My project is catamaran, Antifragile construction with double effect
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 May 2015 at 12:07 PM No comments

Hello everybody, just a couple words before the story about each painting in the project. As I am qualified to manage it, this is my personal duty to help the world to step in the new path for Antifragile future for all. That`s why I am doing Catamaran project, with one wing in Art and the second in public activity in soft way.

A catamaran  is a multihulled vessel consisting of two parallel hulls of equal size.
A catamaran is geometry-stabilized, that is, it derives its stability from its wide beam, rather than having a ballasted keel like a monohull. Being ballast-free and lighter than a monohull, a catamaran can have a very shallow draught. The two hulls will be much finer than a monohull’s, the reduced drag allowing faster speeds in some conditions, although the high wetted surface area is detrimental in lower wind speeds.

We are living in the period of time when sharp changes come. Industrial shape of the world turns to post-industrial.  Climate`s started to be influent by global people`s activities. We are paying the price of our anchestors who loan from future to pay for their needs.

To make the big project Antifragile it needs to think in global scale and in time scale is not les then 50-years. Leaders come and pass, circumstances changes, but look to the museums: art objects, paintings are living for 500 and more years. Nobody remember who was these kings and cardinals and other persons, sometimes this is no names at all just the painting itself and the subject which was put into art, and the story behind each art object. This is Antifragile nature of Arts and this is the reason why I am doing it. Thinking about so far future I develop several features for the main direction, Active Base painting. Some of them will be visible in X-rays only, some will be unvisible but documented.

Such things is for Antifragile Art direction, to keep the story behind each painting and to take care of my clients to provide them the high priority and safe investment in my Art.

( I`ll make several articles about art investments in nearest future).

 Collective subconsciousness is a strange thing which drives the world. Unfortunately, here it is the srong mixture of self-survive, desires and wishes which don`t alow people to make movements they would like to do, and should do. No way to touch that area in rational way, so it could be changed just in indirect manner, with slow evolution, avoiding the most dangerous areas of human psycho.

My second wing of the Catamaran is specially designing for that purpose: a soft therapeutic changes in public field.

Both wings are working together in order to keep people safe and make better future through all of the changes.

Both wings seems so different so people could be misunderstand why I am doing it. That`s ok, that`s the design. Just needs an extra-care from me to keep mind strong and clear to think in so different ways at the same time. OK, I am doing it well.

Having my chance to remind you that book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb "Antifragile:  things that gain from Disorder".

All I am doing is targeted to gain Antifragile state for everyone.


#antifragile #taleb #order #disorder #art

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2015 Gallery`s opened!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 May 2015 at 10:49 PM No comments

2015 Gallery`s opened!

clic the pic

The Process`s s started: Art Olympia International 2015, Climate Change and PG Cat
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 May 2015 at 02:45 AM No comments

Today is the right time to reveal the beginning of the new story which will lead to great changes perfectly reflecting our time. For that strategy I participated Art Olympia 2015 International Open Art Competition Paris (for all Artists outside of North and South America and Japan) with my official Statement and works designed especially for that case in Fabriary 2015:


My Artist`s Statement:

We are living at the cutting edge of changes.  For the first time in history, human activities are changing the world in global scale. Big companies, governments, communities, cultures, local people and individuals - everyone faces the necessity of the transition from local to global interests. How it could be done? Now it`s time for new solutions! Time to integrate art and science in skillful, respectful collaboration and let them serve the global purposes together.

I am artist since I was 5 years old, also I am Master in Physics, Ph.D.Ecomony, have substantial experiences in business management same as volunteering in social projects.

I`ve developed a new concept of art which allows it to deepen it`s role in s human society. It is global aim,  which can serve for the sake of each country. It fits the UN Millenium development goals. With this power we can allow changes to progress in the most productive, sustainable way.
Two of my paintings was designes as the logical model of Universe: two subsystams, Objective and Subjective interferes with each others.
1 - The Big Picture- Climate Change and PG Cat
2 - The Small picture-PG Cat and ClimateChange
Look at the screen for my Artist Statement and the descriptions of the both of the paintings:

Just to note it briefly the first time, both are created in unusual technigue I developed to represent very new concept of information. (I`ll describe all the details a little bit later).

Now I am near to finish the majority of my innovations, prototyping it and then to collect all of relevant datas into the new direction of Arts as I wrote in my Statement. That`s my historical mission as others founders of new directions did. I am different from them just in one position: all I am doing have a good proved base by science approachs and a good moral position for constructive future in short and long run.

Just now I would like to show how collective subconsciousness work to write the screenplay of human history, and how we could read it by our possibilities.

Look at this. Confused Kitten, the new selebrity of Internet

It is just 8 months old and carry the same idea with the same face expression as my PG Cat. They both was born that Febriary. Confused by life changes PG Cat:

Our future is near.

We can read it. we can embodyment it the way we feel right. And the first people who do it became a historical figures, with names in history.

Historical forecast and back-casting, when we plan our future based on real today events and put our best efforts to make all we want to see, all we take as the right for us and our hairs.

Out-of-subject, subjective art is out-of-date, it lost it`s potential long ago. time to make historical changes for the sake of the best today and the best for tomorrow. Today it is the seeds I carry for the long years of my biography, years of education in science, business and arts, years of practice and communication, 16-hours per day work and insights.

I will make it spread to growth among young people who want changes, who have something new to say concerns the actual knowledge and life, trends, and to businessmen who have their ideas to be historically presented by arts in professional way, in good collaboration.

I want to make a new professional union between Arts, Science and Business to benefit with that new direction in arts every country.

That`s really important: by my global approach I always careDon`t attach me to the geography I am staying now, as well as to the country I was born by a chance.

Don`t apply to me sthereotypes and common roles. I am out all of it.

So now I have to say about things which is stable.

I am the person who cares about global process, I am a World Citizen accumulating the genetics by my body; education, soul search and mind set of East and West. Knowledge and meditation, religions and common sense, theory and pragmatic in practice. With all of my friends from all over the world.

And now, today I have the base to claim it clearly.

This is the way how true arts and Science works.

The process`ve started in official way. Stay with me and be the first who will benefit and win!

I am from Geek culture
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 May 2015 at 01:41 AM No comments

Obviously! Exectly!


Changes in Life: four faces of Buddha
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 April 2015 at 08:57 AM No comments

Sustainability means you are facing changes but never become fragile from it. It means flexibility under control and various of sensors to check what`s going on around. The best symbolic representative of that idea is that statue of Buddha with 4 faces.

Human feelings is our natural indicators to provide our internal  neuronetwork with data from outside and make our decisions. Stable, Joy, Sorrow and Anger represent on the statue reflect the one stable, antifragile centre of our human nature which has different surface reactions to keep in touch with the external movements. The point is to stay at the centre being sensitive in periferal. That`s why Buddhism is the Middle way, the most Antifragile idea which keeps you safe whatever it is.

Yesterday I was the conference about influence of Russian Avant-Garde to the world movement. it was several interesting reports, then I came to the  another exhibition and played some funny game.

Hello Merilyn, don`t be sad just take some chikolate and dance! smile

Hello,Ernest Miller  Hemingway, let`s describe what we are witnessing.

Win with you, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill!

Four faces of our reflection for the reality with one stable centre is the best Antifragile strategy, isn`t it?

Wish you to be stable, be flexible with one centre and be Antifragile!

Thank you for being with me!

Anna and 4 faces-Buddha




I`m just returned from Japanese flute Shakuhachi concert
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 April 2015 at 12:18 AM No comments

I`ve just from the club in which my favourite artists performed Shakuhachi music.

 Shakuhachi is the meditative flite designed for Japanese buddhists monks. Not easy to play and much more to feel right the gentle shadows of natural sounds and unusual rhytm of music. It was seria of ancient classical songs composed at the beginning of Japanese branch of Buddhism, also my friend, BambooWay performed his own music.

I love the way how that artists keep their art safe, which is not so easy in modern world. That music, well listened, causes brain processes of refreshment. I would like to say, it could be a good relaxation during business. The performance was accompanied with stories about the history of the Zen art and explanation about the music.

In addition BambooWay is the master who is creating Shakuhachi and other flutes from bamboo, he made me my Bansuri flute. In case you want it, here it is his site

Nature-In Project in Progress: some Experiments
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 April 2015 at 02:56 PM No comments

Ok, I am at the middle stage of prototyping for my Nature-In project. Everything should be tryed by experiments in every detail, because all things I want to show is new in technology and ideas. Not an easy thing, because this is no way to change something in case of a mistake.

The idea about Nature-In project cames to me last summer, while I was doing my Climate Change project  in my UK and Corfu trips.

It was a long run with filming, tryes, planning, all in rush, all new, based on my UN Sustainable development Education. So I wasn`t so free in attempts and design of the project, because it was required to make all connected with the scientific researchs of the subject.

Imagination screemed for reedom so I designed my Nature-In at the same time and made the first several prototypes with filming all of the process. Nature-In project is the part of the Sustainable development long run project, one of the most important subject for our future.

I am at the middle stage of prototyping now, ok, just to remind you what`s special for my Nature-In innovation: all of the special elements of the environments are naturally included in the painting, and I invented the conditions for Nature-In style: the place for painting should be distant and not an easy to access, certainly not painted by photos of others. In addition, the whole process should be video documented and well described.

Chemistry is also needs to be tryed. I want to try several mixtures with alum and other ingredients, in different proportions. As I have literary zero information about it, I am planing to ask my Chemist friend about the scientific base, then to try something spontaneously (as all ingredients are safe) and then to make a seria of attempts with the whole protocol for chemical experiments. I truly hope it will not be too much long because I found combination of arts and chemical strict protocols uncomfortable, rather annoying. But what to do? I should try several ways until I found the best one.

Seems easy but it is not so. I am not sure the way I`ve founded is the best and the most prospective for the next steps of the project so I have to make pauses regularly to prevent myself of tired-eye syndrome and from stupid mistakes.

The beginning of my Nature-In project described here here

Joking Imagination-2: Unexpectable Results of my Experiment
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 22 April 2015 at 03:11 PM No comments

Hello everybody, I`ve bought very new kind of rice paper and used the impuls of changes into an experiment. Impuls of changes comes to us when we found a new field of activity, that`s one of the most important natural laws for energy distribution.

Long ago, in my school time I read the "Pillow Book" by Sei Shonagon, 11-th century Japanese writer . The Pillow Book (枕草子 Makura no Sōshi?) is a book of observations and musings recorded by Sei Shōnagon during her time as court lady to Empress Consort Teishi (定子) during the 990s and early 11th century in HeianJapan. The book was completed in the year 1002. She wrote the story how her famous diary started: the Empress granted her with court-quality notebooks because it wasn`t required for the Emperor`s writing. Sei Shonagon wrote that she was presented with a pile of so good quality paper so she wrote on it everything from her life experience until she fulfilled the last notebook.

I perfectly understand her: paper and brush, ink and ink stone, as well as colors and canvas call a creative person into adventure nobody knows what it will be. So impressive, so rich of feelings, so full of energy such moments are! I love it. I seek it. That special kind of energy creates new possibilities in life, divine paths for future.

So, 2 days ago I bought a very special kind of rice paper, 8 big sheets, with description it can`t be stored more then 6-8 months. That`s because of the special surface which could be slowly degradate. So, I squize my old instinct to store it and started immideately without any ideas in order to allow everything to appear in free way.

A Chinese man appeared.

That moment I got the point, it was a strong wind and cold inside the picture.

Of course it happened because we had the terrible weather, a day ago snow fell again, cold strong wind and wet:

In 5 minutes we was oversnowed with real snow storm! Snow flight horisontally, right to the camera`s lenses! I couldn`t believe it happened so, just took my chance to shoot it:

So I realised, it was a strong snow in the picture, as well as cold, and the man was in old age. So I painted him some grey hair and snow just started to fall.

That moment I realized, he was a musician who came to that cliff in search of inspiration to express his feelings and mood. So I painted his musical instrument guqin (simplified/traditional: 古琴; pinyin: gǔqín) covered in the bagpack trevel case on his back:

The result of that soul travel was wonderful in many kinds: I expressed my own feelings about the terrible April weather (it seems  like February), tried new rice paper with all pleasure, and discovered something unexpectable new.

I thought the painting was ready until I understand the reason for the Old man to come to the lone cliff in that late time: he was drunk. As well as he catched a cold. As a small magic I expressed my disagreement with the weather by making his nose and lips more red to show how he was cold:

That`s the final result of the Unexpectable experiment with Joking Imagination:

Old Drunk Musician comes into snow and catched a cold:

The funny side of the story: by our terrible weather changes snow stopped, then fell then stopped again and now we are in hope the spring comes eventually:

Imagination is the real power we all are providing with.

New things and new ideas are the real power.

Use it. I wish you to catch the moment to sign your own freedom, honesty and possibility to use energy to build your own desired future!

Thank you for being with me!

Anna and her Joking Imagination who now have to be back to my painting work.

World Culture: Motivating Strategy Wallpaper by PG Cat
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 April 2015 at 10:33 AM No comments

Hello everybody, today I would like to present you Motivating Strategy wallpaper by PG Cat`s World Culture project. Our subject is time. Time is one of the rarest thing you unable to buy. And nobody can. Lifecycle is our preset law so the best thing to do is to know how it works in order to catch you best moment. (click the pic)

Speaking about how brain works, it is the objective periods of neuro-network specific activiy. In young period special hormones and neuromediators are producing by brain and body glandes. All are designed by nature to increase adaptation and to put inside more information to fix it in special neuro-chains. Mirror neurons form the special system to reflect and copy information in the most quick way. The whole body works for it. A lots of body energy are here to serve the nature. It will not be the same in the next periods so this is your natural deposit, a credit from Nature bank. As any credit, it needs to be processed correctly and put onto a business which will feed you for the rest of your life. That business in your own system of beliefs, knowledge, customs and aims.

That time the basic contrarity between human and animal parts of our neture appears.

It bases on the morphology of our brain so nobody could avoid it. The way to overcome and to use it for yourself is to process it carefully.

When all of glands and body systems work in boost moods, the only person who can put it into the right direction is you. Forming our aims we create own access to rule our life. Without aims and strategy the animal nature will rule, and nature is a cruel thing never care about individuals. Nature works in big numbers, in statistics, to nourish young in order to waste them after using (tha`s why animals in nature rarely growth into full lifetime age). That time animal part of our brains requires for a freedom (it seems as a freedom), and human nature requires to control own impulses and to learn how to be the best, to put aside animal impulses for the sake of you best human aims. This is the only way to success.

Having a good system of own plans, beliefs, nourishing progressive customs you became a CEO of your own life and gain all success. Appeasing animal impulses is the road to be enslaved and abandoned soon.

So people are different in their possibility to take control of their life.

Although it is not so pleasant to keep discipline for education, and obviously it is not easy to educate yourself, to learn how to think, it is the best way to win.

In our quick time changes it is so important to check and catch new possibilities to gain next step of development. Possibilities could be never available later, so everything you can do in time comes into your own neuro-network as the base of your future success. More, it constructs your life for the next periods of human Lifecycles and keeps your brain strong.

All things you are developing in early age is the base of neuro-network to process your future needs and gain success.

It worth to invest your time and to overcome internal resistance of animal nature and to harness it for your aims. Practically applied knowledge, revised experience and aims is the best investment, I am speaking it by my own experience.

That`s not just an opinion, this is how human brain works.

More wise inspiring wallpapers from World Culture project by PG Cat   download here

With my respect to the book by Nassim Nicholas Taleb "Antifragile: things that gain from Disorder". All I am doing is targeted to gain Antifragile state for everyone. Be successful with the best!

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