Happy Wise wallpaper with PG Cat
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 March 2015 at 12:13 PM No comments

Hello everybody, today I would like to introduce you new wallpaper by PG Cat about books:
Download Happy Wise wallpaper directly pgcat.com/wallpaper/download.php

Books are essential to structurise our mind and so to gain our aims in our time of fast changes.

In our times technology can do many things, includes reading aloud texts and put oral speach into text. It is so convenient in professional work because save a lot of time. But can you imagine, it is not so good at the point of view concerns brain development? Reading and ability to compose own thoughts to a text is essential to brain development.

So, the subject is about books.

I` m sure, you know from own experience, if something remains to be lazy, it never growth. That thing concerns brain first, and of course the same about the body, emotions and mind. Even when we develop ourselves enough, it needs to have continuously trening to keep it. Just to keep. This is a sadness thing as I realise it after winter when I found my physical shape far from my summer and getting angry about it. The same about brain. people unable to perform things which are not represented in their brain morphology. In such case people could make copy-pasting or imitation, not more. In fact this is not more then monkey are doing. So, as we want to keep our human civilization, unique in animal world, and we want to see our kids growth, not degradate, it needs to evaluate education from strong position of brain work. This is a strong nesessity because of objective reasons.

When a person read book, it involve many part of his or her brain. In low range it involve just centres of recognize images and speech. But what happens when a person accept the essense of a book?

You will see how many fields in the brain became activated! Imagination, centres of associations, logic, emotions, centres of experience and memory. it needs a specific attempts to be activated. It never be when a text are reading by automatic sytem because… words is wind. That`s why we use papers, contract and special gestures when we want to make our speech voluable and make differencies. This is not about something far away, this is about our historical, evolutional, biological and human base.

if you want to develop, it should be procesed, and it should be invested with own atempts, put in own experience.

This is the treasure of books. We have a lot now. the point is to keep it, to keep reading as our system-base. So, I and PG Cat reise our voices for book of any type, from paper to e-books, just it should keep the text which turns our brain work and keep it healthy. This is all about sustainable development, isn`t it?

It needs another voices to vote for it. Use attractive images, download this wallpaper from PG Cat here pgcat.com/wallpaper/index.shtml

Japanese music everning: Sounds of Silence
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 March 2015 at 01:33 AM No comments

Being full-size artist, attended in early age of 5, I tend to be crazy. Being a scientist, I tend to be too much logical. That two wings need to be controled, well harnessed and managed to fly. The same way as a bird catch wind streams, I catch ideas, colors, sounds. It needs to be very stable at the centre to rule all of it. Not an easy thing.

It can`t be achieved by simple pressure or another partial strategy.

It needs to be flown as sounds of Shakuhachi fluite en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakuhachi which came from China to Japan with Buddhism. (Unfortunately, I am not able to learn it by myself, but I enjoy it by records and live concerts.)

That pictures was taken from one of them, in Tea Club. The person with Shakuhachi is the fluite master who did for me my Bansuri fluite.

He plays classical Shakuhachi music, both ancient and modern, wrote by monks, performed y many people who are close to Buddhism, in many places from markets to concert stages.

That music, with lots of sounds of nature, sometimes arhitmic, sometimes so transparent so it barely listened, this is one of the best illustration of natural growth of ideas.

 I saw the strange metal instrument the first time. It sounds like very fine melody of space and rain, strange combination of self-resonance and clapping. Gentle and clear it fulfills all the space of the club, and I can remember it as clear as it is performing right now. Amazing. It flows me away of my concentration on neessity results. Sometimes I can forget it. Such music is like a fresh shower for my mind, forced to be too much attached to make every detail of the big plan in time.

Thanks to the performers who got us such a pleasure.

The master of fluites is my friend www.facebook.com/Bambutsu who is constantly posting his new fluites and records with his music, welcome to listen it, welcome to touch, welcome to try.

Just finished: 2015 climate Change Pro
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 March 2015 at 12:53 PM No comments

I`ve just finished 2 big size paintings for 2015 ClimateChange Pro project.

One everning for relax after big part of work :)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 March 2015 at 10:36 PM No comments

Today I`ve finished a big part of work. Everything arranged and sent, so I have one everning witn normal relax. Funny how the picture looks like! smile

Seems like a normal #weekend  #simple #relaxation , just it is not bear, it is  #milk #oolong #chinesetea from thermos i bought in my first visit in #shanghai

Watching #savelyevmozg about brainwork, instead of sport . Ah, so lovely!

Sustainability is wisdom, wisdom is sustainability
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 February 2015 at 11:37 AM No comments

If we ask ourselves, what is really sustainable things produced  by mankind, you can see: it is culture, wisdom carefully preserved in proverbs, arts. All of this things became stronger with time passing. Click the picture below:

Today I would like present you Chinese proverb about education: "Jade must be carved and polished before it becomes an ornament, man must be educated before he can achieve great things"
from the new Wallpaper seria: "Sustainability, Culture, Wisdom" which is created to return treasures of human civilization in our everyday life.


In Chinese:


We are living at the edge of changes, in turbulence. It requires to make out unsustainable, wrong things which produce mess and waste. Also it requires to nourish right things which are the base for sustainable development. It is important, the first time in human history we are trying to manage our limited resourses in wise way. We are seeking sustainable solutions, to control waste, to found smart decisions,  pioneering solutions, to build new nechnologies, to overcome the dark size of our nature.

It is strange to see, how blessing of Internet technology leads people to debt about importance of education. It is unsustainable to think, that downloading texts and copypasting concerns education. HUman brain have to proceed a question to produce own decisions and it changes it`s structure for better, professional shape that way only.

That seria of wallpapers with the New Sustainable Hero PG Cat pgcat.com in light modern languige of graphics reminds us about great things which are so important to help us every day, to help us to overcome past and to build the better future we want for ourselves, to our close and distant curcle.

Let`s download 1920x1080 wallpaper here pgcat.com/wallpaper/index.shtml

#UN, #UnitedNations,

#ActOnClimate, #climate2014, #ClimateChange,
#Sustainability, #SustainableDevelopment, #Post2015, #MDG, #SDG,  #WorldChange, #CWNYC,
#lowcarbon, #economy, #future, #PioneeringDecisions,  #NewTechnology,
#CleanEnergy, #NewGenerationArt, #Science, #Art&Science,  #PoweroofArt,
#ArtforEducation, #SocialEducation, #ClimateEducation,  #ManageChanges,
#Leadership, #EventForEducation, #SustainableDecision,  #InfoArt,

#NewGenerationArt, #Science, #Art&Science, #PoweroofArt,  #ArtforEducation,
#CulturaGlobal, #CulturaMovement, #CultureClimate,  #ArtforDevelopment,
#Education, #GlobalEducation, #SustainableEducation,  #NewStyleEducation,
#ArtBusiness, #ArtGalleryNew, #SocialEducation,  #ClimateEducation,
#SustainableEducation,  #NewMovementEducation,

A Meeting with True Friends
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 25 February 2015 at 07:14 PM No comments

Hello everybody! While I am working on two project simultaneously it is so important to keep some moments of life which is so sweet. This is my meeting with friends.

Today the word "friend" is so frequently used, starting from Facebook and social network, so it is not so clear how to call our true friends. Definitely it needs a new words, close to "soulmates" with less sexy shade.

So, my true friends have visited me resently. At the beginning we all concentrated in one place. Then one moved to China, Shanghai, I am flying  somewhere between UK, China, Greece and Moscow, and one of us is moving between scientific institute and field researchs, in forests. In such a moving life it is so rare moments when we can be together.

We are discussing some practical issues, philosophy things which is important to move the life on, our new experience It was so nice to drink togather Japanese tea calls "matcha", with some cakes and cheese!

We didn`t stop with Japanese tea and made some Chinese tea, everyone with special cup selected by themselves from my tea collection. Milk oolong tea and several others, and we was enjoying the special taste of our meeting here.

Such a nice things is so important. And so rare. It becomes a treasures.

Wish you to taste it in every detail!

Going to projectwork, being refreshed with this memory,



2015 Happy wallpaper for Growth
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 February 2015 at 11:19 AM No comments

Hello everybody, today I would like to present you the second concepf of happiness: growth. Click the image to download:

Everything changes. All living processes aregoing in two directions, up and down. We are changing with time, having our aims gained and overcoming challenges on the roads we choose. Everything is in dynamics, even if we want to stabilize it, sometimes to freeze. So the most important thing is to keep positive gradient of changes, to keep growth. When you have done an aim it is good to have prepared another, sometimes just to keep moving, sometimes to make transition to the next, higher level which was prepared by everything you have done.

Sometimes circumstances around comes into configuration exceptionally good for new deeds. This is the lucky chance. So you will take it as well as you are prepared. This is the definition of happy growth and growth of happiness: o keep positive dynamics being stable. That wallpaper was made from bamboo colors of green, with bamboo symbols, because bamboo is the most quickly grown plant which is also resistable to weather changes and keep green all of the time.

So that green screen represents a kind of a complimantary team with the first wallpaper in red. Green and red as symbols of prosperity. I wish you the best, download the wallpaper from here pgcat.com/wallpaper/index.shtml

Keep calm and move ahead smile

2015 Happy Wallpaper
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 February 2015 at 11:41 AM No comments

Hello everybody! Do you know the meaning of red color in most human cultural all over the globe& it is the same:  from ancient times, red color recognized as color of life, joy, happiness, energy, new start. At the first several days of new year it is good to attach ourselves to it. Click the image below to download:

Here it is a new wallpaper, especially for Happy-New-Year period. Symbols of energy, wisdom and good luck are here: red lanten from Chinese Spring festival, lucky PG Cat with "Happiness" hyerogliph on his neck and on his cap, actually it is  official governer`s cap in old Chinese culture, the symbol of bright career as the result of self-education and development.

We all are living in the times of changes, whatever we think about it. It is no choice better then to educate ourselves and to catch our best chances. That`s why here you can see an old Chinese proverb with very modern sybbol of free sustainable green energy: wind mill.

In new year I wish you to keep the stream and to use it in the best sustainable way.

You can download the full screen wallpaper here pgcat.com/wallpaper/index.shtml

Happy New Lunar Year! Be happy! Be Lucky! Be Healthy! Be Successful!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 February 2015 at 02:02 AM No comments

Dear friends! My sincere greetings with New Lunar Year, with wishes of strong health, prosperity and good fortune for everyone! Be stable in your positions, sustainable in your aims and gain more in upcoming New ywar with Good Fortune!

Happiness anf Joy to you, your family, colleagues and friends!

... and the same in light modern style for youth and kids! smile

The best warm wishes to everyone! Let everything goes in smooth better way and ideas flourishes!

Be happy!

Be Lucky!

Be Healthy!

Be Successful!

In China videos are available at i.youku.com/u/UMjg5Njk4NjU3Mg==

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