Sustainability is Antifragile, so use it
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 March 2015 at 02:07 PM No comments

Exectly in time, about how to win in our fast changing times. I am writing so many posts about neuro-network and how to turn it work into specific mode which use changes as a fuel. Today I would like to present you the book by "Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder"  

It is exellent to frame things I am working on and exellent to improve everyone`s capacity to win.

I`ve read it by my Shanghai friend`s recommendation. Among many blah-blah-blah books, full of words, pretending to be sure and helpful, that one is exellent just from the beginning. It postulate the primary role of unpredictable processes and how to use this power. I remember my Physics education about Chaos processes, and my arts bacground which works on the raw power of processes seems as chaos. It works.

It needs to learn how it works. It needs to be operating because we all have  our instinctive and mind capacities for it. All things in the world, all of our technical progress, and our medicine, even the way our bodies work, all of this is the winnng result of risks and antifragile of our system. This is the real sustainability. This is the confession of the raw processes of our world.

Put any crysis into that terms and you can see how it work. You can see how you can handle it in your own private case, which is much more important if we unable to influent large inertial systems, such as political movement. Do things rught aroud you first, then make your curcle wider.

Being a writer of several books, I am happy to know that somebody else already put things into writing form and get into official use the terms which are one of the most important criterias for processing. The term "Antifagile" is really good to operate. I remember,  descriptions in math and physics is not so good. So, here it is the ready-to-operate system of criterias, rather easy to understand and to use, both for personal and business areas. Recommend it for everyone who want to win in our fast changes times.

As it is widely spread, I am happy and feel a kind of relief as somebody did a part of great common job. I am happy reading it right now.

World Culture: Empowered Memory PG Cat`s Wallpaper-2
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 March 2015 at 11:56 AM No comments

Memory which is a product of our unique life experience, knowledge and message we want to keep is one of the most important things. That`s why there a number of movies about human memory which are placed into computers and so personality remains alive. That`s why here it is the second PG Cat`s wallpaper about the same chinese proverb (click the picture to download):

The Chinese proverb is: The palest ink is better than the best memory


Writing your experience and thoughts, especially by hands, you are creating the special structures right inside your brain neuronetwork. No other way to integrate your experience into neuronetwork directly. Why? Because of number of your body structures involved in the process.

Listening is a passive form. Oral words dissapears, it is just an impressions dependent of many current things, especially from your mood and context of the situation.

Watching is less passive, but so ephemeral so we slightly watch our  own video records.

If you add to memorising more body movement, for example retelling and gestures, it will me much more effective. So, as our hands is extensions of our brain, when you write your ideas everything become much more clear. This is the way human neuronetwork develops. The way to success in our fast times is to keep valuable experience and to move forward using it.

More interesting information about connections between structurised memory and personal success you can read in my previous post  with the first wallpaper:

Stand out of crowd, touch the World Culture by more wallpapers from PG Cat you can find here


Anna, the World Citizen

Remaining Feeling of Stars
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 March 2015 at 07:35 PM No comments

Just to remind myself about stars and aims I must not forget among everyday small things. Now,  after a day with gongbi painting study, and one terrible software I must to learn, with all of that smallest things, I am thirsting for stars.

Last month I took some lectures about brain morphology. It provided me with important knowledge how we are different just by our birth, having the same appearance we have our brain so different by structure, so it brings us completely different languages of feelings and different life maps. It explains scientifically many things I have by my own experience, so hard to describe and more hard to be understandable. It even have no words to describe properly. This is about core source of energy.

But all of us could be connected with it by multidisciplinary approach, a combination like in video.

That`s why I am painting. That`s why I am filming and prepare to make own music. That`s why I studied Physics and even now keep in touch with science. And more.

Artists who are investigating and inventing new directions, know it. Scientists, who want to see the horizon and above, know it.

That feeling, more powerful and bright then every another experience, more light then just a clear mind, and more broad minded… that feelings which reconstruct new picture from fragments, new synthesis which had never exists before, and then will be copying by others, the world puzzle with all knowledge, power, movement, colors, excitments, tides and low tides, moon and sun, trees, and all concepts melting in one core idea, beneth all words, above all human concepts, which all are a an outcomes from the core, all of this, it exists.

Music, colors and dancing is just a different aspects of the Core. It exists simultaneously, ethernal.

Everyday small things turns people out of that experience which many of them associate with religious feelings. Human religions is a consequences of the core, that`s why all of it belongs to the core but then run into different aspects. That`s why people should learn more and found the core. It`s shining. It provides us with raw pure power, allowing to create new better decisions in many fields. That`s why it is much more then just a temporary wish, or private opinion, or will for own interest. It exists without any interruption, just our mood doesn`t allow us to keep in touch.

So, when you want your own power back, or need power to provide your ideas into reality, listen stars. Found a music or a video which can bring you that feeling of vision above, touch your spirit and then move ahead, keepint it through everything everyday.

Wish you the best.

Anna who are refreshing by the music ahd now going to run and feel the stars.

Imagination Joking-1: how I started in serious mood and what happened then
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 March 2015 at 01:29 PM No comments

Hello everybody, when one project`s stage has finished it is a natural gap. Many people stuck with it and feel out of inspiration, out of energy. The threatment is to have another project to work. It`s so exciting to keep mind full of new ideas in many direction, so I have a lot of ideas to change style of work and save my time.

The Nature-In project itself started from serious purposes. So, here it is the next stage for my Nature-In project, with my sketches started at Corfu: Let`s see what it leads for! smile

To proceed the project I faced the challenging nesessity to improve my ActiveBase technique and style to fit my new ideas and new tasks. My own technique relates to Chinese painting Xieyi. Xie means to write and Yi the meaning. A famous Master of Chinese painting,  Zhang Daqian, said that Xieyi indicated the fact of drawing the spirit of the beings. Painting Xieyi uses many techniques of calligraphy which privilege the spontaneity of the line. Paintings Xieyi are thus very quickly carried out but it needs a very long experience.

Now I want to mix it with something different, much more detailed, realistic, so  I decided to take some education about Gongbi Chinese style of painting  (simplified Chinese: 工笔; traditional Chinese: 工筆) in order to improve it for my technique and style.

Started from my Corfu sketches, you can see it is detailed and was taken from real place I spent a lot of happy time every summer:

It leads me to DongBi class.

I just learned some important information about structure of rice paper and how to make the detail contours before painting. Normally in GongBi style people use other`s contours to copy onto their pictures. In fact it is a kind of copying, a long road to improve own hands and eyes. I love how it looks and truly love Chinese paintings, but still have so much ideas to create so I can`t invest my time to copying before I try something  by my own.

I have a special place for my Ink drawings with small waterpool and many Chinese accessories to keep my mind inspired with the athmosphere.

It was just the first look, but I can`t stop at this. With fresh-bought rice paper I ran to my studio and started something… something! That`s the beginnind of unknown road I always like: Liapades bay, right side, in early morning, and lotuses rising from somewhere at the bottom. The idea completely cover my own feelings to that place which call me to be back year by year. So, the first painting in GongBi style:

When the lines should be transfered onto the rice paper and contoured by ink:

My ink isn`t good enough, I suspected it will be floated by water colours, so I tryed to use acrylic color for the contours. The joke is, here it is one cat from Liapades who literary drops into my picture and hides among lotuses:

Cat? Here?

As I have zero experience in painting cats in realistic manner? No way in traditional style!

But here it is the picture inspired by the special place and the cat was the native habitat of it, so it became the part of the painting around my conscious will. I love it in painting and I love it in cats smile

So, you can see, strict Chinece GongBi style started to mutate in my hands smile  The results will be in the next post smile

#Climate Change 2015: two had finished
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 14 March 2015 at 10:11 PM No comments

Hello everybody, that year I continue #Climate Change project and now two paintings has finished. The difference from last year is, #Climate Change 2014 dedicated for scientific researchs and proves of the process, and now I am focusing on changes and human reaction.

The concept is rather unusual, especially who represents human. The first two panting are completely ready but, by the matter of the general agreement, I shoudn`t show it till the end of the April. So this is just to note the fact it exists and the work goes on till we have news from summer summit in Paris by UN.


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World Culture: Empowered Memory PG Cat`s Wallpaper
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 March 2015 at 12:02 PM No comments

Hello everybody, today I am proud to present you new wallpaper by PG Cat dedicates to success. What make differencies between sucessful person and a loser? Luck? No. The chief difference is MEMORY. Click on the picture below to see the full size wallpaper:

We are living at times of fast changes. Changes follow our civilization from the beginning as one of the strongest whip of evolution. In past times changes wasn`t so fast as today, but people wasn`t so adaptive for changes as we are. That`s why changes was a kind of curse: people just had zero prediction and about zero experience how others survived… and nothing to educate themselves how to improve their life during changes. This is the essense. Memory is not an information. But it is a kind of structurized information which became a new program in our neuronetwork. That`s why you can`t be really educated without conspects. You will never be strong withour revise of experience, both successful and fail, both own and others.

This ancient Chinese proverb is:

The palest ink is better than the best memory


It means, we should pay attention to our experience and put it in structurized form by writing. That process activetes our neuronetwork itself, especially if you take ypur time to think about, to compare it with previous experience, to check information etc. It works that way. Keeping our experience just in memory we are risking to keep just a part. Having our notes, we reduce that risk and invest our time into new structure of information, which is completely different process in neuronetwork terms.

Today we have so many technologies which preserve information for us, so the importance of personal notes, importance of memory starts to be pale. When I see my students are chatting, in hope their dictofons are recording my speach, I know they are loosing. No matter how a technology strong to serve your needs, without your attention, without your structurising mind it is zero. If a person doesn`t pay attention at the time things happens, or around it, memory never go into deep structures of neuronetwork. So this person will make more and more mistakes until mistakes become so huge so he or she will not be able to avoid the outcomes. This is the animal kind of eucation. Easy and pricy, if you take your time to count it. Many people who take such a method, saying is is easy and natural, became very regretful at the middle of life. Animals can`t do it just because they have no expectations and actually no life plans. But we are human. Early or later we count our losses and very frequently found the price of specific mistakes too much high.

This is the law things go on.

Our memory with structurized information allows us to touch stars.

So, the meaning of this proverb is clear: make your own notes, put your datas into own structure and use it for growth, for success.

I am doing it right now, making the description for that wallpaper instead of simple publish the only image. It is my own coice, because one project naturally growth from anothers when we are doing our neuronetwork work.

More wallpapers from PG Cat you can find here

Thank you for being with me!

Sincerely, Anna


World Culture: celebration of Purim-2 פּוּרִים
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 10 March 2015 at 12:54 PM No comments

To make a panoramic view to Purim celebration. Looks fantastic!

I weared a costume so I was granted by 2 special cookies "Haman`s ears". Great taste! It was an amazing dish from dough
in triangle shape with reach stuffing of poppy, sweet and black. I perfectly remembered, my GrandMa cooked it, just in another shape. It was so toughtful. Although it was never named as traditional dish "Haman`s ears", it was exectly the same. I feel the link between generation, which are in our genetics, honorable chain to those who surviver and save cultire even in darkest times, in hunger, keep it for kids to make them connected with the best of the best from past generations. I remember it so clear right now, when I am writing the post, so keep blogging, keep revice your own experience to discover the roots which are energy source for everyone. That`s so important. I never feel it as clear as now, remembering what my grandMa did, and what was yesterday.

I made that picture of "Haman`s years" right on the table with was the theater of historical event. Literary, "Haman`s ears", and me in costume was presented in presense of Haman himselfe as well as Queen Esther and others.

As the celebration was situated in the Jewish museum, I took several rounds to refresh my memory about it. The museum is very modern, interactive, with many touch screens. One of the most exciting moment was Thora scroll. It seemed to be scanned from the original, ancient scrioll. You can touch the menue to brows it.

AS in real sinagogue, it needs to use a special stick in hand shape, it names "yad" to stop the screen scrolling and to highlight the text you want to read. It has translations to several languages.

Although the most part of the Jewish history is full of tears and struggle, the selebration of Purim itself was joyful.


 You can see a DJ with funny bead like captain Jack Sparrow:

Better view:

I also founded a remarcable person represented Albert Einstein, with an animal scull full of written Physical formulas like E=mc2. He had his masquerade costume with Chinese mustashes and bead so it was so funny and so significant, so I asked him to make a picture:

This is the view from upstears to the scene where people was provided with some masquerade costumes: masks, beads and mustashes, turbans, peacock`s feathers, jewelry, silk scarfs. Two designers helped people to wear it. I was mesmerised woth gentle guestures of their hands. People was changing while they felt how careful hands weared them. It was so amazing beauty:

So amazing, and so important to men, wemen, kids to have such possibility to touch rich beauty of centuries, to overcome for one everning casuality and common. That was the first time I realized how it is difficult for people who have no artist`s abilities, to make a step out of common reality… and in was so beautiful. Men in turbans, weman and kids in silk, with care and safe:

I made some videos for my future films about it. And, in addition, I was so amazed of the scene, so literary saw my future painting about it. I will make it as I have everything documented so catched the moment.

Among silk scarfs for head wear it was a lot of my favorite colors: marine and royal blue. So I wasn`t able to resist to wear it right above my own red-n-gold costume:

... and I felt it is right for it.

So I decided to include marine or blue colors whatever I wear, at least as a detail. I made this turban by myself, because it was difficult to reconstruct the engeneering shape of jewelries and hairdressing I already had. So I made my turban right around it and felt very good smile

I was at Purim the first time in my life. I started from the beginning 4 PM and was till the end 10 PM trying to catch every moment and every detail. It was a cold everning with rain and at the end I founded myself hungry. Then I went to the small Bento&Wok cafe and enjoy the dish from my another ankestors, a simple Asian food noodles and vegetables, and I said: the enerning was really good, ant then came home to make my posts and had my rest.

The next day I took my Chinese GoHua painting classes, GunBi style, so you can see, the whole world could be reflected in eyes of a person who is open for treasures of cultire, treasures of life. What could be better then it?

Just a smile


#WorldCulture, #Purim, #UN, #Sustainability, #Education, #Culture, #Event

World Culture: celebration of Purim פּוּרִים
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 March 2015 at 01:50 AM No comments

Hello everybody, today I have some fresh pics from the world culture event: Purim, the Jewish  gala day by Esther scroll. 2015 year it is 8 of March so I attended to it. It was a call for maskarade costumes so I went in one:

Purim took place in ancient Persian Empire - the story is recorded in the BiblicalBook of Esther (Megillat Ester מגילת אסתר in Hebrew). The ancient story requires memory about grave daanger, struggle and resque the Jewish people which was done by Queen Ester. For this memory several events comes in a week, and th celebration crowned by the last day which was just several hours ago. Actually, I am writing this post being sleepy after the celebration. But tomorrow it will be my Chinese Gohua painting practice, so Jewish culture should be today. So. The celebration was in a huge very modern Museum of Tolerance which was founded by one of my relatives. Today the museum was full of people who came to celebrate the fiest.

Special kosher food was served in cafe:

People was invited to try several beautiful clothes to feel the history, especially the story itself belongs to 5 century B.C. The beautiful silk covers with fine metal cord , with assistant of several designers was for free. It was so beautifl! Different colors of covers, gentle float of silk, and new beauty of girls which was shining when they weared the dresses and fabricks, everything was amazing.

I came with my own fast-combine costume:

As I needed to run here and there to make some important videos and pics, my costume was short, combined with throuses. However the head jewelry was good enough to be presented into ancient Persian court… I hope:

I honestly tryed to keep the veil on the face but it was too much unconvenient, with floating silk which blocked cameras, so eventually I alowed the silk head cover to release.

Amazing part of the story was happy faces of people, both weman and men, who weared in masquerade silk covers, mustaches, beads. All faces became shining, and smileys was like a warm sun coming from clouds. People was attached to feel the culture by themselves, among everyday mess and casual clothes.

A lot of kids came with their parents:

Ir was a lot of accessories for free, with designer`s assistant, so people was glad making a choice what did they like more, a crown, or a silk veil, or a turban with jevelry and peacock`s feather.

One of the historical parts of Purim is storitelling. Actors represent the main characters of the story of the Scroll of Esther: King Ahasuerus with Esther, his Queen; the good guy Mordekai (her uncle) and the bad guy Haman, royal vizier  are sitting at the table as they was in the story. They was telling what`s happened. It was several empty chairs for visitors who want to be involved in discussion (that`s why you can see my hand here as I was one of the close listeners). The actor at the centre represented bag guy Haman, at the right part was the Persian king:

this is esther herself and her uncle Mordekai:

Everything looked mistarious, so I spent about 7 hours, up to the end of the feast, with great pleasure and happiness to meet people and be a witness how they are culturally envolved, both in modern and historical ways. Intelligence and respect, this two words are a good description to the event. I have more pictures I`ll publish later, now I am nearly sleep right on the keyboard so, have a nice day!

Sincerely, Anna


#Purim, #Jewish #culture, #event, #WorldCulture, #masquerade, #fiest-day

Happy Spring PG Cat`s Wallpaper
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 March 2015 at 10:38 AM No comments

Spring`s coming! That`s great! Many countries have a special day to celebrate spring, such a Female day 8 of March. So this is brand new, very fresh wallpaper with
Chinese proverb for that project : 爱不是占有,是欣赏 – Love is not about possession, it’s all about appreciation.


Download the Spring wallpaper directly

Having such an evidencce with a long-long history we are sure, the same problems existed long before, and the cure still remains helpful. Appreciation means stability, isn`t it? we can`t appreciate things which destroy our feelings of future and now. So, to have appreciation, it needs to gain sustainability of any kind. Sustainable development in local, personal scale is always the same all over the world: to make some insurance to keep power we are generating to  use it then for constructive purposes.


Sometimes I read blames, female tend to stability too much and it might stop progress. Literary, that`s a stupid statement based on fear and ignorance.

It`s just point, the areas of stability between male and female could be rather different. So, it needs to investigate what`s the areas and to learn how to live your life without making a damage to another. That`s a simple natural task animals are doing, living in different ecological niches, with different food sources. If you found you are so different, move apart. If you found you strength from that differencies, keep be together.

The point is, everyone need stability to growth, even to live, more, then unstable situation which are driving the progress.

It could be stable for 51% nesessity points of life everyone want: at least stable menue, stable good products, stable place to work and have a rest. That`s not a luxury, that`s the basics!

Then you have a good ensurance to keep your line in 49% of unstable situation. And when you have a really strong resources, includes intellectual and health, you can move history ahead, make progress etc. That`s only way. Just a simpliest math. Found essential 51% , minimum, to be the chief stakeholder of your own life. Found what`s really important things you should keep strong, and gain sustainability in it. Take care to make that sourses of energy clean and fresh, that`s iportant to make your own energy renewal.

Then, if you are able, you can move progress. Even if you choose to move chaos, it needs own stability. So, I wish you to have an exciting spring and found really important things you put on your appreciation board as the best source of your energy.

Appreciation is the feeling indicates, you gain so good level of stability, as a good bakc account, so you can drop your fears and competition for the energy sources, relax, and then move ahead.

So, appreciation will come without fear, so the main energy sources will be available to use that energy. This is the same as we are facing today with climate change: the basic need to understand how to use energy in more effective and efficient way in long run.

Download so many wallpapers from PG Cat here



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