision and about our own aims. So, we can decrease procrastination into normal size, making a kind of comfort for our psychology without problems with timing.

Antifragile decisions (see my previous post about it) also concerns procrastination, just in another aspect. Sometimes circumstances just make waves and noice but they doesn`t really require your decisions of immediate actions. So, to increace your own antifragility, you should make a pause, a delay and procrastinate as long as you became cool and have better picture what`s going on. All of us definitely need it bein attacked by sellers. When somebody or something requires your resources, you should make a double pause to be antifragile and so to support own sustainability.

So in novadays we all need to stick to the happy medium and found a true feelings about our own best style of action. Having a true picture about changes and consequences, we also should keep our pause until the circumstances became more clear.

And, after all, as we have the pure procrastination as I have now, we should go to have a rest and do everything right for tomorrow. I hope to do so!

More World Culture project wallpaper by PG Cat you can download for free here

Thank you for being with me!

Procrastinating Anna


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